Friday, May 31, 2013

Misty Hollow’s new Tea Cup Fairy Homes

Misty Hollow Carving and Misty Hollow Digital Images
These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.
Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008
Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.
“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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Misty Hollow’s new Tea Cup Fairy Homes

Almost everyone has a tea cup or has had a tea cup at one time in life.  But sometimes we simply stop using tea cups.  Time rushes on and getting the fancy cups out takes time, making tea takes time too.  Serving and then sitting to enjoy tea quietly by yourself or with friends is something of the past.

Many people have fallen down in the tea making world and simply get a mug to serve tea in. My English relatives of long ago would simply roll over in their graves if they thought for one moment tea was being served in a mug.

But people have rid themselves of these ridiculous, dainty, little China Tea Cups.  Or when Mom passes away they dump the whole lot of these old cups. The cups end up at “Value Village” or other “Goodwill” stores. Sad but true.

Tea cups have memories that are amazing… if you listen close enough they will whisper to you… when the silver spoon is placed on the delicate saucer under the cup. Each time the cup is placed back on the saucer it whispers and giggles.  I have heard it and I know!

Fairies know that Tea Cups are special too.  After the cup is left alone in the garden or discarded at one point in its life – Fairies come to claim it for their own.

Working alongside of my Fairy Friends I have discovered what they like the best – a new home… in a Tea Cup.

This morning I would like to introduce to you Misty Hollow’s newest creation… or a series of creations.  Working closely with the tiny Fairies in our yard I have constructed new settings for the Fairy to live in.

Each night the Fairies have returned for their sleep in their new houses.  And more often for the Fairies that have worked all night… they softly land outside of their new house and quietly slip inside for a well-earned, day long nap.

Since I began designing the new homes for our Fairies, the demand has grown steadily.  Other friends of mine have now been bringing their treasured Tea Cups to have the artists of Misty Hollow to build new homes and settings for their Fairies to live in.

Enough said… the photos below will help everyone see more closely what the Fairies are so excited about.




~ Murray Lincoln ~

For your inspection
Digital Image from Misty Hollow
Crop Circles
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Thursday, May 30, 2013

The day I went blind and my life changed

Misty Hollow Carving and Misty Hollow Digital Images
These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.
Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008
Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.
“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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The day I went blind and my life changed

The morning schedule doesn’t vary much for me.  Get up, use the bathroom facilities and get ready for my first step… the computer work and my blogging.  It never changes much except if we are traveling and the early start makes it impossible and the routine is broken.

Now the setting that I work in is changing I know. I am getting older and the starting of a new day sometimes has a few more pains and the odd time body parts fail me… at least fail to begin working immediately.  All of you older folks know that well.

Further to set the scene for my post today, I am often confronted with accounts of people my age experiencing cataclysmic health issues. Things like an early morning heart attack, a sudden brain problem like a stroke or something worse with their vision.

Well the “cataclysmic” happened to me two mornings ago.  I have avoided telling my friends and have not called to ask for prayer (I believe in prayer) because I didn’t want to cause any concern.  And I didn’t wake my wife – it was too early!

I came from the bathroom and headed to my computer and looked at the screen… there was something terribly wrong with my vision. My right eye would not work properly at all.  The left eye was very good but the right vision was terribly blurred.  I moved closer to the screen and then further from the screen – and the vision was just as blurry.

I looked around the room to see if there was a difference.  Nope the same thing was happening – I couldn’t see well with my right eye.  Something terrible had happened inside my head. I just knew it. Worse yet my head and eyes began to hurt in a strange way… it was beginning to ache. “Oh no, not today!” was my first thought. “I have a ton of work to do on the computer and I need to see!” Panic was rising and my anguish was matching the panic.

“Maybe I should get my wife up and we can head to the hospital to get some kind of shot. If I am having the early warning signs of having a stroke, the shot that have available now will make the stroke affects far less. Maybe if that is done I will not be paralysed or worse yet lose my vision.” I thought over and over again.

As these thoughts flew through the room as well as around my brain… my eyesight worsened… the dull ache in my head became worse.  I was now in a full state of panic!

I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes… massaging them to make it all better.  I looked up and still the vision was not good and the pulling sensation in my eyes was worse on both sides now.  Oh God it is really happening! I am losing my vision!

I cannot tell you all of the hundreds of thoughts that raced through my mind in those moments of panic.  I thought of the carvings that I had promised people… they would not get done. I thought of the orders for my art work… these would not be filled. I thought of my own driving and the fact that it might all be over soon!!! I thought away too much.

Rubbing my aching eyes again I reached for my glasses. Oh NO! I put the glasses on and the problem seemed worse. The left eye came into perfect vision again and the right was useless!

I pulled my glasses off again and discovered that the right lens had fallen out sometime during the night…maybe just after I put them down on the table and laid my book on top of the glasses!

There was no lens in the right side! No wonder I was nearly blind on that side!!!

I started to laugh and then I told myself how stupid I was for the PANIC and the silly thoughts.

Oh boy.

For the last two days I have carefully laid my glasses down with nothing on top of them.  I have been checking each morning to see if the lens is there. And the morning that this happened I took the glasses to the man at the eye wear place and he fixed them. 

Oh boy – Oh boy double over!!!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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Digital Image from Misty Hollow
Crop Circles
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Forming the next great movement in Peterborough – to prevent parking fines

Misty Hollow Carving and Misty Hollow Digital Images
These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.
Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008
Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.
“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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Forming the next great movement in Peterborough – to prevent parking fines

In the “Kingdom of Peterborough” we have a particularly nasty place to be engaged by ‘Officialdom’. That place in the Professional Medical Centre on Charlotte Street where it changes to Clonsilla.  It is the place my Mom’s Doctor has his office.

The parking meters at the north side of the Centre are only 30 minute meters.  Meaning that it will only allow you to spend 30 minutes of time in that spot before they give you a parking ticket.

Can you imagine?

Now in order for a ticket to be giving out the meter will have to expire.  And the parking folk will have to be there when the expiry takes place. I have parked in this area along with other seniors that have to park here.  That isn’t really true though… they could park in the lot and pay the $5 for parking compared to the meter parking of about 50 cents.  But what senior would waste good coffee money on a meter or in a parking lot when you can hover there waiting for your mate to get her blood tests done – or whatever.

You will already see where I am going with this one. No spouse or patient ever goes into a Medical office for only 30 minutes!  Getting to the waiting room takes 15 minutes for most people.

Well hovering around this block or the 30 minute parking meters are the ‘parking police’ – or dedicated parking meter readers that buzz in to sting whoever they can. They don’t walk here they drive around and around the building to try catch people.

Now think of the costs that are involved in this City of Peterborough endeavor to catch dirty, rotten criminals. And then think of the general cost to the whole of the health care system.

There is first the cost of this man or woman who is driving car all day trying to catch the expired meter culprits. Then the cost of the vehicle that is constantly running as it zooms in and around the perimeter waiting for the flash of “Time up”!

Now add the increased costs of higher blood pressure and a racing heart beat as the parking culprit with the almost to expire meter… ticking down. Caught in the slow moving senior’s line inside the Medical Centre the heart rate and blood pressure increases. The doctor then has to prescribed medicine to bring down these two lethal problems for the senior… and the medication that the senior then buys is paid for by the same Government.  But added to that is the cost of the Doctor’s time and his billing to the Government for his seeing of the over stressed patient with the high blood pressure and heart racing problems.

Whoa! Can you see what one silly parking meter has caused and one City Parking Meter buzzard has done – just to make sure that each person’s meter is plugged properly?!?

That one action may have caused an additional $200 to $1000 per year to the system – per old person!  All of that to make sure that the City gets its 50 cents each half hour!

I came across a story of a group of people in calling themselves “Free Keene”.  They act like kind of a Robin Hood group. They follow the parking fine people and swoop in to plug the meter when it expires – just before the meter dude can write the ticket… thus no extra income for the City.  They have saved the residents of Keene thousands of dollars in fines by keeping meters full.  And they likely have reduced the blood pressure and heart rates – thus the medical costs by a million bucks.

Way to go “Free Keene”!

What a great new way for the Squeegee Kids to make a buck or two.  Don’t you think a panic stricken senior might tip a young man for saving him having to pay $15 fine because his meter ran out?  I do and I would.

Now maybe it could be a senior that might do the meter plugging bit… and make a little cash for him or herself. Hmmm?

But my guess is that a group of senior men just might have some fun watching the parking meter buzzards not give anyone any tickets.  And it is exercise to boot walking up and down that block to plug the meters, having fun messing with the City and saving others from fines.

But there is a cost to the seniors isn’t there. Yes I guess there would be. But when you balance that out against the happiness factor and the great work that is done… it would pay off in the long run.

The old guy that does the meter plugging would have a happy wife because he is not home all the time driving her nuts too… more help to lower blood pressure and heart rates… and less divorce of older couple (less murder too?).

Now there you have it.  A truly inspired ‘make work project’ that lowers health risks and increases benefits for everyone.

I wonder if my “helpers”, fellow meter pluggers, might consider wearing a costume of some sort… a blue outfit with a red cape?  Hmmm?

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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Digital Image from Misty Hollow
Crop Circles
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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Maintaining a Merry Heart is good medicine

Misty Hollow Carving and Misty Hollow Digital Images
These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.
Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008
Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.
“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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Maintaining a Merry Heart is good medicine

La La La…  skipping across my yard with my fingers in my ears… loving the flowers and grass.  Yep – fingers in my ears so I can’t hear about the problems.  Nope it doesn’t work but it made me feel better when I laughed at myself.

And that is my point today. When the laughter stops so does life that is worth living.

A young man sat with me the other evening and poured out his stuff. He wasn’t laughing… and hadn’t laughed for a long time. Relationships had been bad and losses for him had been great.  But together we laughed a little.

My Workshop has a small bit of laughter tucked away inside. I keep it bottled up in me personally and somehow try to squeeze it in to the conversation.  It is my “merry heart”… and for the most part that is why people come for a little bit of it… so they feel a wee bit better.

Another great possibility is just beginning to unfold…WOW!  I can be a Presbyterian for one day here and there.  Another church has been looking at us to come to help from time to time as a Pastoral change is happening for them.  I grinned from ear to ear.

Someone sent a ridiculous email that made me burst out laughing… that was fun.

I flipped over to YouTube and was delighted by the most insane video ever.  But then I found 5 more before I had to get on with life. I laughed out loud to myself and loved it.

Why do these things? Why look at things that are funny? Why bother?

Well my own “merry heart” needs some recharging… and there is no better way to have that happen, than with a good joke.

I remember my Dad who used to be filled with hundreds of Reader’s Digest stories and jokes.  He would pop them out every once in a while when no one expected them… then laugh like crazy.  Why did that happen?  I think that the amount of things that he carried personally and the stuff he had to deal with almost overwhelmed him at times. As I think back I know some of the stuff he had to deal with.  He didn’t run away but rather made sure that his “merry heart” was still merry.

Learning to laugh has been invaluable. Keeping the laughter going has been priceless. Building the laughter again has taken time.

Thanks Dad.  I can see now what you gave me by way of example.  What you gave me is worth a million bucks this week… or maybe a billion bucks.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

For your inspection
Digital Image from Misty Hollow
Crop Circles
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Monday, May 27, 2013

Dealing with Abuse in the Work Place and in a Senior’s Life

These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.
Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008
Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.
“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.
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Dealing with Abuse in the Work Place and in a Senior’s Life
I thought that if I just listened to one person, maybe by this person’s talking about their problem, the problem would go away.  You know… just not get involved.  Maybe the people involved would smarten up.  Maybe if I didn’t know about it, it would work itself out.
Was I ever wrong! The problem has not gone away and has not cleared up – but gotten worse.
In the recent past…
If you followed the posting I do on this Blog you will know that I just installed some pieces of “art” at a The Gates Gallery in Brighton. You may know also that the “art” is about Seniors. It is Senior’s stories put into pieces that I created.
You will also know that instead of the pieces of “art” staying in the Gallery, I am removing them this week. There has been some problem with the booking of shows – or something. I am not really sure of what it is all about.
Yesterday I wrote about my past problems with Arts Councils and what it makes me feel like. I have had the same feelings all over again… as I pointed out.
Oddly enough this experience from the past, together with the brand new set of events that I am being drawn into is woven together. It is complicated.
I explained in one post the fact that the stories that I placed into the “art” are real.  And I explained that I had to deal with the stories of emotional upset and turmoil in the lives of Seniors that I listened to or families that I had to deal with.  The “art” for that reason is alive and it speaks to people in a huge way.
Sorry – this explaining myself has pulled me away from the account that I must give today…
Today… a new problem… and a new piece of “art”
Yes it is true through this confusion and upset around me I have become blatantly aware of more abuse and yet another Senior’s story.
As I said earlier, I did not want to get involved. I had been extracted from dealing with these issues by way of retirement. I had escaped having to listen to people. My retirement had removed me from the official responsibility that I once had.  I am not paid to listen anymore… and in the past I had to listen as a full time minister. Now the new guy can have all the problems – I am free of them all!
So I thought.
I have come across another story that I must tell… in another piece of art.  But how will I do it?
What I am seeing… and hearing
The young man sat with me in my carving workshop. His whole countenance was heavy. He had poured out his heavy story… then asked me a horrible question, “So what do I do about this?”
My reaction was boiling up inside from the old professional days… “You absolutely have to call for help from the authorities. You may have to call the police and maybe some others to get an assessment done.  There has to be an intervention done and it has to be done soon.” I said with all the authority of the days of being a full time minister.
I wished that I didn’t need to say that kind of thing. I wished at that moment that I did not and would not have been drawn into this mess. I wished I had not answered the Text Message the young man had sent me… asking if he could come over and talk about something serious. I wished…
But now I was involved.  A Senior lady was being abused by some of the family members and the other family members were terribly aware of what had been going on ever since their Dad had died. In fact as they looked back on all that had happened, the abuse had been there long before Dad had died. These people had been abusing Dad and Mom. But Dad and Mom had been helpless to speak out or know what to do to get help. In fact they likely didn’t even know that they needed help after having sunk so low health wise and in the state they were mentally.
Dad and Mom had three kids.  An older daughter, a son next and then younger daughter.  The older daughter is in her 60s, the son still in his late 50s and the youngest is trailing in her later 40s.
Through a change in life’s circumstances the oldest daughter had moved back in with her husband to Dad and Mom’s home. They live in the basement.  The reasoning for doing this was simple. There was no place to live after the other job was gone. And Dad and Mom now needed more care. They moved in to become the care givers.
The son visited his parents often but was not able to care for them as they grew older and had more needs. With his sister making this decision he now could see help coming for them.
The youngest daughter’s husband works in the “health care industry” taking care of old people professionally.
His wife doesn’t want to cause any trouble but what she was seeing when she visited Dad and Mom was not good. She saw that they were not getting the help they needed. Each visit became harder as this elderly couple were showing more evidence of serious problems – and no one was dealing with it.
Should I mention here that the oldest daughter and her husband do not pay any rent for their fixed up basement suite?  Likely the caregiving is considered payment for what they should be doing.
Dad died in the hospital after a short stay.  That was after the youngest daughter called the ambulance to take him to the hospital.  His health conditions had deteriorated so far that he was in a serious state. Nothing that was done at home was working for him.  The state of affairs he was in was being ignored – or simply not seen by his care givers.  And it is likely the case, the lack of care contributed to his earlier demise.
“We all miss Dad” came the choked words of the young man in my workshop, “but now we have a new problem with Mom.  It is horrible.  The whole house smells like urine.  It is dirty and nothing is being done to keep it clean. Worse yet they won’t listen to what we try to tell them is wrong.  My wife is beside herself with what her sister is not doing for Mom. She goes over on Sunday mornings to be with her Mom while her sister and husband are away doing church things. What should we do?  We don’t want to cause problems but this can’t go on!”
God I hate listening to things that I can do nothing about!
I spoke to the son after listening to the son-in-law.  He didn’t really want to talk to me but his level of frustration showed up shortly after we met.  He gave me another example of what he saw in the last few weeks.
“I bake things for Mom. I have the time and I love baking.  I baked some fresh cookies and took them over. The door was locked and no one would answer the door. They couldn’t hear me knocking on the door because my sister was yelling so loud at Mom. She was screaming and I could hear it outside.” Tears came to his eyes as he told me his stories of what he has witnessed.
Then I remembered that the son-in-law had told me that when his wife tried to speak to her sister’s husband – the guy had yelled at her and belittled her for trying to interfere. The word screaming had been used as well.
How do I not get involved?  And what do I do with the story that is in front of me?
“Mom” will die in the near future just from old age. “Mom” may die sooner if the potential infections take her after living in a filthy house and have little or no care!  Should I care? Maybe I can pass it on to someone else – and it will be their problem?
The “art” that is coming to me now… is a piece that will have a pile of adult diapers brought into a pile. I will make them looked soiled and discarded beside a full pile of new ones that are much bigger and more.  The title is simple for this one.  “Susan wouldn’t change Mom’s disposable underwear… she hated that job. And Mom has to sit in it or do it herself…”
Oh God… I hate abuse!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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Digital Image from Misty Hollow
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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Margaret C and The Gates Gallery in Brighton Ontario

Misty Hollow Carving and Misty Hollow Digital Images
These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.
Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008
Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.
“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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Margaret C and The Gates Gallery in Brighton Ontario

I was just informed last evening that the Brighton Gates Gallery has discontinued my art show a little early. Too bad and a little disappointing to say the least.  Next week I will extract the work and move it back home.

It appears that there has been a double booking of some sort… or internal politics of some sort… who knows???

Flash back...
Oh boy… what a flash back for me.  In fact the flash back is to the year 1992 and a Gallery in Yorkton, Saskatchewan that saw “flames” of the same sort take place in their effort to reach out to the community.  Artists were waiting with very good shows and one person blew it all up.

(I am not certain about Brighton and The Gates Gallery… nor what might have happened.)

Why would one person get away with it?  How could it happen? In Yorkton’s case I am sure it was pure and simple jealousy.  In fact I was suspicious of that when it happened and even more convinced when I witnessed the incidents that followed.

Who would do such a thing?  The name in Yorkton’s case was dear “Margaret C”.  Margaret C fancied herself as an “artistic person know it all”. Nope she couldn’t paint, draw or create anything at all. But she knew people who did… and she knew people in the creative world that she schmoozed with.  She knew actors, actresses and directors of movies etc.  She hobnobbed in the elite circles of the Artistic World of Art Patrons that had money to splash around.  She knew people that were the controllers of all things artistic in the larger community of the Prairie.  They were People that came out for large cocktail parties, acted phony as all get out, and stood in front of the art work for photographs to be taken of them. They were called “Patrons”. People that knew nothing about Art and couldn’t draw a Stick Man but thought they were the Cat’s Meow – were more likely the Cat’s other end.

Margaret C was a piece of something else.  Margaret C had British roots – everyone knew that. And having that kind of heritage she flaunted it as well.  Her artistic abilities – or at least what she thought she had were away above what he local Riffraff possessed.  The local Riffraff being Ukrainian, Rumanian and Aboriginal people that painted silly things of their culture – or whatever they did in “that other culture”. Yep Margaret C was a piece of work – and that “piece” was not in the artistic sense!

Margaret C was a pain in the Cat’s other end… and a real problem in the Gallery as well as to all local artist’s community.

How do I know all this?  Well I was a volunteer on the Gallery Board of Directors, the folk that were in the know of what was happening in the art world.  More than that we had moved from the Toronto area – making us somewhat valuable as a new outsider – inserted into the local Riffraff’s world.  At least that is what Margaret C seemed to imply when she took me aside to recruit me for the position.

Actually Margaret C was in need of an ally to move the vote her way when she acted out in her nutsy way.  And I guess she assumed that I would follow her anywhere if she gave me the opportunity to “serve” on the elite Gallery Board of Directors.

I cannot share the whole story of all Margaret C’s goings on. It would simply sound ridiculous I am sure. But I can share that when I felt like walking away from the stupid things Margaret C did and said on the Board of Directors… the other Board of Director members begged me to stay on… and not be thrown by Margaret C’s antics.  I was caught in the middle of it all and it made me sick!!

Valuable staff quit – or were fired because of Margaret C getting her way. I mean if it wasn’t done Margaret C would walk away and then what would the poor Gallery do without any connections with the big world outside the little Gallery.

What a bunch of Bull Crap!  On the prairie they use other words for things like this!!!  They call it “Government”… they call it “Ottawa”… and they will have little to do with it.

And that was the way it was in the community. Everyone knew about Margaret C and what she was like.  And every one of the Riffraff avoided that place called the Gallery.

Flash back!  Hokey Mokey – double over. A Margaret C flash back!

Now I don’t know about Brighton’s case but after a while you start getting the same old vibes… and it smells funny all over again.

Back to Saskatchewan again… and Margaret C…
I did quit and get away from the stupidity… and my reason that I gave was that my plan was again to begin producing my art. I needed time to produce my pieces of art with less and less time for the Board of Directors. Not true but it worked.

I did enter the next Art Competition – a juried show and won hands down. My work blew people away.  It was then automatically propelled from the local gallery and became the local community’s entry in the Provincial Competition… and at that highest level it won again.  It had so moved people that they often stood wiping tears from their eyes – or walked away with a very sober look on their faces.

The Art Patrons that Margaret C associated with were blown away… and asked if any of the show pieces were for sale. They asked what my next plans were for what I had done. One of largest galleries in Western Canada had their curator at the show. She asked me to contact her when the show was complete… and they would consider showing my work.  That was the high moment in my life.

Margaret C beamed with pride as she introduced me as an artist from her community.  Bull Crap!

Fast Forward to The Gates in Brighton…
The show that had won the accolades way back then… is now the one in The Gates…in Brighton.  And would you or could you have thought that a ruckus would come from yet another showing.  Nope I am not sure that I was the reason… or that my art work was the reason… but I am sure that Margaret C is involved somewhere – or maybe her ghost is.


~ Murray Lincoln ~

For your inspection

Digital Image from Misty Hollow

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