Do you remember your first day of school when you were little… maybe the very first day…? or maybe a first day in a new school? Remember the apprehension and anxiety?
Now… next – flip over to another time. You are the parent and you are walking your son or daughter to school for the very first time. They are excited about their new adventure – and maybe even scared, holding back a little. Do you remember the feelings that you had that day when you waited all day for the kids to come home – wondering how they were doing?
Now place these two feelings together and you will be able to understand what happened yesterday in my small world.
My mom and I played out this scenario all over again. It was a flash back BIG TIME!
About 59 years ago she walked me to school. I didn’t really want to go. I was the oldest of the three kids and was the first chosen to plod the way off to a new school. Then it happened again at a new school two years later… I didn’t want to change schools.
Mom had to walk to school to get me – because I was “sick” in the nurse’s office…crying and carrying on… wanting to simply go home that day! Yikes that feeling suddenly rushed back over 57 years and shook me again.
The role reversal has taken place. I am 64 years old – mom is now 87 – soon to be 88 years old. Together we walked out to the vehicle on a cold winter’s day and readied ourselves for the journey to the very old school… built well over 100 years ago.
The school is the home of “Activity Haven” a wonderful program for Seniors in our community. Mom was enrolled now for her first day at the senior’s program.
On the way she wasn’t sure about taking this much effort to get there and making me take time to get her to the old school. She wasn’t sure what it was all about… but was excited at the same time.
As we pulled up to the school there was apprehension about her staying for the whole morning – four hours to be exact. I wondered if she would be okay. Would she make the needed friends? Would she want to go back again – or would she simply want to stay home next week?
We walked together up the ramp. We entered the huge doors of the ancient school. The well worn banisters and the worn walls declared the age of this building. And all the “students” were around mom’s age or older. WOW!
The new “teacher” met us at the door to welcome mom. She then took down my telephone number in case they needed to call.
As I walked away my mom was pushing her walker into the large class room. Other ladies came to meet her. One said, “Hi my name is Anne, what’s your name?” I called out, “See you later mom…” but she was already inside and talking to others.
Four hours later I returned to pick mom up. She was inside watching a movie with the other “kids”.
When she came out of the class room one of her fellow class mates was fussing over finding her boots. Her son was struggling to find the right pair of boots. His mom couldn’t remember which ones were hers. I heard her tell him, “I’ll try this pair. They look like they will fit okay.” They were too big from what I could see… but she wore them home. (The other person missing these boots would likely have to squeeze into something smaller.) The last I heard him say was, “Mom we will have to mark your name in your boots next week!”
On the way home…
Mom described the program. One lady in the class is deaf. The teachers both can communicate with her by sign language. So to help everyone new in the class, mom and her fellow students, started learning sign language too.
They talked about lots of things, including going through the local newspaper and some of the events that were taking place. But most important mom made new friends and is looking forward already to next week.
The Rush…
59 years ago mom picked me up at school and listened to me bubble over with the stories of what happened that day. Yesterday she did the same to me.
I am not sure how I should feel. Good? A loss? Excited? Hopeful?
For almost two years mom has waited to meet new friends. Now she is ready and she is excited and she can’t wait for School next week.
Oh boy… I am getting old… or something. One thing for sure – this is a touching moment shared by only a few.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Photo source.
What a Beautiful Story--it touches every-one's heart.
And Good on You Murray.
Pulled at my heart as I remembered taking my own children to school for the first time...... and then thought of my own parents and how in many ways..... I am where you are. It's a very interestingly strange.... not always welcome feeling, but am so blessed to be able to help them.
It's great that "Mom" is willing and able to go and do something new!!
Reminds me of my Dad!!
Enjoy your new class "Mom"!
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