Sunday, November 1, 2015

My New Zombie Carvings - Zombie Parts - November 1, 2015

My New Zombie Carvings - Zombie Parts - November 1, 2015

Each week I locate myself at a local downtown Mall - the Peterborough Square - in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada(north East of Toronto).  That happens on Wednesday from 10 AM to 4 PM.  During that time I meet many customers for my wood carving business.  Some are old customers. Some are New Potential Customers who are looking for a unique gift of some kind.

Traditionally Wood Carvers are known for their ability to carve some form of Wild Life. Critters like Ducks or Bears are very popular for a certain kind of customer. However, not everyone is interested in Wild Life.  After they have purchased one Duck or Bear, they do not need or want a second one.

Over these past years I have discovered that Fairies and Fairy Houses are very popular as well.  A certain kind of customer that has an interest on Fairies - will want Fairies.  But these people are not interested in Ducks or Bears - or Wild Life of any kind.

Then there are the Cat Lovers and Dog Lovers - and Pet Lovers of all kind - who do not want Wild Life or Fairies.

You can see that trying to offer as many kinds of carvings as there are Interests - is nearly impossible.  When asked if I do an "unusual kind" - something new or weird or different from the normal world - it is easier to answer when asked one of these questions - "Nope.  I only do "Ducks" or "Wild Life" or whatever.

Most carvers answer that way.  What they offer is what you should be interested in. Plain and Simple they are the center of the Universe - not the customer!

WELL..... not long ago I had a really weird question asked of me.  Are you ready for the question?  Here is is....
"Do you carve Zombies or Zombie stuff?"

Whoa!  Hadn't been asked that one before.  But it was asked a few times after that.

It seems that the present population is interested in the walking dead... scary people... spooky sights and sounds with weird stuff mixed in!!!

But what kind of Zombie Stuff do they want?  Gaging from customer and their apparent income level - mid to late 20s - the 30 somethings and some teenagers - larger carvings of a full zombie may not be something they would want. However something small that they could either wear of have on their desk at work - might just be the kind of thing they want.

So I started carvings Zombie stuff - and Zombie Parts.  You will see the initial group in the photos below.

Judging from the initial reactions I have connected to another group that is totally different from the other folks. They may be children or grandchildren or Wild Life lovers, Cat Lovers and Dog Lovers.  Who knows?!  But they love weird stuff.

Guess what?  You cannot carve a Bad Zombie part. The more "bad" they are the more they love them. As long as it looks like something that came from a Zombie - or off a Zombie - you have a winner.

Enough typed in words. Here are the photos that you can view better the Zombie Parts.

These will be posted to "Pinterest" as well as my Facebook Page for Misty Hollow Carving at

Enjoy - or be grossed out - either way I have succeeded. ;-)

One more item - that is new to me - 
and maybe the even the weird world...

Meet "Frank N Stein" - a cool green necklace pendant ...
(In front of my Harry Potter styled wands)

Monday, August 3, 2015

Exploding Color - Doodle 66 ) August 3, 2015

Exploding Color - Doodle 66 - August 3, 2015

Still another completed Doodle - working with Photoshop and its bright colors.

I used a Pattern from my Pinterest Board - "
Doodling and Doodles" this is the result...
Original design from... 
I love the Exploding Color.

Murray Lincoln

For more information about Misty Hollow and how to contact me... see the following...

Misty Hollow Carving  

Facebook for Misty Hollow Carving 
Twitter @misty_hollow
Misty Hollow Web Site is

Pinterest - Murray Lincoln

Doodling on the Lazy Days of Summer - 244 Blossoms on a Tree

Doodling on the Lazy Days of Summer - 244 Blossoms on a Tree - August 3, 2015

Just completed a Doodle - or Doodling over the past three warm days.

Sitting down by the Little Lake in the middle of Peterborough, Ontario (Canada), with a cool breeze blowing on hot summer days - there is no better place to be.

There are 244 Blossoms on my imaginary tree... I counted them all after drawing the picture.

Why Doodle and Color?  It is just about the most relaxing thing I could do.  The stress flows out in the breeze and peace sweeps in. The world continues to rush by, but time stops for me. Soothing... peaceful and alone.

Murray Lincoln

For more information about Misty Hollow and how to contact me... 

see the following...

Misty Hollow Carving  

Facebook for Misty Hollow Carving 

Twitter @misty_hollow
Misty Hollow Web Site is

Pinterest - Murray Lincoln

Monday, July 6, 2015

Two Eagle Feathers just completed - July 6, 2015

Two Eagle Feathers just completed
Just completed two Eagle Feathers - carved from Pine. 

Commissioned for a Customer in Ontario with one going to Alberta. 

Each has a small Blackfoot insignia on its base - ordered for Blackfoot aboriginals. 

(Note in Canada they are known as the Blackfoot - in the USA they are the Blackfeet - interesting small tidbit of info for me - who has a tiny bit of Aboriginal DNA which was/is likely Iroquois or Shawnee - south of Lake Erie)

The following three photos show the side views and a little more profile

Friday, June 26, 2015

My Small Rocking Chair with Pyrography is now COMPLETE!

My Small Rocking Chair with Pyrography is now COMPLETE! June 25, 2015

I began doing the pyrography work on this small rocking chair on May 5, 2015 - 51 days ago.

I didn't work on it everyday but I did put 62 hours of intense design and burning!  It has been a work of love and will be handed down in our family over the years to come.

Value?  Working at $20 per hour = $1240.... which is why it would never sell

I place the photos here first and then will publish them to Misty Hollow Facebook Pages and finally to Pinterest.

Yes you are welcome to copy and print the photos as you like. Simply "Right Click" on the photo and then "Save As" to your computer or Flash Drive/Memory Stick.

My contact information is below if you needed further information.  I would love to hear from you!

Murray Lincoln
Misty Hollow Carving

For more information about Misty Hollow and how to contact me... see the following...

Misty Hollow Carving  

Facebook for Misty Hollow Carving 
Twitter @misty_hollow
Misty Hollow Web Site is

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Part Two - My NEW Pyrography - on a Child-size Rocking Chair

Part Two - My NEW Pyrography - on a Child-size Rocking Chair - May 31, 2015

Here is my second posting on the progress of my Child-size Rocking Chair... doing the back of the chair.

First I laid out the design, distributing the Flower Designs evenly but with a variety shown.  Spacing for me is important as well as the designs are placed on the wood. BTW this is done by using a simple graphite pencil with fine lines making it easier to erase if I wish to remove my lines.

I have taken shots to show you how the work progresses.

As to the fumes and smoke that is produced I have a small fan blowing away from the work... taking the smoke away.  Blowing away also helps to not reduce the heat produced at the tip of my burning tool.

Take a look....

Next series of photos show the step by step progress as the burning continued.

I should have timed myself... but I do watch TV and when good parts of the program come on I stop burning... 

Step by Step... the first photo are of the upside down design... which I did to make it easier to reach the burning area.

Beginning the second back support - the lower one - still in upside down position

Next shots are right-side up...