Friday, November 30, 2012

Mayor Rob Ford – the NHL Lockout and other Nutso Stories

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Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008
Misty Hollow Digital Images was launched on September 26, 2012.
“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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Mayor Rob Ford – the NHL Lockout and other Nutso Stories
Someone will say that I need a dose of my article of yesterday – today. I am sure of that.

I read the news for today and came up afterward a little down.  No kidding.

The NHL Players and Owners walked away from the hopeful settlement with a top mediator.  

Looks like folk over on that front will not have such a good Christmas. Young hockey players that were making mega bucks may move back to the farm or little towns that they came from – to work at something else.  Oh oh – adult children will be moving back home soon. That is like an incoming drone over a battlefield.  Who knows what will happen when Junior has to get a job after his hockey shut down?

Mayor Rob, poor guy, has been forced to pay out more legal fees with the filing of a stay on the decision that the Judge offered a few days ago. I think he is trying to appeal the whole ridiculous decision that has put him out of office.  Poor guy.  Of course like every good legal firm they, whoever they are, are smiling because this nutso event could help their bottom line by the end of the year.

Hey I know what is going on at that legal firm whoever they are. I watch “The Good Wife” like lots of other people to get the scoop on the poop in legal firms. You know who is manipulating who and who is sleeping with whoever or trying to and is being refused.

You know – it is like being able to watch, “The Doctors” on TV and you get all that wonderful medical advice. Or maybe Doctor Oz the genius with lumps of fat and heart problems – I am simply guilty to death after he points out my problems for the whole world to see.

Maybe poor Mr. Mayor Rob Ford needs to set aside more time from the city council to catch up on the health related TV shows.  He spends far too much time in city council as it is – kind of anyway… I think???

Maybe Dr. Phil could help the NHL when he sits them on the stage and looks at their quivering face… little tears forming in the corner of their eyes… and Dr. Phil states to the NHL Players… “I have news for you, the whole world doesn’t revolve around you!” at which time the camera can pan in close and see the tear fall down the poor young millionaire’s face.

Then in the next week we can see Dr. Phil address the $Gazillionaire$, the owners of the NHL Team, and point to the fact that in their generation they all had issues with their parents that are or were unresolved.  And that they all need to attend one of his backstage, off camera sessions to get to their issues.

I mean – maybe Dr. Phil can do something – the President of the USA tried to subtly suggest that they should get their act together.

The news today is at the point of funny.  All these poor people struggling to keep their empires and fighting over dollars.  And in every city there are people that will have no Christmas like I will. 

Hungry kids around the world will die today. 

And the Middle East conflict is allowed to crap all over each other… killing and maiming way too many people… over the fact that they hate each other. 

Simple hate drives most of what we see… and greed follows.

Zik Ziglar I need some wisdom from your playbook today. Oh Boy.

Today I know one thing… are you ready for this…?

Today is the Last Day of November 2012 – I will never have another one like it.

~ Murray Lincoln ~
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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Arthur Wilkins and Ziz Ziglar passed away yesterday

These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.
Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008
Misty Hollow Digital Images was launched on September 26, 2012.
“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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Arthur Wilkins and Ziz Ziglar passed away yesterday
Two giants in my life passed away at nearly the same time on the same day. Both giants had a deep effect on my own life.

One of the men lived in Peterborough, Ontario and the other in Dallas Texas. Both were teachers of kind of renowned fame.

The one in Peterborough was a gentle man, his name was Art Wilkins.  He had been a Pastor in his early career and then later better known for his many years of teaching in a Theological College where he influenced many, many young ministers.

The one that lived in Dallas Texas was a dynamic man that the world followed. His words and thoughts were perhaps the most positive – ever. He was a salesman starting off, was promoted to management and eventually to a special role in motivational training. From there on his books and seminars – or places that he spoke became nothing short of amazing.

His name was Hilary Hinton Ziglar – but is better known as Zik Ziglar.

Arthur Passed away at 90 and Zik went at 86.

I complete this salute today by posting all the Facebook slides that Zik Ziglar offered my world. I have enjoyed these over the past few years and I offer them here as a tribute to both men.

Thank you Arthur Wilkins for what you did for me… and also Zik Ziglar for your impact on me when I needed it most.  Both of you were strong Christian men and examples of how I should live!

~ Murray Lincoln ~
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Angus T. Jones tells the TV Show to stick it – then apologizes - whoa

These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.
Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008
Misty Hollow Digital Images was launched on September 26, 2012.
“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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Angus T. Jones tells the TV Show to stick it – then apologizes - whoa
For years I have witnessed the conflict between the ‘Church’ and ‘Hollywood’. It was evident that the content of many Movies and Television collided with the church’s standards.  Over all the years the two have coexisted side by side. The ‘Churchmen’ stopped taking on the “Hollywood men”. It was an endless battle that no one would win.

There was time when Church People would never darken the door of a Theatre let alone have TV in their home.  But that time is long gone.

You need to know as you read this over that I used to be a ‘Churchman’ working in churches and holding the standard high.  I still know the standard but am not having to be a ‘standards policeman’ inside the church.

But this morning a story caught my eye out of Hollywood.  It seems that the battle is on again between the two factions… church and TV…!

It happened when young Angus T. Jones challenged the system and tried to walk away.  Angus is only 19 years old. And he has been one of the ‘stars’ of the “Two and a Half men” or better now known as “Men”.

And people are in a flap because of what Angus has done. It seems that Angus has got religion and has a new found Faith.  And in this new Faith Position Angus has openly decried the TV show that he is acting as “filth”.

With his open declaration using YouTube he addressed millions of fans that have followed him and the show.  Then the video was pulled.

Well… can you imagine?!  The TV Show people have been all over the dude and so have reporters.  How dare he have an opinion about something that is so… vital to TV??!!!

First off I want to say, not acting as ‘standards police’ within the church or outside… taking the role completely away from what I am about to say… the TV Show is crap… filth and I wouldn’t want my grandkids watching this kind of thing - AT ALL.  I personally skip it whenever it appears on my TV screen and move on by to something less corrupted… for my own sake.

And the TV Empire knows that it is not good… and sells it as not good openly and honestly.  They are very honest about the fact that one man on the show sleeps with anyone he can. It is very honest that the other man wishes he could do what the other guy does (and sometimes actually beds a beauty).  It is also very honest that a smart mouth kid lives in this kind atmosphere… and that the kid is quick witted and smart… knowing more than his own father about women and sex.

I may not have caught the entire drift of what happens on this TV Show – because I DO NOT LIKE IT NOR DO I WATCH IT!

No Angus has stood up to what he feels he no longer can take… and he is walking away.

The reported $350,000 contract that he has and is paid per episode will be over in a few months.  Angus is walking away from that.

What a contrast for the show.  But I bet you that they pick up on this and show Angus getting religion and joining a cult of some sort… having a hoot over the religious nut cases that have stolen the character from TV.

In the one article that I read it stated that – quote
“ ‘Two and a Half Men’ teen actor angus T. Jones, who caused a media furor by calling his own show “filth,”  apologized on Tuesday for disrespecting the creator, cast and crew of the raunchy TV Comedy.” End quote.

Can you imagine apologizing to all these important people for telling the truth about what they already know!!?

As I read this over I can hardly believe what this 19 year old has done.  He couldn’t take it anymore and walked away – but made lots of noise about it as he did.

This is a “WOW” moment for me personally.  I can believe that he has done this and suspect that others have had the same feeling but the money is just too good.

The link to the story is shown below.  Read it and shake your head.

~ Murray Lincoln ~
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

When “I think I can, “I think I can”, became “I knew I could, I knew I could”

These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.
Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008
Misty Hollow Digital Images was launched on September 26, 2012.
“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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When “I think I can, “I think I can”, became “I knew I could, I knew I could”
I am sure that you remember the childhood story of the Little Engine that was pulling the heavy load.  As it went along the tracks on its journey the large mountain loomed in the distance. The Little Engine huffed and puffed when it realized that the load that it was carrying was much bigger than usual and the mountain up a head was bigger than ever.

The thought came to the Little Engine that the mountain was too big for the load it was carrying and the little engine was too small.

This Little Engine is the one that started the climb and said to itself, “I think I can, “I think I can, “I think I can” as it chugged up the big mountain a little at a time… until it reached the other side and then started down the mountain picking up speed, saying, “I knew I could, I knew I could, I knew I could.”

The Little Engine didn’t stop no matter how big the obstacle or mountain was.  “I think I can, “I think I can, “I think I can” became  “I knew I could, I knew I could, I knew I could” This simple story became part of each child’s thinking I am sure, as Dad or Mom read the story again and again.

Why tell this story again?

Last Sunday afternoon I witnessed the Little Engine’s story in real life.  The Centreville Presbyterian Church held a Celebration as they opened their new Hall and also celebrated their 179 years of continuous ministry in the small community.

While other churches have closed and stopped being of any service in their communities, the Centreville Presbyterian did not. Instead, 5 years ago they made a decision to build a new part on to the old church building and move ahead.

On Sunday they opened the brand new part of the building… and now it can serve the community in even better ways.

How old is the church?  As I said it is now 179 years.  But even with its fair number of grey haired folk the building was teaming with kids of all sizes and shapes.  It was a buzz with new life. What a joy to see the New Centreville Presbyterian Congregation celebrate together!!!

Five years ago, from what I remember, a large Fund Raising thermometer was erected out front of the old church building with the goal posted as $600,000 at the top. For 5 years I drove by and wondered if they would make it. A number of churches closed their doors and others were worried about their own facilities.  Centreville Presbyterian saw the large mountain up ahead, looked at the load they were carrying (their children and the future in the community) and chugged on saying as the Little Engine did… .  “I think I can, “I think I can, “I think I can” – which became “I knew I could, I knew I could, I knew I could” – last Sunday!

Way to go Centreville Presbyterian Church, 179 years strong and still going even better than ever.  It was a joy worshipping with you. And Congratulations to Rev. Tom Cunningham, a great leader and engineer/conductor of "Little Engine" in Centreville.

~ Murray Lincoln ~
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