The zoo enclosure cage is empty. The Turkmenian Markhor is dead. How will I deal with it?
The encyclopedia states that… this largest goat…
Capra falconeri, found in the rugged mountains of central Asia, from S Russia to the W Himalayas. Largest of the goats, the male may stand over 40 in. (100 cm) at the shoulder and weigh over 200 lb (90 kg). The coat is short and reddish brown in summer; in winter it is long, silky, and gray. Males have long, thick beards. The distinctive corkscrew-shaped horns are extremely thick and heavy. Markhors live in small herds of between 4 and 30 individuals, grazing up to the snow line.
For me – the Goat is the one that has the gnarly head set on… the males likely have my hunting friends wishing they had them on the wall.
The fact that I know about the Turkmenian Markhor being dead happened because another animal rights group based in based in California is upset about it. It was reported in the Calgary Herald that the group is upset that the Turkmenian Markhor died in the Calgary Zoo.
Catherine Doyle, from this “in defense of animals group”, made the comment that they are happy that the Turkmenian Markhor had a toy to play with in its pen. Actually the wording was – she -
“commended the zoo for using play toys that provide enrichment, but noted there is tubing and hosing available to cover ropes and prevent such accidents.”
I am sorry… but this is Canada. It is cold. It is not California. It is Calgary where it happened and that is in Canada… and it is cold here! Maybe the Turkmenian Markhor committed suicide.
No – the reports show that it some how was strangled with a toy in its pen. Some how it fell down and died.
Now they are having an autopsy – called a post mortem – to determine its death.

Can you see where I am going with this? It is a dumb story. And even in Calgary with its winter season being almost as cold as the rest of us – they are bored too.
Goats are bored. Reporters are bored. So are people that live in Canada….
I watched an American TV program that was advertising its normal amount of stuff to entice people in between the show’s program pieces. Up on to the screen pops an advertisement to come to Calgary, for winter sports and stuff… then it showed the wonderful mountains and the stuff that you could do in Calgary!!! Wahoooo!
But Calgary’s Turkmenian Markhor is dead for Pete’s sake.
I come from rural roots. I come from a FARM HERITAGE and I am proud of it. But with that heritage comes the knowledge of the farm. Two things were true on the farm – you lived or you died. The animals lived or they died.
Yes the farm did love their animals and take care of them. But the animals didn’t need toys to play with. They were animals… not like your kids… they didn’t get a Christmas Present at Christmastime… they were fed that day – that was necessary.
Have you noticed in the grocery store that there are two whole aisles dedicated to Pet Food and Pet Stuff. No kidding about 25% of a normal grocery store is dedicated to animal’s welfare. Check the prices out someday. It is wild.
We as humans are really strange. We fixate on strange stuff.
Oddly enough as I was checking the news out today… the new president of the USA will be installed on Tuesday… they love him today – but as the 4 years and then the possible 8 years goes by they – the press and the people will hate his guts – just like Bush.
Across the page from the report about the Turkmenian Markhor – the Israelis have stopped their attacks on the Gaza for now – but the rockets are still flying across the fences.
There are strikes for more money… people being arrested for murder… suspicious fires… too many winter fires…lots of lives lost… and on and on…
And a Turkmenian Markhor is dead.
The Turkmenian Markhor is dead – so get another Turkmenian Markhor…if you need one. Don’t make such a big deal out of nothing. This is Canada… it is cold… it is winter and it is long. Let’s get on with it.
Wahoo I killed a mouse in my garage. He came looking for and smelling the peanut butter in the trap. Nope – I don’t feel one bit guilty. But did the News Media pick that one up…? Nope The Turkmenian Markhor is dead.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
1 comment:
WTF??? What does the cold have to do with an animal being strangled by its toy???
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