In one terrible moment he was launched from his scooter through the air. He flew a few feet and then landed with a thud on the windshield of the automobile. But it wasn’t over. He either slid off or tried to crawl off the hood of the automobile as it continued to move. His departure from the hood of the car gave him further injury as he rolled to the street.
Bruised, dazed and hurting badly he sat on the pavement a while to recover. The vehicle behind slowed and stopped to see if he was okay.
His scooter was a mess and wouldn’t be taking him anywhere. Police and ambulance were called by the people that were looking on.
With a description of the hit and run driver and a brief description of the vehicle that included some physical damage with denting on the hood and a possible windshield broken the car should have been easy to find.
It was. The police found the silver Toyota at a hairdresser’s shop when the woman driving came out after her hair appointment.
You see the silver Toyota was driven by a 77 year old woman that had a hair appointment. And there was nothing, come hell or high water, that would stop her from keeping that appointment. She nearly killed a man that got in the way of her getting there on time. She should have stopped… but that hair appointment could not be missed. Even committing a hit and run, major offense, was not to get in the way of the precious hair appointment.
“Blue Hairs”, my sister calls them, are a breed all of their own. The “he” has a bright silver hair or maybe none. “She” has a carefully manicured head covered with silvery blue hair that has been sculpt by a wonderful hair dresser back home.
My sister is a nurse practitioner in the Yukon. She sees “Blur Hairs” rolling through their town in their large motor homes. The little silver or blue haired folk are diminutive behind the steering wheels and in contrast to the mega windshield that they look out front. She is amazed that they are allowed to still drive these moving monsters so far north. Truckers are on the watch for them all the time.
But there is something that you cannot deny. A moving senior is something to be contended with and watched out for. There is nothing that is more important than them getting to where they need to be. It is an internal, nuclear force that says, “Get out of my %@&& way!”
Though the story that I read didn’t tell all that happened in Boynton Beach, Florida that day I can guess the rest. As the police herded the 77 year old lady out from her car and into the back of theirs, they were careful not to touch her hair. The jingle of her bangles and bracelets could be heard before they closed the back door of the cruiser.
Too funny… the two burly cops pulling away with their catch in the back. “Where do you boys live? I live over near the beach. My sons are going to be so upset with me. What have I done? Oh my…”
You will never find a silver haired man missing his hair appointment. He just never makes one. Whoever heard of such a stupid thing… book an appointment for a hair cut? Sheesh! That is not a thing that a man would do – plain and simple! If he did he would miss all the news and the lingering ambience in the local barber shop… all the banter that goes on and the jokes that are told as he waits for his turn in the chair.
His wife on the other hand has fussed and fumed for hours. Ever since she got up in the morning getting ready for her hair appointment things have been – well - different. He has driven her to that precious appointment for 44 years, once a week – to the same hairdresser’s shop for the exact same hair do.
And he NEVER gets a hair cut on THAT DAY!
At the end of our street…
There is a hairdresser at the end of our street that performs these ongoing, forever hairdos. She is the daughter of the lady that once owned the shop. Their clientele does go back for more than four decades. Every day there are “regulars” that come in for their “weekly”. Every week there are faithful men dropping off “Blue Hairs”(not totally accurate – some are pinkish, some are silver, some are a fake light brown and very thin) that are getting done over and over and over and over… then ready for their shopping trip that day.
The question is simple really. When did this insanity of hair dressing take over people’s lives?
I mean it is not a “man thing” to do. Men would never do that. Real men wait for their turn. And if it is busy they simply tell the barber that they will come back later. No big deal.
I think it happens in a panicky and horrible moment very early the day of their wedding. The hairdresser is more important than GOD… and all the guests. But you better NOT BE LATE FOR THAT APPOINTMENT on THAT DAY. Three or six or ten beauties come in there duds and are made super beautiful for one day. Then from that time on – that cotton picking hairdresser has control over every woman! It must be when it happens. I can’t find any other reason that has that hold on a woman.
But… get in the way of a 77 year old woman that is scheduled for a hair appointment and watch out – your life could be in jeopardy. Ask the dude sitting off the scooter and on the pavement if that aint so.
I have two women in our house that both go to the hairdresser at the end of the street. One of these women must have a bath and get all prettied up before she goes for her appointment the next day. Too funny – but don’t get in the way. Just don’t get in the way!
Hey scooter dude – I feel for you and have great sympathy. I really do!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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