Very few people can imagine what is happening in the Bee Hive of activity surrounding one of the most powerful men on earth.
On January 20, 2008 the Bee Hive will be particularly active with one President moving out and another moving in – on the same day. Can you imagine?
Some of you have moved in the last few years and know the stress curve of this kind of thing happening – but normal people do it when the house has been empty for a while… or at least cleaned and polished and ready for the new owner.
In the U.S.A President’s case – he or she will never own the new home – they only kind of lease it for 4 or 8 years – until the next President comes along.
As I read the article I was astounded that when the President travels it takes almost an army to go with him. In any city or place that he arrives he brings along(or has trailing behind him) from 600 to 800 people to stay over night. They book whole Hotels at one time just so he can have a good night’s sleep. Can you imagine?
When he goes anywhere on His Airforce One – the gigantic 747 jet – he also has another aircraft that is carrying his baggage. That baggage includes a Limos known lovingly as “the Beast” (plus a backup in case that one breaks down)– both of which are solid armor cars that shut out an entire world surrounding him. Can you imagine?
His second aircraft may also have on board a huge Helicopter known as Marine One. This powerful unit is used to let the President get from one spot to another, to fly over troubled areas, to get to remote areas where Airforce One cannot go. Can you imagine?
If something happens to Airforce One – there is a back up one just like it – ready to go all the time. Can you imagine?
The President doesn’t wait in long line ups for a squished seat in a happy little airplane traveling to Podunk, USA. Can you imagine?
In Ms. Bumiller’s article she points out that the First Lady may only be a second cook… or not a cook at all. There is a full time chef preparing for the First Family all the time. The First Family pays for all their own meals – at Top Restaurant Prices. I mean Top Chefs working for the Top Family don’t do it for minimum wages. Can you imagine?
It takes about a 90 Member Permanent Staff to run the Whitehouse. Can you imagine having 90 people buzzing around you all the time as you live normally?
Yesterday they were following the President Elect’s further journey as he moved into Washington and his new suite at a highly protected hotel. The new President Elect’s – First Lady elect took the kids to their new school – to meet their new Grade Five and Grade Two fellow students. The news program that carried the story pointed to all the little details. Can you imagine?
The President Elect is now entering his new Fish Bowl life style… where every detail of what he does will be owned, commented on, discussed and criticized by EVERYONE. And to think of it – he WANTED THIS JOB!???! Can you imagine?
The salary is not that good – really. Prestige is pretty much up there – but the pay is not worth it in my mind.
In my small world where I was controlled and guided by congregations over the years seems so small – beside this First Family’s problems.
My people told me to shave off a moustache because it made me look too old. To cut off sideburns as they were not the style that they liked. Then I was told that I should wear a dark suit not a light one. Then I was told that I should not sing this song – or that song – that the music was too loud or too quiet – that the room was too hot or too cold – that the people that attended were the wrong kind to make the church grow – that the people coming didn’t make enough money to help pay the bills – that the girls dresses were too short – that my wife shouldn’t wear jewelry – that she should be dressed better(we both should) – that I shouldn’t wear a suit anymore – that I shouldn’t wear a tie but should wear a suit… that the Youth pastor should be fired – that the seniors smelled funny – that the visitation wasn’t being done enough – that I didn’t pray long enough or more enough – or that the banquet last week should have had red cloth on the table instead of green… and that I should and shouldn’t… BLAH BLAH and Brown Sugared up to my Ying Yang for 39 years… Arrrgh!!!!! Can you imagine?
My “small peanuts” seem funny beside what the Next First Family is going to be expected to do or not do – or be or not be.
One thing I know for sure is my dear brother George Bush – soon to a second place President – will move back to his own ranch or house somewhere in Texas… where it is quiet and alone. He will hear the birds sing again and maybe walk down to the local store to shoot the bull with locals. His house will be quiet except for the ticking of the old clock on the mantle. He might read a book and then fall asleep in his own lazy-boy chair… and no body will give a ding dong.
Come to think of it George Bush and I are a lot alike… we pretty much do what we like to do now… and “God - I want to thank you – it really feels good!” Can you imagine?
(Hey George… if you catch this Blog… I know a great place to go to church – “Mr. Cool” is there – with a Coffee Stir Stick stuck in his cheek… and he can talk with it… really…too funny... and that is no Bull! You can read about it on Yesterday’s Post. Hey George – wanna go fishing?)
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Inside the Presidency” in my National Geographic Magazine
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