Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Prime Time Retreat

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Today’s Blog Post

The Prime Time Retreat

At the present time it is very early in the morning in Southern Manitoba. My wife and I are at a Retreat for Prime Timers – that is people that are 55+ years old… our kind of people. We have spent yesterday afternoon and the evening with these amazing people.

The Retreat is part of the Manitoba and Northwest Ontario District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC). And some of you know my work for the past 38 years has been to be a pastor/minister with the PAOC in various parts of Canada and around the world.

“The amazing part of this Retreat is the interaction and discovery of who the people are. There are lay people together with men and women that have served as ministers for many years. And their stories simply blow me away.

I met one fellow that has lived in similar places to where I have lived. He is a year or so older than me and very vibrant in every way.

One of the ladies at the next table to where we were sitting has her pilot’s license… and has traveled all over the place. WOW!

Another lady that I listened to was so excited about the possibilities that she is discovering in her life. She stated, “After hearing you speak today, I can’t wait to get back home and try some new opportunities that may come my way!”

I have been sharing about that very idea. “Opportunity” and what might happen next… and they are catching the thought. You are not done because you are older or retired… you are just beginning. The possibilities are unending.

Last evening I shared the old, old story of Moses… who was born outside in an unforgiving world, and a time where babies like himself were being murdered… but then through remarkable circumstances he was plucked from the dangerous Nile River and then raised by the Egyptian Princess in the Royal Palace.

You will likely remember that Moses was found guilty of the murder of an Egyptian soldier… after some one saw what he had done. That happened when he was 40 years old. The outcome was that Moses ran to a far away place and became a shepherd for the next 40 years.

From living like Royalty to the Shepherd’s life… was a radical adjustment to say the least. From a place of power, to a place of working for a new father-in-law as part of the family business was a radical change in his life style and what he knew as a norm.

Many that were forced into retirement or went through job losses understand what it is to identify with Moses.

Many of the folk that sat with us yesterday telling their remarkable stories shared the victories they have had in their lives. There had also been the terrible losses that they had encountered over these past years. The loss of a spouse, the loss of a position, the loss of children through death… the list is unending.

They expressed their fears and told of the times when they had lost it all… but had gained it back in other ways.

It came through for me last evening that I may well be learning way more and being challenged far greater by these folks than anything they will be getting from me. I am in a wealth of information and ability… of people that have done amazing things in the past. Double WOW!

As I shared the story last night of Moses I came to the part of the story that is so mind blowing… God called him… for the greatest thing that anyone has ever done or ever will do… at 80 years old… then Moses did that task for the next 40 years until the plan God had was accomplished.

The people that I have met at this Retreat Centre experienced losses over these past years that I can’t really fathom. I have not been where they have been. But the radiance and the amazing reaction from them was more than I ever expected. I have met people that are on fire and ready to do something above and beyond the call of duty.

I have met some “Moses kind of people” that are ready to take on a world that is waiting.

Back in their home churches and communities that they come from they are considered… OLD… not of much value except maybe to pay the bills for younger people. Some are looked at with caution and a leeriness… because they are old… and they might object to anything new. That is sad.

There have been some seniors in my past experience that were old and miserable in almost everything and everyway that they reacted. They were the ones that gave all the others a really bad image what it was like to be old.

After this week I can testify that not all 55+ people are like some that I have known over these past years. And I realize now that I had to deal with and be the minister of some nasty old so and so…s – in order to really appreciate the dynamic new group of seniors that will replace the ones that needed to be moved on to their resting place.

Prime Timers are just like teenagers to minister to… only not nearly so moody and up and down.

And yesterday I found out that not one of the Prime Timers were Texting at the camp. One reason is there is no Cell Phone service way out here…but the other is that I don’t really think that these folk know what Texting is…

Gotta run… breakfast is coming… and this morning’s session is all about Opportunity again… but also dealing with Opposition and Obstacles that we all face as we grow older… but following that we are looking at the Responsibility that we have locally.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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