Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Prime Time Retreat – Experiencing Gray Power up front

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Today’s Blog Post
The Prime Time Retreat – Experiencing Gray Power up front

We have just completed a wonderful week at the Manitoba Prime Time Retreat. Wow! What a week it has been. There have been 72 people in attendance from all over Manitoba. Each one with a different story and a wealth of experience. It has been an honor to get to know these folks.

Our purpose/theme at this camp was to answer one question, “What is in your hand?”

When God called Moses to his major work that he was to do, Moses was 80 years old. Moses also was more than a wee bit reticent to take on the task that he was being asked to do.

God asked Moses “What is in your hand?” Moses responded with a simple, “A rod.” (or in some translations he said, “A staff.”)

It was something that the shepherd used every day… a simple staff that he used to herd his flock. Nothing special, just an ordinary, old, sturdy stick that he has likely carried with him since his early days of becoming a shepherd.

God told Moses to cast it down and immediately it became a snake. Then he told him to pick it up by the tail… okay? Isn’t that dangerous? Most snakes that I have dealt with will bite. But Moses did what he was told to do… and it turned back into his old staff or rod.

God used that old staff or rod in Moses’ hand to perform many miracles in the days and years to come. He took something that was ordinary and made it extraordinary.

This week through my speaking, using examples and illustrations the seniors thought long and hard about the “rod” or “staff” that they each carried all these years. They looked at their talents and abilities that they have each had for so long… and all the things that have become pretty ordinary. Then we looked at how these ordinary things could become powerful in their local communities and churches to help the world that they live in.

In many of the senior’s life experiences they have been sidelined by their own families and communities. They are now old and for the most part many of those around them do not see them as of any great value… in fact many are just now becoming a pain to those around them. They have for years been looking after they own parents and also their own kids… and maybe now their own grandkids too. But they are slowing down… in a fast paced community that knows instant messaging and nothing but more action upon action.

Their family “work” is not what they thought of for their retirement… or for doing the things they love to do.

I can say that this group of people are not at all “done” with it all. They are more than ready to do something great – even though they are older.

A goal this week was to come to a place that each person looked at their own talents and abilities and then discover how these might be used in their own community.

First we looked at the number of talents that each person might have. Then we looked at the number of people around each one that was not in their own personal family.

In one of our last morning sessions the seniors sat in small groups and described the talents and abilities that they each possessed. They told of the joy they had in doing some of the things that they did at home with their talents. They also told of the many ways that these talents could be used. This part alone sparked ideas in others of what they might also do back home.

In that same morning session they spoke about the number of people that they might help in the future. Then listing the people that they might reach out to, they collected numbers and added them all up.

Can you imagine how many people that these seniors are thinking that they may help in the next six months – with the talents they have?

First the number of talents identified in all the small groups totaled 368 – from 72 people.

Secondly the number of people that they anticipate reaching out to is 1191 – to start with.

Did you catch that? 72 people will be helping, encouraging, working with, providing meaning and new life to 1191 other people in the next 6 months.

Can you imagine if we were able to see all the seniors in all the communities across Manitoba doing that kind of thing in every community – wherever they are? The numbers are staggering to say the least.

In this country of Canada and in every one of our communities are hundreds upon thousands of senior people – that individually help some one some where… using their talent and ability in a creative and quiet way.

People have written about Gray Power. I have witnessed the potential up front. I know now that there are 72 people that will likely turn their world upside down – by simply being there to help – and it will take a mere 6 months to do it!!!!

This week among some of the most interesting and talented people… has changed my life. I am now ready to go home and do more to help others as well.


~ Murray Lincoln ~ 

Prime Time Group Discussion

 Prime Time accommodation 
- Murray and Alida

Prime Time - Strawberry Luncheon 
- All about Quilting

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