Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Many, Many Memories Keep Flooding In – Part Two

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Today’s Blog Post

Many, Many Memories Keep Flooding In – Part Two

Whatever did I think would happen when I walked up to my old University Residence and rattled the door? It definitely was locked and there was no sign of life at the “Tache Hall”. Who would have thought there might be – it was built way back in 1911 – and this is 2011?

46 years ago I lived in this building. It was my first time away from home. I was so lonesome I could hardly stand it. Even as I rattled the door I could still feel that lump in my throat as I stood there.

I leaned closer to the door and looked into the glass to see if I could get one last look inside of the old building.

It was then that I saw a man deep inside what used to be the old common room. He looked at the front door and at us. Then he pulled away from the group he was standing with and walked to the front door – then opened it.

I explained that I used to live in the old residence way back in time. I asked also if we could go inside and just look at the building. He welcomed us in… but said that he was actually with “the Minister” from the Provincial Government giving him a tour of the old place.

I asked him a logical question… “Do you work at the University?”

He grinned and said “Yes, I am the President…” Hokey Mokey… I was speaking with the top man in charge… 46 years later.

We looked around and then left the building with a warm glow. The President returned to the Minister and we walked on across the Campus.

A million memories flooded around me with each step. Many of the old hallways looked as if they had not had any new paint for a long time.

The old class rooms were in the same places – wow! It even smelled the same.

All the people that attended school with me will now be retired or dead. I was one of the youngest when I was there.

The President might be in his late 40s or early fifties… yikes! I am old.

As Alida and I walked through the University and then went about the rest of the day I was filled with a warm glow. This was home and this was the way I entered the rest of my life. So many, many memories.

As we walked on… I could think of one thing only… in about three years time my first Grandson will likely be in his first year University too. It likely won’t be in Manitoba… but it will be away from home. Then the following years the second and third grandchild will come as well…

I know so much now – and cannot really tell the grandkids what Grandpa was like way back then. I cannot get them to know these deep down feelings… that are welling up now like a deep spring inside. They would think it was crazy that an old man was crying over an old building… from so long ago.

Tache Hall was only 55 years old when it was the centre of my life… now it is 100 years old and I am 67… both of us are old….

I miss that place and that time… and I wish I could go back and do it all over again… but… oh boy…. This darn lump in my throat makes it hard to swallow…

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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