Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Marc Emery – the Patron Saint of Bud

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post

Marc Emery – the Patron Saint of Bud

I have never done Pot. I have been in the room when others have smoked it and with that probably have inhaled some of the smoke… but with no effect that I know of.

My mother-in-laws’ chain smoking of the other kind of cigarettes likely did far more damage to my being – but then I married her daughter – and loves kills more than cigs do.

The announcement today that Marc Emery has pleaded guilty to selling marijuana seeds to American Customers and that there was a deal struck with the prosecutors is a major one.

The other day in our City on Water Street, in the Park, in front of our Court House stood about a dozen or so people flashing signs for cars that drove by. Their signs appealed to someone to be more aware of the affairs of Marc. The protest was all about Marc Emery. But the dear Seniors on Peterborough would have little idea of what was going on.

The people in the park were having a good time I am sure… happy… and laughing a lot. I doubt that they felt much of anything – and there was some smoke rising from their group.

I think that is why they call it a “Pot Party’.

The article I read today comes under the title of “The Prince of Pot Heading to Prison”.

Last week my wife and I watched a TV show that told of the tremendous industry in British Columbia where “BC Bud” is grown by dozens upon dozens of people in the interior. Even the smallest producer of the BC Bud makes a good living. One young man they followed with their cameras was guessing that he would clear about $70,000 this year if the crop went well and nothing disturbed it – like RCMP Officers or other folk that would steel his crop.

Bud is a big crop and a multimillion dollar producer wherever it is growing.

In our area now we have many new and rich fields that provide great places to produce the crops. We hear of more and more crops being discovered not far from the city.

The whole thing begs the question, how long will it be before the kindly old senior with the happy little garden plot gets into the production? I mean they have the time and they also have a good image that would not be suspected. They are not the Biker Type or the Dirty Long Hairs… they are grandpas and grandmas that are relatively innocent of any crime.

Without a doubt it is the Big Op folk that get nailed. They plant hundreds of seeds and then come back when it is ready to harvest.

Grandpa could have a few nice little plants in his garden that no one would ever know about.

Think of it… Grand Dad’s Bud… could be a winner.

No I am not promoting it – just musing.

In a day and age when the cost of living is rising and the pain of unemployment is so great that – it can happen. When enough people are desperate… stuff happens.

I know many people that live in BC and have no jobs. This is survival. And now in Ontario it is similar in conditions of the E.I world.

If you have tried to make a go of E.I. you will understand how desperate the feeling is. I have been there – and met many of the people that have lost everything – going from having it all to now being questioned by people behind counters… with suggested accusations of your deception.

Bud is a possibility for many.

No I do not intend to make Marc my hero. I will not join the crowd and shout to the Seniors driving by.

But I certainly understand.

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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