Monday, May 24, 2010

Pure Joy… Absolute Delight… Can it get any better?

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Today’s Blog Post

Pure Joy… Absolute Delight… Can it get any better?

This morning early I woke with a smile on my face. I immediately thought back to the wonderful opportunity that was offered to me when I received a phone call from a fellow minister. He had been given my number by another friend, as a possible person to do Pulpit supply in his church. That call was about two months ago.

His church is the St John’s Presbyterian Church in Port Perry. His need was to have some one to do Pulpit Supply for the part of April and May while he prepared for his retirement – taking a vacation towards the end of his tenure.

Yesterday was the Fourth Sunday of my Pulpit Supply for St. Johns church.

Now unless you’re involved in church in some way you may not have known that it was Pentecost Sunday that was being celebrated by churches all over the world. All the scriptures read, and the songs chosen were related to the Scripture Text in Acts Chapter 2. And as some of you know that was the account given by Dr. Luke of what happened in an upper room with 120 people being filled with the Holy Spirit.

“Acts” is one of the most exciting stories that I know of in the New Testament. Definitely the entire account written of by Dr. Luke, the whole of the Acts, is filled with powerful drama and stories of God intervening in people’s lives with His Holy Spirit!

Acts 2 is the basis of the Pentecostal church’s foundation. It tells all about people being transformed and set on fire… coming alive and going into a world that is hurting. Well… how can I explain it to you? For 35 years of preaching I get more than a little bit excited about Acts 2. When I discovered the work of the Holy Spirit personally – MY LIFE CHANGED BIG TIME!!!!!!

Now here is the possible report that may appear in a Port Perry newspaper this week…

“Congregation Set on Fire”
The Port Perry News
May 23, 2010 – Pentecost Sunday – St Johns Presbyterian Church –

The Rev. Murray Lincoln, a retired Pentecostal Minister, was ministering in the St. Johns Presbyterian Church of Port Perry, Ontario, this past Sunday. The music was exceptional. The Pianist, Oksana, was brilliant as she played for the service. The spirit of the service was so much appreciated by all. The friendliness and openness of the church was felt by members and visitors alike.

During the service there was a startling disruption. Rev. Lincoln was apparently caught up in the service and the events taking place within the service. It was at this ‘caught up moment’, with the wonderful singing and the words being read that he suddenly, without any warning, said with a very loud voice, “AMEN! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!”

It was at that moment a Dear Sister sitting in the audience, a member of the church for many years, was startled and then giggled. Others were startled by this sudden outburst by this visiting minister.

Rev. Lincoln definitely appeared to have had a lapse in his decorum and liturgical order that he should have been following at that point. “To say he was ‘caught up in the Spirit’ would be a good way to describe it”, one Elder shared following the service.

As Rev. Lincoln stepped into the Pulpit he began his sermon by sharing with the congregation that it truly was a unique moment that on Pentecost Sunday the Presbyterian Church would have a Pentecostal Minister filling the Pulpit. He also gently warned them that he may get a little bit excited with his topic – Pentecost.

The congregation listened intently to what was being said. They laughed, giggled and had a good time with the Preaching that was offered. Their eyes popped open as Rev. Lincoln became a little more than ‘the ordinary’ with his excitement. The best way to describe it was the look on someone’s face as the Roller Coaster at the Amusement Park goes over the top on the highest point on the rails… “Whoooie!”

Now as most people in Port Perry know, the St. Johns folk are not known for going “Whoooie” in their pews.

Using a quote from a famous Movie Series entitled Star Trek, the St. Johns Presbyterian Church went “Where no man has gone before!” or perhaps that is “Where No Presbyterian has gone for a quite a while…”

Rev. Lincoln apparently, from all appearances, truly believes what he is preaching about. The man does get caught up in the Spirit at times – Ahem.

His prayer of Blessing on the St. Johns Presbyterian Church was well received and much appreciated. He called on God, in a very Pentecostal fashion, to pour out God’s great blessing upon the church and that it might become a great blessing to the people of Port Perry, that the new church facility would be a blessing to the Youth and Children of Port Perry, and that God would move in a powerful way among the congregation.

The reporter would best say, “Whoooie!” to that prayer. It was again what the congregation apparently felt. This was Pentecost Sunday!

Finally, the question to be asked is, “Has Pentecost come to St Johns? What will this congregation react with this new “Whooie”? Could it be that they might start losing their decorum and/or their liturgical order?
End or the report/article…

Back to the real world...
I am not making light of what happened at St. Johns Presbyterian church. God did something in a wonderful way over this past month. Personally as a Pastor, I was overwhelmed by their kindness. Their wish for God’s Blessing in our lives was wonderful.

One lady gripped my hand with tears in her eyes at the end of the service yesterday. She said, “Each time you have preached your sermons I get a tear in my eye. They are good tears. Thank you.” As she spoke there was another tear forming and she gripped my hand tightly.

My wife, Alida, told me later that this lady had shared with her that a close friend’s daughter had just discovered she had cancer. It was a touching moment as the two shared with each other.

I was blessed with their comments and encouragement for me personally.

This church is responsive and open. My guess is that God is about to stir in them a new and wonderful “Presbyterian Blessing”… that will definitely bless Port Perry and the surrounding area.

As I completed the service I offered a different Benediction… “May you got out of this place and do great damage to the Kingdom of Satan and may the Blessing of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit go with each of you! AMEN!”

I was blessed – more than anyone else.

BUT – hey… it was Pentecost Sunday. Read the Book of Acts in the New Testament and see if you can sit still… by the way… that was the Homework Assignment I gave the congregation for this week.

As some of St Johns church folk are likely going to read this Blog – I say Thank YOU from the Bottom of My Heart – you folks have blessed me richly!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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