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Today’s Blog Post
Mr. Lu… Mr. Lu… Mr. Lu I am sorry for you
There are so many ways to start this short report/reflection on Mr Quang Lu – where do you start?
He was a bad man. Many people disliked him deeply. His parents must have loved him and helped him to a certain stage in his life – but then he made choices that messed others up.
He was a big dealer and a big “roller” in the under world where piles of money can be made – but most is on the edge of something not totally legal.
He definitely made many angry and perhaps even destroyed many lives. He did this by being a Loan Shark to presumably other Chinese/Asian folk that played the Casinos. When they ran out of money he was there to help fund their next few hours in the Casino until they lost all that money and then needed more.
One can imagine that Mr. Lu took possession of a number of properties and destroyed many families.
To say that he likely had enemies is an understatement! In fact one enemy was angry enough that he took Mr. Lu and placed him in a barrel, filled it with cement covering him and then placed him in the water off the Toronto harbour front. This ugly, aging, rusty barrel has been there in the water from about 2007.
Some one called the police lately, perhaps this week and let them know that Mr. Lu was resting peacefully at the edge of Toronto’s drinking water. Maybe the caller was concerned about water quality or something like that. Hmm?
Perhaps the caller had a change of heart and knowing that most Asian people need to have a proper grave and that their Spirits will come back to do someone great harm if not properly taken care of… giving a definite clue that the Tipster was likely Asian as well.
And in all likelihood the caller was close by when that barrel went splashing into Lake Ontario.
A splash must have occurred if it went over board filled with cement. It would also not go over board without either a hoist or a number of very strong men lifting it. So… many men were likely involved.
When they lifted the barrel from the water they had to use a hoist to clear the water. It was heavy.
Everyone that watches TV Cop shows know that you can’t easily fit a full sized man into the barrel either dead or alive… so he must be taken apart to fit into the barrel. Here is another clue – someone took him apart piece by piece and then placed him in his metal casket… along with enough cement that would encase him. Some one has a pretty dark memory and conscience problem.
I mean there are so many angles to look at… I wish I was a cop at times.
I know that I wouldn’t like being a Coroner… or the person that has to chip away the cement piece by piece finding a section of Mr Lu at a time. It will be a really slow job to say the least.
My guess is that more than two someone-s knew what was going on. And they all knew the reason why.
And if I know that much, the police know more.
My wife stated the obvious question for all of us, “Doesn’t it make you wonder how they can find out all the stuff that they do when they solve the case?!?”
In all seriousness I do think of someone that loved Mr. Lu. He must have parents that are deeply grieving. He has someone that will attend the final resting place, the proper grave that he will be given.
Mr. Lu I am sorry for you.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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