Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Check that job off the list…

Misty Hollow Carving
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Check that job off the list…
Back to a Real World – Anniversary is over and racing toward the next one.
Borrowing from one of the popular songs but with a twist… the song says “And the beat goes on…” Sonny and Cher – I think…

My version is “And the list goes on… ladi dadi di”.

With the start of this September there is a definite change in the weather.  And the around the yard of our home the flowers have had enough, they are starting to die.  The full growing season in our area of Canada is just about over.  And perhaps with the heat and sometimes dry periods everything is out of cycle as well.

There is a definite march toward our fall and then winter season.

Yesterday I did something that I hope will help slow winter down.  I did an overhaul on our snow blower’s carburetor. The poor machine was running very rough last year and coughed and sputtered all winter long. It barely had enough power to get through the season.

Overhaul? You know… pull it all apart and then wonder why you have extra screws left over.  While apart I cleaned the dirt up that had collected in the jets and orifices of the tiny gizmo. It had been 17 years since we bought it!!! – and nothing had been done to it yet!

Back together and it roared to life. (And I found where the screw should have gone after the second tear down.)  

Check that job off the list…

Behind the new shed that we built last year stood the biggest weeds that anyone has ever seen. They were approaching tree status. Rip and tear – they disappeared.

Check that job off the list…

The weeds that grew so well undisturbed had found a small mountain of dirt that I had not yet moved. It had arrived after the excavation of the shed’s mini foundation.  The pile was going to be moved but it didn’t happen before last year’s now fall came.

With a shovel and a few hours of work it was moved to a better place… the ground leveled and ready for the next snow fall.

Check that job off the list…

I am on a role and if the weather holds up I will get even more done.

Motivation to this stuff… where did it come from?

Well our new neighbours arrived and started working on their house before they move in.

What a great couple they are!

When we met them the other evening they walked us through the house.  Hokey Mokey they have a huge amount done!  These people are amazing.  Their energy and excitement is catching.

They have removed the old wall covering completely getting ready to open the house up inside. The old lath from 1903 is completely exposed and so is a hidden doorway that had been covered over long, long ago. The fact that the house had little insolation has also been exposed.

As we came back to our house we realized that I had better get started and “get ur done” too!

Today three more jobs at least and I will be able to “Check that job off the list…”

As I write this morning the deep satisfaction of getting some more off the list is still buoying me up.  It feels so good to get something accomplished.

But… the reality is that the other part of life has to go on and on.  The regular things keep spinning around me. More requests for products that I make and sell, more requests for shows, and more opportunities to go and be “Misty Hollow”.  That all added to the new volunteer roles that have come my way mixed with more trips and times away… oh boy.

Whoever thought retirement would be easy and boring!?

So in my scattered mind I must focus and “Check that job off the list…”

How are you doing my friend?  Do you have a job list that is ready for you to tackle?

Murray Lincoln

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