Monday, September 10, 2012

45 Years Ago Today – Part Five and Forever

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45 Years Ago Today – Part Five and Forever
(This post follows the one of September 6, 7, 8 & 9 – yesterday)

After the long Air Canada flight to Montreal (anything seems long when you are waiting for your honeymoon and time alone, together) we arrived just as the sun went down.

Our first night in our apartment in Trois Rivieres, Quebec.  Our car was packed for our journey that would start on September 10th.

I know that I can give great detail about almost anything – but not about my personal stuff… okay!?

But I will tell you what I told Alida I was going to say about our first night together… ahem… clearing my throat here…

I went to bed with a beautiful young lady the night of September 9th, 1967… as we fell asleep that night I smiled… I woke up 45 years later in a beautiful Motel room in Ontario with a gorgeous Mother of two wonderful daughters who was also the Grandmother of six fantastic Grand Kids still smiling. 

On the morning of September 9, 2012 it was after 16,425 days of marriage… and the most wonderful life together that any one has ever lived.

The next morning in Trois Rivieres, Quebec we started east to Quebec City, then toward the Gaspe area of that beautiful province.

Next we were off to New Brunswick and then Prince Edward Island and the Nova Scotia.  We both had come from Saskatchewan and had never seen the ocean before…

Then we went on to see some more. In 16,425 days together we have lived in Quebec, New Brunswick, Ontario, Hong Kong, Ontario, Saskatchewan and then back to Ontario again. That has included 15 different apartments and houses over the 45 years together.  Time to stop the moves.. unless… no.. oh boy!

WOW! We did it together.

We camped all the way on the Honeymoon. Remember way back four posts ago… I had packed the car with all the camping stuff… all brand new for my beautiful bride.

It rained one day and night which we opted for a motel room.

As I look back now it has never been about the destination that we arrived at. It was never about the places we have seen all around the world and throughout Canada… it is always about the journey together.

The journey has been absolutely amazing.  From the “I do” to now it has always been amazing!

I want to thank Alida, Dana, Anda, Bruce, Bill, Clifford, Emma, Jonathan, Thomas, Michael and Christopher – who have been a part of my journey.

Someone wished us that we would have another 45 years together.  I don’t want that – I am expecting an eternity together – like forever!  What a journey we will have forever!

There is more… but that will come in the book that may be written someday…

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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