Friday, May 18, 2012

This is like the ultimate Wow moment!!!

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Today’s Blog Post
This is like the ultimate Wow moment!!!
Sheesh!  I have only been on this new site for a few hours and I am already hooked.  It is like a new world and a brand new way of thinking for me.  Wow!  What are the possibilities for this in my business and life?

This is like the ultimate Wow!

What am I referring to?  The new site is  – so simple and yet so comprehensive.

My friend Winston Bromley from told me about this site and then sent through my invitation to join

If you are interested after you read this… and you would like to join in the fun… let me know – with an email directly to me  I would be happy to connect you as well.  You need an invitation to join.

This is only part of the story that has taken place for me.

Remember or think of the fact that I am 68 years old as of this publishing point in this Blog.  In my 68 years of living I have discovered some amazing things.

My life started without computers.  But after my Dad, who was looking for a job at the time, suggested that I should go speak to a company that he had visited I met the computer and business machine world. 

I had no clue what it was about.  After writing an exam which was part of the initial job application, I was called back and offered a job. They promised to train me and provide a great future. 

That was my beginning to the computer world and the date was late summer 1966.

The adventure was simply amazing. The position I was offered was to be in an “unassigned pool” of technicians/programmers that would travel to different areas of Canada when required to help the NCR company.

For 10 years I was immersed in the newest technologies of the era. When something new came out I was trained on it.  Training was extensive and very thorough. If something went wrong with the machinery we had to fix it.  There was no one else except the technician/programmer.  No one knew what we knew.

I should say that I had to come up with the solution and I had to fix the problem. I was the only one trained to repair and get the thing up and running – when it went down.  And when the company had spent mega bucks on a “computer” or “business machine” they expected it to keep running, not break down, and if it did – they wanted it up and running in an hour or so – tops!

There was just nothing like learning something new. The whole world of computers at that time was just developing. The customer was spending $100,000 to $250,000 on some of the installations that we put in and kept running.

But a desk top computer that cost about $900 today does the same thing…and is a lot more complicated.  What a change from the old days.

When the first desktop computers came out and were costing about $3000 to $5000 we thought that was a bargain. That was back in the 286 – 386 and 486 days.  Oh – what a long time ago.

The rush of old memories came back last evening as Winston spoke of all the new (to me) social networking sites to make my work easier.

What a rush. I felt like I was back in University studying the brand new classes. I had graduated from High School simple math to the first level of Calculus in University.  The topic was fascinating and amazing and wild and wonderful – all at the same time.

Can you imagine that you do not need a Hard Drive to store all you goodies on now?

Part of our first computers that I worked on needed a huge amount of engineering to contain the Hard Disks – something the size of an Angel Food Cake pan. Which eventually became much smaller and fit into our desktop machines…

But now all of that storage is within my one shirt pocket on my cell phone.  But being that the cell phone size has some limitations and if I change or lose my cell phone… all the data will be gone. That was part of the reason of developing something like “The Cloud” where information can be stored out there somewhere… that I don’t need to know about.

All of my stuff can be backed up in a “cloud” somewhere… with a very simple click of one button… in fact when I save something to my computer it automatically can go to the Cloud – or a better way to understand it – a big hard drive somewhere.  Then if I want to look at the information that I wrote from my cell phone/communicator – I simply click into the Big Hard Drive wherever it is – and there is my stuff!

And if I am working with someone else on a project – or I want to let my customers see my carvings – I give them a pass word and they can go to my “cloud”(Big Hard Drive) somewhere – whenever they have the time – 24 hours a day – 365 days a year… anywhere in the world (where there is a computer connection)!!!

Now can you sense what I am feeling?
Email? Blogging? Facebook? Twitter? Pinterest?  Cloud? Googledrive? GoogleDocs? LastPass? Picmonkey? Piccasa? GoToMeeting? MailChimp? iContact? Podio? PRWeb? Hootsite? HubSpot? Bottlenose? 

These are some of what Winston shared with us last evening…
Since beginning 56 years ago in the computer world – whoa! After last night with Winston – I am beginning all over again!

And I feel young.

PS – if you thought Facebook might have taken a little more of your time than you thought it should… wait until you try Pinterest – Hokey Mokey – you are going to love this one!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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