Saturday, May 19, 2012

I need your help to get lots of “Like”

This BLOG is sponsored by Misty Hollow Carving. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.

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Today’s Blog Post
I need your help to get lots of “Like”
As some of you know my business was launched in 2008 – Misty Hollow Carving came alive in October 2008.

The best part as I conducted my business of Wood Carving and doing other things from my business, it has continued to grow – one customer at a time. One piece of wood, one carved golf ball, one feather, one clock beard – all one at a time.

The relative success of the business has caught the eye of some of my friends.

As well Northumberland Community Futures Development Corporation(CFDC) took notice of the relative success and asked if they could help promote Misty Hollow by featuring my business as one of the success stories this year.  I was one of the four people that they have highlighted in a short video that they featured on YouTube.

Chris Oliver, the videographer that work along with the Northumberland CFDC contacted me a few weeks back and told me that they were possibly redoing the video again. He said he would be in touch.

Well that contact came yesterday. He informed me that the new video that he did of me speaking about CFDC has been chosen to represent t what the Northumberland CFDC bring to their National CFDC conference. The video of me will be a possible “winner” and will be shown at the National Meeting.

BUT – in order for that to happen the video must receive many “Like”s on the YouTube BEFORE MAY 23…!?!

So in order to help me you need to go to the video on YouTube
and make sure that you are Logged in… then look at the video… consider whether you like it or not – hopefully you will LIKE it – then click that way.

Only the people that Log In to YouTube – either by using their GMAIL address or by registering with YouTube. I think that Chris’ explanation below in his email will help you

Chris' email to me...
 Hi Murray

Here's the re-edit of the AGM video. It ended up being your story only and I think it works really well (we had a time limit of 90 seconds so it's a pretty tight edit). In order for it to be played at the National CFDC event, it has to receive the most "Likes" from viewers. Please pass on to all your family, friends and social media contacts. We have until the 23rd. Let everyone know that in order to "Like", they must be signed into YouTube. If they are not signed in and they press "Like" under the video, it will not register their vote. If they have a 'gmail' account, they can sign in using that. Or perhaps some will already have a YouTube username and password. If they have neither, it's a breeze to sign up! Happy voting!

Here's the link:

Chris Oliver
Writer • Director • Editor • Videographer

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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