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Today’s Blog Post
There are time I hate what I have to do
I no sooner completed an email to encourage a friend of mine, when the wind was knocked out of my own sails! That is my reason for not posting yesterday. I just couldn’t get it together. The wind wasn’t there at all.
Sheesh. All the best advice and whamo – I get it in the head, heart, and backside with one email.
Actually it wasn’t the email only, it was good. It was the Link that came with the email telling me the whole story.
A man that I tried to help has been hiding a huge part of his life so that myself and others would not really know what he has done and who he really is. Oh I knew that he had committed crimes in the past and I tried to support him – and those that were actually connected to him… BUT I HAD NO IDEA what was really going on.
This man is a criminal. He was charged, tried and convicted. He went to prison and then finally came out. He found support in our community. BUT he broke the faith of people around him by doing more things that he was not allowed to do. He did that three times and finally he was arrested again and is back inside of the prison again. He will not get out until 2015.
Those that tried to help this man by providing assistance and support have been let down big time. They thought he was listening but he wasn’t. In fact his belligerence was so great that I am sure that he purposed to do just about anything to make sure that no one would be telling him what to do.
Yesterday the wind went out of my sales when I read the full story of how he molested the children that were in his trust. They were very young when he did the horrendous things that he did. Now they are older… some are even grandparents themselves.
And what we have found out is this man takes no personal responsibility for his crime. His has no victim empathy at all. Worse yet, he now considers himself to victimized by the people that brought him out of prison.
I really wanted to “puke” when I finished reading the story over and over again.
Pause here…
The Conservative Government of Canada has an “Omin Bill” on crime that is being shoved through our Canadian Parliament at record speed. I don’t agree with what they are doing as they clump everything into one big lump of law. Things are being done with this that will cost Billions and will treat some people without any consideration at all for rehabilitation.
But at the same time this email and the Web Story of yesterday that knocked my wind out of my sails brings great conflict. This one man should be buried in prison with the worst of the worst – and that would take care of him.
I am in a great dilemma today… and dumping on you – my reader.
I am very tempted to publish all that I know here. But for the fragile state that some readers are in – at any given time – I will not. I will have to deal with this by myself.
There are times I don’t like what I have to listen to. Hokey Mokey! I simply hate it!!!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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