Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
I am Blessed. The Storm of Life is BIG – but I am safe!
Whew! Shovels are all over the deck this morning. The broom was laying a few feet from where it normally stands. And the new garden shed is still standing. I haven’t checked the shingles on the roof yet to see if they are still there… what a night of a wind storm and water flying around.
And all night the crazy Welcome Sign kept tap, tap, taping the door. At some point during the night I was sure that the elves that I draw, or the fairies that I have created were trying to get into the house. My brain wasn’t completely there… in and out. Sheesh.
The wind last night is a whole lot like life sometimes. It comes with a huge warning that it may well cause a huge amount of destruction. The potential to destroy and run havoc over our little habit of survival is real.
BUT by taking measures to prevent the destruction and spend time to make sure that all is secure… we made it through the night. Now just a few more hours of constant blowing and thoughts of more possible damage… we will make it through.
So far our power has not gone out. If it had this post would not have been possible.
Coffee at McDonalds would not have been possible either. Life would be interrupted. But it hasn’t been so far.
I live well. I am happy and healthy. I do have a few aches and pains, but other than a few minutes to get the body moving, all systems are a go!
It is at times like this that I stop and give thanks for what I have. I am happy with what I have done.
I am looking forward to each week with great excitement and relief. Excitement because of what might be possible. And relief for what I survived last week.
My post yesterday proved to me I can survive. The wind last night did the same again. I can survive. I am thankful for all of that part as well.
Putting aside all that has happened last week, next week will be amazing I am sure. Now it may have a few more bumps and even lumps, but God’s Grace will get me through.
I may not preach a lot in this Blog, but by example I share my faith in God. He has never left me nor has he rejected me. Sometimes I didn’t do a lot to make sure he was there nor did I ask him for his guidance. The relief is that he didn’t need my permission or my requests to make it happen – is more than I can imagine. He loves me just the way that I am... WOW!
As I put these last words to my keyboard for today… I say it again, I am blessed. The storm is big and threats are great… but I am safe.
Gotta run, Hot Coffee and a Delicious Muffin are waiting at McDonalds. Life is so good!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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