Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rope in the Cell of a Murderer? – “Who is the Bozo asking these questions?” Senator Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu – I believe you!

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Today’s Blog Post
Rope in the Cell of a Murderer? – “Who is the Bozo asking these questions?” Senator Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu – I believe you!

As we sat watching the news last evening I nearly fell off my chair as a story came on TV. Imagine a Canadian Senator in our Canadian Government suggested that each murderer in our Prison system would be given a rope to potentially take his own life in his cell!

Here are the words of Senator Pierre- Hugues Boisvenu… quote from the Vancouver Sun…
“Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu said the most heinous of criminals and "assassins" with no hope of rehabilitation should "have the right to a rope in his cell and make a decision about his or her life." End quote.

Imagine someone thinking… or even saying it out loud… that a rope should be given to inmates serving time for murder in our Federal Prison system, Correctional Service Canada, to let them decide if they should live or die. I was flabbergasted to hear these words.

First I need to share that the Senator lost his daughter to a murderer. This murderer raped and murdered his daughter in 2002. And from what we can assume is in one of our Federal Prisons today, serving a life sentence.

Senator Boisvenu serves in a leading role as a spokesperson to Victim’s rights in Canada. And he is also very human. There just has to be a deep emotion stirred deep within him as he thinks of the man that raped and killed his daughter. And being that it was only 10 years ago, that raping and murder is very fresh in the families mind.

The Senator declared that the words he spoke were taken out of con-text. I kind of agree on that part.

The con-text happened in the hallway of our Parliament Buildings in Ottawa. It was a happening scrum, as the reporter(s) caught him on camera. Whatever the line of questioning was happening in those minutes, all that was aired was what the reporter wanted to air.

The clip placed on TV was more about the reporter’s personal wish to make news than what the Senator tried to say. By plucking out just a few words and then preparing an accompanying story with it, the reporter has ignited an age old debate that dates back to Canada’s 1976… when the law of our country was changed… and we as a country decided that we would no longer administer the death penalty in our country.

I am guessing here but I think that there are other agendas bubbling below the surface of our Media personnel in our country. It is not the agenda of any Government Leader of any sort to say things that would enrage the population of our country… BUT is the duty of a reporter to do so.

Getting a unsuspecting Senator to say some words kind of off the cuff at just the right(or wrong) moment is a Ace in the Hand for the reporter.

If you read any of the newspaper reports out today, the articles written will have a reporters name at the top of the article, the Senator’s words in the article and the reaction of the Canadian public that could be happening as a result of the words that were caught on Camera. BUT and it is a big BUT – there is NO MENTION OF THE REPORTER THAT ASKED THE ORIGINAL QUESTION! Not even a hint! And the public is so worked up that no one will ask… for the truth! It is on camera – who needs truth!!?

Out of CON-TEXT???! You betcha! That is my guess for sure.

For readers of this Blog over the past while you may have caught the fact that I am very much a volunteer with Correctional Service Canada – CSC. I am involved in the CAC – the Citizen Advisory Committee. I listen to everything that the CSC does locally, provincially, and federally in and out of Prisons. My knowledge comes from a number fo years of being involved with the CSC and CAC as a person that is not paid by the Government in any way.

In this role I “Observe, Liaise, and Advise”. I connect with the CSC leadership and staff, former inmates and also the victims of crime. Because we are not paid we are less likely to be affected politically and internally by what we see and hear.

The “rope in a cell” comment is so far out that there are no words to tell anyone what my reaction is like inside.

My main reaction was, “Who is the Bozo asking these questions?” It has not anything to do with the words that the Senator said at all.

I admit that in the volunteer role that I have I have been through some training. One session was on how to work with the Media folk; how to and how not to say the right and wrong thing in front of a TV Camera.

I was amazed when they put me through the training session with the very good reporter that was teaching the class that I was in. He warned us that he could get us to say whatever he wanted us to say. He could make us stumble and also say something that we had no intension of talking about – or in most cases – know nothing about.

His plain and simple warning as be began an “on TV camera” with us, that he could get us to talk about Fly Fishing when in reality we were wanting to stick to the one topic – CSC and former inmates coming back into our community(that was my personal interview).

I was waiting for the Fly Fishing question, when all of a sudden he hits me with facts about our community that blew me away. While I was getting my breath back and trying to gather my thoughts, I said some things that were not in my plan to say. The Media Guy was very good. In a heartbeat we were down a completely different track and thought that I did not want to go. It was not Fly Fishing – but something that involved my own personal opinion that need not be said out loud. But it was not really my opinion but rather a reaction to what the reporter had next said… and when it was recorded and edited and reworked to suit his thoughts and ideals… I was a dead duck.

Thank goodness this was only a practice/teaching session or I might have been on the CBC News program!

Senator Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu – I believe you! Out of Con-Text and Context as well.

~ Murray Lincoln ~ 


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