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Today’s Blog Post
The Eureka Moment in your life. Are you still having them?
I can still remember my first “eureka moment”. Can you remember when that was in your life?
More importantly I also remember when they have happened over the years since that first one. And even the most important one – the last one or most recent one.
Some kind soul in a Wikipedia post states the following…
“The word comes from ancient Greek εὕρηκα heúrēka "I have found (it)", which is the 1st person singular perfect indicative active of the verb heuriskō "I find". The reconstructed Ancient Greek pronunciation is [hěu̯rɛːka], while the Modern Greek pronunciation is [ˈevrika].”
So can you tell me what that is like in your life?
Perhaps I can help you a little. Once some people get into a certain line of work or position in life, they have no “eureka moments” ever again. They are dead when you look at them and nothing emits from their life. The things they do are without any zeal or zest.
Away back when school was part of my life it seemed like drudgery at times. But then there was that moment in a class, at the end of a season, or maybe even that final day – when you say to yourself “Now I get it!” of “I made it!”
That moment when you just know that everything will be different from that time on. That place in life when you get out of bed with a new lease on life.
Whoa! What a feeling!
Yesterday and over the past few months I have been in quite a few places where Seniors hang out. Yesterday I listened to a very old 94 year old person that is still very much alive – the heart is still beating. She is with it… but has one handicap. She cannot see like she used to. She has a small amount of peripheral vision which just makes it worse for her.
As we sat together she said something that has bothered me. Her words were, “I am too old. I wish I were dead. And I can’t figure out why I am still alive.”
There are not a lot of words that I can find to follow that comment. She is not happy with what she has around her, with her son, with her grandson and even her great grandson. She never talks about them, but gives a reluctant answer about them when she is asked a question.
It is sad. But it doesn’t only happen to 94 year olds. I have seen some 50+ people with similar emotions.
What happen to their zeal and zest in life? When did they stop finding or looking for the eureka moments in their life? When did they lose sight of what happened to give them joy in getting out of bed?
Maybe many suffer from a low grade mental problem – like maybe depression or whatever. Maybe there is a medical reason too.
I am looking for a eureka moment today. I never want to lose that part of being me. Or of simply being… EUREKA.
At the moment I am going through the next level of learning Digital Image drawing and colouring. Digital Art Work has now reached a wonderful level with all the programs that are available on a computer. And it is not just for the kids… but old guys like me.
The other day I walked through a “learning level door” when I discovered about three new things that made my art work leap to life. There it was “EUREKA” – now I know how to do that feature!
As I reflected on what is happening to me and what I witness in others… I am thankful that I have not lost it… that desire to find the “eureka moment”.
I can accurately predict now when I will grow old. It will be very sudden and sad. It will be when I stop looking at something new, something challenging, something fresh, and even a new opportunity.
I love mountains and obstacles in my life. They make me snort and puff and huff and work it all out.
One older lady said to a younger man who was fussing over what he was facing in his life … and she understood him perfectly, She then said some very wise words “Son, if the mountain was all smooth – you wouldn’t be able to climb it!”
Eureka comes after you have climbed some rough terrain, scrapped a few knees and felt completely hopeless.
Eureka! I found out how to do it!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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