Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Real Housewives of Lindsay, Omemee, Buckhorn… really?
Over the past few months when my brain was dead and I had absolutely nothing else to do and I was channel surfing – I watched “The Real Housewives…” of wherever. I hate to admit it – but I did.
I couldn’t believe that the idiots would act that way on TV, in front of the whole world!
Now today I read that there will be “The Real Housewives of Canada” and I think it is Vancouver where the first stupid group of women will strut their stuff. I think from seeing the other formats that these dumb women will come from a different set of housewives that most of the rest of the world know. They will have money, spoiled kids and a dense husband that owns a gazillion dollar company that will never be mentioned.
I cannot fathom why we need this.. or that someone needs this as part of their “Media Feeding” input into their brain?
But then I am not sure why people watch Hockey either, or Golf, or….?
Maybe it is because our minds have been tortured all day with the jobs that we do and stupid is what we need to feed on next… in order to clear our minds???
I think back to Grandpa’s days on a farm 60 miles south of Regina. They didn’t have that kind of Media input. Their brains were relatively clear from CRAP. My Grandpa did have one habit that was closer to a religion… he loved Baseball… and when the World Series was on – everything on the farm stopped while they sat listening to the radio. In fact he detailed all that he heard by keeping a everything that was broadcast in a small scribbler, where he recorded each hit and run and strike out by each player!
I am amazed today that Canada needs this kind of program… or that they think we do.
Now when will the Real Housewives of Yorkton be coming… lots of perogies and kubasa sausage… I am sure! Real Housewives of Peterborough? Or Lindsay?
Now it is getting funny… too close to home.
Before long tourists will be traveling to Canada to drive by our Real Housewives homes.
It is a dull day in Ontario – not Sun out yet. Oh BOY!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Here are the sources to help clutter your mind further…
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Coming back to “Youer than You” in the midst of Stupid
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Coming back to “Youer than You” in the midst of Stupid
Today my mind is filled with all the really important things of today along with not so important things. Did you ever have that problem?
Listening to the News Media can do that to you. The problem is how do you unload the stuff you do not want to keep?
Here is my list… Stuff…
Bones found in New Zealand a few years ago indicate that the one kind of penguin could be over 9 feet tall. I think the one that they have was 4 feet tall.
In Canada something called “Vikileaks” was uncovered and a low lifer in the Liberal Party has resigned. He told secrets about Minister Vic Toews that the Minister didn’t think anyone should know about – nasty secrets about his divorce proceedings. But who cares if Vick slept with someone outside his marriage , other than his first wife?
The Conservative Party has been trying to move on from an employee that they hired during the last election in Canada. The employee’s name was “Robocalls”. Can you believe anything about this. Some do and some say it didn’t happen – and someone is telling a lie. I think.
And the Oscars are over for another year. Wow – what a show I didn’t see! They say the viewing was up 4% - but – like who cares!? It seems to be about a review of something that most people don’t really care about. If they liked the show when it was showing they went to it. If they went to it and didn’t like it – so what? Then at the end of the year of movies, they tell me why they liked it better than I did – or didn’t. That feels like a complete waste of time frankly.
Quick erase these thought strains and replace it with something super important today…
Are you ready for this?
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seus
Sorry – that is really too simple a thought. But the midst of what is happening now… it is the best one that I can come up with. I Tweeted it today – which offered relief to all my friends that read Twitter. Then Twitter shared it with my Facebook friends all 1000+ of them today. Now a possible 170 people today will possibly read this and about 1100 this week will get it also.
Now remember when the mind gets too full… push Pause, then highlight the Stupid Stuff, finally hit Delete… and that today You are You.
That certainly feels better for me. How about you?
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Here are the sources to help clutter your mind further…
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
Coming back to “Youer than You” in the midst of Stupid
Today my mind is filled with all the really important things of today along with not so important things. Did you ever have that problem?
Listening to the News Media can do that to you. The problem is how do you unload the stuff you do not want to keep?
Here is my list… Stuff…
Bones found in New Zealand a few years ago indicate that the one kind of penguin could be over 9 feet tall. I think the one that they have was 4 feet tall.
In Canada something called “Vikileaks” was uncovered and a low lifer in the Liberal Party has resigned. He told secrets about Minister Vic Toews that the Minister didn’t think anyone should know about – nasty secrets about his divorce proceedings. But who cares if Vick slept with someone outside his marriage , other than his first wife?
The Conservative Party has been trying to move on from an employee that they hired during the last election in Canada. The employee’s name was “Robocalls”. Can you believe anything about this. Some do and some say it didn’t happen – and someone is telling a lie. I think.
And the Oscars are over for another year. Wow – what a show I didn’t see! They say the viewing was up 4% - but – like who cares!? It seems to be about a review of something that most people don’t really care about. If they liked the show when it was showing they went to it. If they went to it and didn’t like it – so what? Then at the end of the year of movies, they tell me why they liked it better than I did – or didn’t. That feels like a complete waste of time frankly.
Quick erase these thought strains and replace it with something super important today…
Are you ready for this?
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seus
Sorry – that is really too simple a thought. But the midst of what is happening now… it is the best one that I can come up with. I Tweeted it today – which offered relief to all my friends that read Twitter. Then Twitter shared it with my Facebook friends all 1000+ of them today. Now a possible 170 people today will possibly read this and about 1100 this week will get it also.
Now remember when the mind gets too full… push Pause, then highlight the Stupid Stuff, finally hit Delete… and that today You are You.
That certainly feels better for me. How about you?
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Here are the sources to help clutter your mind further…
Monday, February 27, 2012
A Proud Grandpa Cheering from the sidelines
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
A Proud Grandpa Cheering from the sidelines
Flash back...
It was a long time ago, I think 48 years now, that I remember the burning in my chest as I crossed the finish line in Calgary. So long ago!
I was racing cross country with my University Cross Country Team, representing the Regina Campus of the University of Saskatchewan (which later became the University of Regina).
We had trained every night for two months. We ran 6 miles each evening after class. In the new way of thinking that is 9.65 kms in today’s thinking. Then at the end of the season, in Calgary, we ran the one big race of 4.5 miles (7.25 kms) over the country side and down by the Bow River, back up a hill and then on to the home stretch.
Each night of training I thought my head would blow off. I gasped for air during the first few weeks and the leg cramps were something else. I really thought that I would die at some point in the Team run.
After the two months of training and just the week before we were to run in Calgary my ankle snapped while playing soccer. I was forward on the right side. While hard and very fast with the ball, I let a great kick go just as the goalie put his foot on the other side of the ball. I heard the bone do something strange and my leg disappeared from the waist down. I fell over in pain.
The doctor told me that the lowest part of the one lower leg bone was chipped off. He showed me the X-Ray. There it was floating free and easy in my foot… and hurting like – “OWIEEE!”
Nothing could be done and he said that it would heal in time, on its own. Keep it wrapped and don’t do anything too strenuous. I dared not ask him about running on it for 6 miles a night – or 4.5 miles in the big race 9 days from that visit.
9 Days later I lined up with everyone else at that start line in Calgary and when the starter’s pistol fired so did my body… and away I went.
The ankle was wrapped tightly with a huge elastic bandage. And it worked fairly well to keep most of the pain down. For the last week it had gone okay.
About a hundred yards into the race everyone had passed me and were over the next hill already.
Every step my ankle screamed at me, “Stop you fool it hurts too bad!” so I adjusted to the new rhythm of walk ten, run ten, walk ten, run ten….
It worked. As I came down the hill toward the river everyone else had likely finished the race by that time.
I considered laying down and dying but the option of not being able to let anyone know where I was kind of kept me going.
I looked up and there on the hill side was another runner that was lying quietly in the grass, off to the edge of the path. He wasn’t moving too well and was kind of moaning. Then to my right and behind me was an ambulance making its way to this spot.
I walked up the hill then went back to the run ten, walk ten routine.
At the 45 minute mark I crossed the finish line. My ankle was huge, the bandages were tighter than anything and I wanted to die of embarrassment being the last person to cross the finish line. I was number 49 out of 50.
The guy that won the race ran bare foot and made it in 21 minutes. That guys done before I reached the river.
When I took of the bandages my foot wouldn’t hold any weight at all. The pain was just too great.
Our team needed to have all five runners complete the race. The Team was could be 7 members, but there was only five of us to go to Calgary so I HAD TO RUN.
That Flash back over and Flash forward to yesterday…
I was standing on Aylmer street by the YMCA. My two grandkids, Clifford and Emma were lined up and ready to do. They were running the 5k race in among many, many people.
Clifford came in 49 out of 149 of his gender at a time of 22 minutes.
Emma came in 54 out of 221 of her gender at a time of 28 minutes.
And Grandpa Lincoln nearly bust the zipper on his winter coat… and the Flash back came… I used to do this.
As I looked up at the runners still coming across the finish line was a few old gray haired guys like me. They were slow and they looked like they were going to die. They looked terrible, but they crossed the finish line.
I wasn’t sure but one kind of looked like an older version of the guy that was being picked up by the ambulance 48 years ago. Naw, it couldn’t be… he is probably dead now.
Anyway… This Grandpa is more than a little bit proud of two special grandkids… and in a special way I relived that one important race over again. I didn’t quit and I didn’t die at that time.
Oh by the way… the Doctor told me that when I passed the 60 year mark in life… the ankle would likely give me much problems with the damage that was done.
It doesn’t hurt yet…
Maybe next year I will run/walk with the 5k run. I know I can do that. Hmmmm?
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
(Emma Crossing the Finish line)
Flash back...
It was a long time ago, I think 48 years now, that I remember the burning in my chest as I crossed the finish line in Calgary. So long ago!
I was racing cross country with my University Cross Country Team, representing the Regina Campus of the University of Saskatchewan (which later became the University of Regina).
We had trained every night for two months. We ran 6 miles each evening after class. In the new way of thinking that is 9.65 kms in today’s thinking. Then at the end of the season, in Calgary, we ran the one big race of 4.5 miles (7.25 kms) over the country side and down by the Bow River, back up a hill and then on to the home stretch.
Each night of training I thought my head would blow off. I gasped for air during the first few weeks and the leg cramps were something else. I really thought that I would die at some point in the Team run.
After the two months of training and just the week before we were to run in Calgary my ankle snapped while playing soccer. I was forward on the right side. While hard and very fast with the ball, I let a great kick go just as the goalie put his foot on the other side of the ball. I heard the bone do something strange and my leg disappeared from the waist down. I fell over in pain.
The doctor told me that the lowest part of the one lower leg bone was chipped off. He showed me the X-Ray. There it was floating free and easy in my foot… and hurting like – “OWIEEE!”
Nothing could be done and he said that it would heal in time, on its own. Keep it wrapped and don’t do anything too strenuous. I dared not ask him about running on it for 6 miles a night – or 4.5 miles in the big race 9 days from that visit.
9 Days later I lined up with everyone else at that start line in Calgary and when the starter’s pistol fired so did my body… and away I went.
The ankle was wrapped tightly with a huge elastic bandage. And it worked fairly well to keep most of the pain down. For the last week it had gone okay.
About a hundred yards into the race everyone had passed me and were over the next hill already.
Every step my ankle screamed at me, “Stop you fool it hurts too bad!” so I adjusted to the new rhythm of walk ten, run ten, walk ten, run ten….
It worked. As I came down the hill toward the river everyone else had likely finished the race by that time.
I considered laying down and dying but the option of not being able to let anyone know where I was kind of kept me going.
I looked up and there on the hill side was another runner that was lying quietly in the grass, off to the edge of the path. He wasn’t moving too well and was kind of moaning. Then to my right and behind me was an ambulance making its way to this spot.
I walked up the hill then went back to the run ten, walk ten routine.
At the 45 minute mark I crossed the finish line. My ankle was huge, the bandages were tighter than anything and I wanted to die of embarrassment being the last person to cross the finish line. I was number 49 out of 50.
The guy that won the race ran bare foot and made it in 21 minutes. That guys done before I reached the river.
When I took of the bandages my foot wouldn’t hold any weight at all. The pain was just too great.
Our team needed to have all five runners complete the race. The Team was could be 7 members, but there was only five of us to go to Calgary so I HAD TO RUN.
That Flash back over and Flash forward to yesterday…
I was standing on Aylmer street by the YMCA. My two grandkids, Clifford and Emma were lined up and ready to do. They were running the 5k race in among many, many people.
Clifford came in 49 out of 149 of his gender at a time of 22 minutes.
Emma came in 54 out of 221 of her gender at a time of 28 minutes.
And Grandpa Lincoln nearly bust the zipper on his winter coat… and the Flash back came… I used to do this.
As I looked up at the runners still coming across the finish line was a few old gray haired guys like me. They were slow and they looked like they were going to die. They looked terrible, but they crossed the finish line.
I wasn’t sure but one kind of looked like an older version of the guy that was being picked up by the ambulance 48 years ago. Naw, it couldn’t be… he is probably dead now.
Anyway… This Grandpa is more than a little bit proud of two special grandkids… and in a special way I relived that one important race over again. I didn’t quit and I didn’t die at that time.
Oh by the way… the Doctor told me that when I passed the 60 year mark in life… the ankle would likely give me much problems with the damage that was done.
It doesn’t hurt yet…
Maybe next year I will run/walk with the 5k run. I know I can do that. Hmmmm?
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Clifford (in the Orange Shirt) crossing the Finish line - above and below - making it look just too easy
Emma crossing the Finish line - and I know that look on her face - she is ABOUT TO DIE... just like her Grandpa did!!!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
4 Million People or more are Judging One 13 Year Old – Is She Pretty or Ugly? What do you think
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
4 Million People or more are Judging One 13 Year Old – Is She Pretty or Ugly? What do you think?
Actually the number as of 6:22 AM is 3,997,787 people that have looked at this video.
After my morning walk and coming back to complete this posting – now at 9:26 AM 4,013,112 have now viewed this video.
The video was first uploaded to YouTube on December 17, 2011… just three months and 9 days ago. Can you imagine.
More than that, 101,842 comments have been made about the video. And also 12,867 “likes”, and 39,676 “dislikes”.
Who would ever become that popular and cause such a furor?
Her name is Faye Gibson, lives in Denver. Colorado, and is 13 years old. Her daddy left their family when she was young. Her mom did not know that Faye had posted this video until later… and from what I read knew nothing about her daughter’s insecurities.
There are a million questions that pop into my mind as I read Heather Mallick’s article in the Star yesterday. How sad this is that a very young girl is subject to a life that is so void of meaning. And even more sad is the way that people viewing her video have reacted.
In the comments below the video you can read some of the worst forms of venom ever spewed out to this little girl. Even our politicians don’t get this kind of stuff handed to them. But remember she is only 13 years old.
You need to be aware of what is happening in this huge world for 13 year olds and teens that are so insecure.
Hug you grandkids today and reassure them of their worth. And if you have a daughter that maybe struggling with feelings like Faye – wake up and do something about it!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
4 Million People or more are Judging One 13 Year Old – Is She Pretty or Ugly? What do you think?
Actually the number as of 6:22 AM is 3,997,787 people that have looked at this video.
After my morning walk and coming back to complete this posting – now at 9:26 AM 4,013,112 have now viewed this video.
The video was first uploaded to YouTube on December 17, 2011… just three months and 9 days ago. Can you imagine.
More than that, 101,842 comments have been made about the video. And also 12,867 “likes”, and 39,676 “dislikes”.
Who would ever become that popular and cause such a furor?
Her name is Faye Gibson, lives in Denver. Colorado, and is 13 years old. Her daddy left their family when she was young. Her mom did not know that Faye had posted this video until later… and from what I read knew nothing about her daughter’s insecurities.
There are a million questions that pop into my mind as I read Heather Mallick’s article in the Star yesterday. How sad this is that a very young girl is subject to a life that is so void of meaning. And even more sad is the way that people viewing her video have reacted.
In the comments below the video you can read some of the worst forms of venom ever spewed out to this little girl. Even our politicians don’t get this kind of stuff handed to them. But remember she is only 13 years old.
You need to be aware of what is happening in this huge world for 13 year olds and teens that are so insecure.
Hug you grandkids today and reassure them of their worth. And if you have a daughter that maybe struggling with feelings like Faye – wake up and do something about it!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
This is dedicated to all my “English Student” friends, and other non-English speakers that have tried hard to learn my language. In the years that I have taken part in the English-as-a-second-language classes, I have witnessed students struggle with our complicated English language ideas.
The first and most important thing is to realize that most of our language comes out of our culture. And as time goes on culture is having a far greater effect on our language than the rule book for English.
Today I watch my grandkids enter the same world and struggle with the same kind of things. Now that some of them have entered a digital e-world of all things computers they are beginning to show signs of the struggle with pure English. They do great with the cultural English.
Have you noticed that people write what they think it should sound like, and often times miss the perfection that the English “language coppers” think and know it should be?
My friends Brenda and Winston contributed this great email that displays the fun of English with its idiosyncrasies in its expressions and ambiguity of its culture.
This list is nowhere near exhaustive. You can likely add far more to it. I would love to hear the expressions and ideas that you have.
~ Murray Lincoln ~ (BTW – I have no idea who the original author of this list is… apologies offered in advance for the use in this posting without recognition of permission granted)
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
This is dedicated to all my “English Student” friends, and other non-English speakers that have tried hard to learn my language. In the years that I have taken part in the English-as-a-second-language classes, I have witnessed students struggle with our complicated English language ideas.
The first and most important thing is to realize that most of our language comes out of our culture. And as time goes on culture is having a far greater effect on our language than the rule book for English.
Today I watch my grandkids enter the same world and struggle with the same kind of things. Now that some of them have entered a digital e-world of all things computers they are beginning to show signs of the struggle with pure English. They do great with the cultural English.
Have you noticed that people write what they think it should sound like, and often times miss the perfection that the English “language coppers” think and know it should be?
My friends Brenda and Winston contributed this great email that displays the fun of English with its idiosyncrasies in its expressions and ambiguity of its culture.
This list is nowhere near exhaustive. You can likely add far more to it. I would love to hear the expressions and ideas that you have.
~ Murray Lincoln ~ (BTW – I have no idea who the original author of this list is… apologies offered in advance for the use in this posting without recognition of permission granted)
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Friday, February 24, 2012
One Change in Routine and Rhythm – equals a New Creativity
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
One Change in Routine and Rhythm – equals a New Creativity
There is probably no greater loss that happens throughout the year than the one that takes place in the Canadian Winter.
The loss that I refer to is the one of Creativity. That unction to do something special or new or that urge to get a job done – is also part of the Creative process. And it can stop dead this time of the year.
Whether it is creating a drawing, painting, sculpting, wood carving or whatever it is that you do, Winter and routine is deadly.
It can also be the fact of cleaning a room of your house. The regular routine to just keep alive and keep going is established. Breaking it would be very hard to do. Snow would build up, the house would grow cold and the life that we establish to keep going must be the same. And the cleaning that you need to get done – is stopped!
Isn’t it odd? Spring cleaning follows a long winter or the sameness. Everything is coming alive and nothing is the same anymore.
I am suggesting that a change of the routine and the regular rhythm of your life can spark creativity. I have found it so.
It happens when I am in control of the change as well.
If something unexpected takes place the new rhythm is not welcome… and can be disastrous.
You may have noticed when there is a death in the family everything stops, schedules change and routine is blown away. The closer the death of someone is to you, the more likely your entire life will be disrupted.
Now add to that a major move because of a new home, a new move, a new job… and I can tell you that it will take sometimes months to get going again.
Personal experience speaking here. After a move from one job to the next, I cannot draw or create anything at all – for at least four months. I must have a settled-ness in order to create again.
But – the problem is the normal life, the ordinary everyday life; where nothing changes. It is in that state that you can slip into a nothingness, a dryness, a lack of ideas that takes over your life. It is during that time that nothing can come from the Creative. You just don’t feel doing anything. You could not draw for any money. Nothing is there to help you either… at least it seems like this is true.
I have found an answer that changes all that. Just make a simple change the process that you are living by.
A Walk before breakfast can make a world of difference. Eating the toasts before the cereal, or not eating at the same time each morning can make a huge difference. By shocking the system just a little and still being in charge of what is happening, a great internal change takes place. Something magic happens and WOW! Things change!
I know that this makes a great deal of difference when I need to lose weight. By changing what I eat, not the amount of food but the kind will suddenly be enough to make the body shed the weight.
As I thought of that and was also suffering from a writing and drawing Block, a Creative Blockage that had me going nowhere real quick… I decided to change my routine.
WOW! What a difference a little change made for me. My Block was moved out of the way and away went the process. Immediately I needed pen and paper, nothing would stop me. It was almost magic.
So what did I do?
I took my drawing supplies to the Mall and sat with a cup of coffee, in the middle of all the people sitting around me. I started drawing. WOW! Again it was flowing regularly.
I then tried McDonald’s McCafe and an early morning coffee time before others were moving and getting up. DOUBLE WOW! I drew like crazy this morning… and had eight illustrations done before 8 AM.
The worst problem is the retirement mode(RM). In this RM everything is pretty much the same each day. Work and its variety is gone. The table is the same. The chores around the house are the same… your wife or husband are the same… and the conversation is the same. Nothing is new after the first two weeks of retiring. The vacation period is over and “sameness” takes over everything.
Some of my friends are now dead – even though they are alive. This sameness is lethal. RM killed them!!
Go ahead try it… change something… even if it is small… you will feel it and start doing things that are just plain fun. The urge to be and do will come alive in you.
I have done just that and am loving the new life that I now have.
Do the Nike thing… “Just do it!”
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
One Change in Routine and Rhythm – equals a New Creativity
There is probably no greater loss that happens throughout the year than the one that takes place in the Canadian Winter.
The loss that I refer to is the one of Creativity. That unction to do something special or new or that urge to get a job done – is also part of the Creative process. And it can stop dead this time of the year.
Whether it is creating a drawing, painting, sculpting, wood carving or whatever it is that you do, Winter and routine is deadly.
It can also be the fact of cleaning a room of your house. The regular routine to just keep alive and keep going is established. Breaking it would be very hard to do. Snow would build up, the house would grow cold and the life that we establish to keep going must be the same. And the cleaning that you need to get done – is stopped!
Isn’t it odd? Spring cleaning follows a long winter or the sameness. Everything is coming alive and nothing is the same anymore.
I am suggesting that a change of the routine and the regular rhythm of your life can spark creativity. I have found it so.
It happens when I am in control of the change as well.
If something unexpected takes place the new rhythm is not welcome… and can be disastrous.
You may have noticed when there is a death in the family everything stops, schedules change and routine is blown away. The closer the death of someone is to you, the more likely your entire life will be disrupted.
Now add to that a major move because of a new home, a new move, a new job… and I can tell you that it will take sometimes months to get going again.
Personal experience speaking here. After a move from one job to the next, I cannot draw or create anything at all – for at least four months. I must have a settled-ness in order to create again.
But – the problem is the normal life, the ordinary everyday life; where nothing changes. It is in that state that you can slip into a nothingness, a dryness, a lack of ideas that takes over your life. It is during that time that nothing can come from the Creative. You just don’t feel doing anything. You could not draw for any money. Nothing is there to help you either… at least it seems like this is true.
I have found an answer that changes all that. Just make a simple change the process that you are living by.
A Walk before breakfast can make a world of difference. Eating the toasts before the cereal, or not eating at the same time each morning can make a huge difference. By shocking the system just a little and still being in charge of what is happening, a great internal change takes place. Something magic happens and WOW! Things change!
I know that this makes a great deal of difference when I need to lose weight. By changing what I eat, not the amount of food but the kind will suddenly be enough to make the body shed the weight.
As I thought of that and was also suffering from a writing and drawing Block, a Creative Blockage that had me going nowhere real quick… I decided to change my routine.
WOW! What a difference a little change made for me. My Block was moved out of the way and away went the process. Immediately I needed pen and paper, nothing would stop me. It was almost magic.
So what did I do?
I took my drawing supplies to the Mall and sat with a cup of coffee, in the middle of all the people sitting around me. I started drawing. WOW! Again it was flowing regularly.
I then tried McDonald’s McCafe and an early morning coffee time before others were moving and getting up. DOUBLE WOW! I drew like crazy this morning… and had eight illustrations done before 8 AM.
The worst problem is the retirement mode(RM). In this RM everything is pretty much the same each day. Work and its variety is gone. The table is the same. The chores around the house are the same… your wife or husband are the same… and the conversation is the same. Nothing is new after the first two weeks of retiring. The vacation period is over and “sameness” takes over everything.
Some of my friends are now dead – even though they are alive. This sameness is lethal. RM killed them!!
Go ahead try it… change something… even if it is small… you will feel it and start doing things that are just plain fun. The urge to be and do will come alive in you.
I have done just that and am loving the new life that I now have.
Do the Nike thing… “Just do it!”
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Thinking today of Youcef Nadarkhani
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
Thinking today of Youcef Nadarkhani
I can’t help it. I have to post this. It is about a Person that I have never met. He has a wife I do not know and cute kids that really don’t understand. And it is all happening because of where he lives and what he believes.
But most important few of my friends know about this man and what is happening to him and his family.
If nothing changes – he will be put to death within hours or days or weeks. No one knows when it will happen.
Please read about Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani at
Yet I am disturbed with what today is offering me in the NEWS… the really important things that the Media thinks I need to know about… like…
On this day – February 23, 2012…
My suggestion – read it all and then think of Youcef Nadarkhani
'Robocalls' tried to discourage voters
Budget watchdog: Most Republicans would increase debt
Afghan Protests Over Burning of Korans Spread for 3d Day
Midas glove not working for Leafs |
Manitoba might cut OxyContin funding
Sony Vita arrives, analysts skeptical
Study aims to bring Great Barrier Reef to living rooms
Journalists targeted by Assad: politicians
Buenos Aires train crash kills 49 people, injures 600
Lawmakers Take Sides In Australia Leadership Fight
Disgraced hockey coach Graham James 'deeply sorry'
Training role may shrink, says MacKay
Occupy Calgary costly for city
Maintenance workers reject deal with Air Canada
Rogers to launch $1B share buyback
Canadians rethinking retirement age
Three escape as house collapses in Mississauga
Alberta businessman joins Ackman in bid for CPR board
Aretha Franklin: Enough talk on why she missed Whitney's funeral!
A year of comfort
Quebec's Anne Émond wins debut director award
Tributes pour in for Christopher Reimer, guitarist for Calgary band Women ...
Raptors end four-game skid
Senators sink Capitals
Nedohin slips, holland gains
Canuck Booth going home - to play
Alberta's version of ice floes for dying elders
NL women sue to get tissue samples after unnecessary mastectomies: Lawyer
Sorry, PlayBook 2.0 still isn't worth your money
White House pushes online privacy bill of rights
Fireball likely landed in Saskatchewan, geophysicist says
Scientists did not break speed of light - it was a faulty wire
Something just seems to be out of balance here.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Have you ever wondered about the Expensive Cost of an Ego?
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
Have you ever wondered about the Expensive Cost of an Ego?
Yesterday I wrote about Nik Wallenga, who is going to walk across the Niagara Gorge on a tight rope! That seemed to be the most dangerous thing in anyone’s mind… up to that point.
But that isn’t the most dangerous thing to happen in a person’s life. There is far more danger lurking in another place north of Niagara Falls. That place is the City of Toronto and to be specific, the Toronto City Hall.
It is the place that the Mayor Rob Ford’s Ego stands large and loud… and it is the place that a vote took place to run over Gary Webster. Gary Webster is/was the General Manager of the Toronto Transit Commission – the TTC.
Gary Webster is a Civil Engineer. He is someone that knows something about building roads and tunnels and stuff related to the building of railways and subways.
Mayor Rob Ford is not an engineer but rather a politician and I think in some sort of business before that. In Wikipedia someone described him with the following… quote…
“Ford is a lifelong resident of Toronto and son of Doug Ford, a former Member of the Ontario Legislature in the Conservative government of Mike Harris, and wealthy founder of a printing business. Ford studied political science at Carleton University but only finished his first year. Ford is a graduate of Scarlett Heights Entrepreneurial Academy in Etobicoke.” End quote.
(BTW- the Wikipedia Ref is along read but worth it – Rob Ford is quite a man)
If you live in Saskatchewan, Australia, or Turkey and beyond (some of the places where this Blog is read), you likely don’t give a Ding Dong about Mayor Rob Ford and what he does to staff at City Hall. What he did to Gary Webster yesterday is not likely going to have an affect your life at all.
But maybe it does. And that will happen when another person with an Ego as big as Mr. Rob Ford gets involved. And believe me what Mayor Ford possess with his Ego, others in this world do also.
The story behind the running over of Gary Webster by Rob Ford happened when Gary Webster did not agree with the Mayor’s plan or idea. He came out and said that he didn’t agree either… and Newspapers reported what he thought.
You do not oppose an Ego Driven person. When they are anywhere near you in your employment world – DO NOT OPPOSE THEM! Do not say that you have an idea or a reasonable objection – or they will fire you. Above all do not think that you have a better idea or a more reasonable or a less expensive idea… or you will be fired. Plain and simple – they, the Ego Driven Person, will always be smarter, more powerful, and able to fire you.
And there is one thing that is clear about Rob Ford, he is smarter, more powerful, and able to fire you – even if you are a Graduate Civil Engineer from a university and have 30 years working experience in the same job.
Did you get the part that Rob Ford completed High School and also the first year of political science at Carleton University in Ottawa? But remember he is a graduate of the highest and most privileged class of people in our world – “The Politician” – who only requires one thing – a vote that is higher than others around him or her.
Yesterday in a vote of 5 to 4 Gary Webster was fired. 5 people that won the vote were Mayor Rob Ford’s allies, “his people”.
Why write about this kind of stupidity? I live in Peterborough, Ontario which is an hour and a half from Toronto. What does it matter to me?
Well as a person that has worked in “a pure system” that should not be affected in any way by politics of any sort… you would think that I am free of that. Nope – not free at all.
“A pure system” you say? Yep. It is the Church. Should be pure right? Free from politics and the presence of men’s attitudes etc…. right?
Nope it happens big time in the church. Please, believe me… it does.
When I worked within the confines of the organization that I did I saw it many times. When I retired from it I thought that it wouldn’t be a part of my life anymore. How wrong my thinking would be!
Recently another Pastoral Friend of mine was fired. He will be in the Employment Insurance – E.I. – line along with the rest of the scoundrels that were let go. (that part I add in that when you are let go from your job you definitely feel that way at the E.I. Office)
People liked my Pastoral Friend, but management didn’t. Someone told me that he was not a “Team Player”… he wouldn’t do what the management expected him to do.
I can’t tell you any more – because I know too much about the management and the staff… got to be careful. I do not want to get fired!
Whoa!? I can’t get fired.. I am retired…! But that is how wicked… the smarter, more powerful, and able to be. And it happens even in the “pure systems” – even a church.
Now my audience and the leadership of my own denomination will be looking into ways to find out what I am talking about. Because when someone talks about stuff that shouldn’t be talked about – they cast dispersion on all the rest.
I assure you that what I have described is way outside of my little corner of the denominational quadrant. They are not me.
I refer to the church in general and I am not alone. If you take a quick survey of all the people in the local Mall on Sunday Morning about why they are there and not in church… you will not want to complete it. Most people have had a really, really bad experience with a church … or know too many stories.
Thank goodness Rob Ford didn’t run for the Office of a Minister in a Church, or for the Office of Church Leadership. Whew. His Ego would have bruised many other Bigger Egos in that area.
NO No no… it is not my church… think POPE, think Bishop, think Cardinal… don’t think about me and mine. We are pure… very pure…
I ask the question that I use for my title of this post… “Have you ever wondered about the Expensive Cost of an Ego?”
Finally – Gary Webster will be okay. He was paid over $282,000 in 2010 and likely a little more in 2011. And with his demise as a TTC leader they will have to pay him a mere $500,000 as a buy-out. He will do okay… and Mayor Rob Ford will have slept better last night.
Oh Boy!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
Have you ever wondered about the Expensive Cost of an Ego?
Yesterday I wrote about Nik Wallenga, who is going to walk across the Niagara Gorge on a tight rope! That seemed to be the most dangerous thing in anyone’s mind… up to that point.
But that isn’t the most dangerous thing to happen in a person’s life. There is far more danger lurking in another place north of Niagara Falls. That place is the City of Toronto and to be specific, the Toronto City Hall.
It is the place that the Mayor Rob Ford’s Ego stands large and loud… and it is the place that a vote took place to run over Gary Webster. Gary Webster is/was the General Manager of the Toronto Transit Commission – the TTC.
Gary Webster is a Civil Engineer. He is someone that knows something about building roads and tunnels and stuff related to the building of railways and subways.
Mayor Rob Ford is not an engineer but rather a politician and I think in some sort of business before that. In Wikipedia someone described him with the following… quote…
“Ford is a lifelong resident of Toronto and son of Doug Ford, a former Member of the Ontario Legislature in the Conservative government of Mike Harris, and wealthy founder of a printing business. Ford studied political science at Carleton University but only finished his first year. Ford is a graduate of Scarlett Heights Entrepreneurial Academy in Etobicoke.” End quote.
(BTW- the Wikipedia Ref is along read but worth it – Rob Ford is quite a man)
If you live in Saskatchewan, Australia, or Turkey and beyond (some of the places where this Blog is read), you likely don’t give a Ding Dong about Mayor Rob Ford and what he does to staff at City Hall. What he did to Gary Webster yesterday is not likely going to have an affect your life at all.
But maybe it does. And that will happen when another person with an Ego as big as Mr. Rob Ford gets involved. And believe me what Mayor Ford possess with his Ego, others in this world do also.
The story behind the running over of Gary Webster by Rob Ford happened when Gary Webster did not agree with the Mayor’s plan or idea. He came out and said that he didn’t agree either… and Newspapers reported what he thought.
You do not oppose an Ego Driven person. When they are anywhere near you in your employment world – DO NOT OPPOSE THEM! Do not say that you have an idea or a reasonable objection – or they will fire you. Above all do not think that you have a better idea or a more reasonable or a less expensive idea… or you will be fired. Plain and simple – they, the Ego Driven Person, will always be smarter, more powerful, and able to fire you.
And there is one thing that is clear about Rob Ford, he is smarter, more powerful, and able to fire you – even if you are a Graduate Civil Engineer from a university and have 30 years working experience in the same job.
Did you get the part that Rob Ford completed High School and also the first year of political science at Carleton University in Ottawa? But remember he is a graduate of the highest and most privileged class of people in our world – “The Politician” – who only requires one thing – a vote that is higher than others around him or her.
Yesterday in a vote of 5 to 4 Gary Webster was fired. 5 people that won the vote were Mayor Rob Ford’s allies, “his people”.
Why write about this kind of stupidity? I live in Peterborough, Ontario which is an hour and a half from Toronto. What does it matter to me?
Well as a person that has worked in “a pure system” that should not be affected in any way by politics of any sort… you would think that I am free of that. Nope – not free at all.
“A pure system” you say? Yep. It is the Church. Should be pure right? Free from politics and the presence of men’s attitudes etc…. right?
Nope it happens big time in the church. Please, believe me… it does.
When I worked within the confines of the organization that I did I saw it many times. When I retired from it I thought that it wouldn’t be a part of my life anymore. How wrong my thinking would be!
Recently another Pastoral Friend of mine was fired. He will be in the Employment Insurance – E.I. – line along with the rest of the scoundrels that were let go. (that part I add in that when you are let go from your job you definitely feel that way at the E.I. Office)
People liked my Pastoral Friend, but management didn’t. Someone told me that he was not a “Team Player”… he wouldn’t do what the management expected him to do.
I can’t tell you any more – because I know too much about the management and the staff… got to be careful. I do not want to get fired!
Whoa!? I can’t get fired.. I am retired…! But that is how wicked… the smarter, more powerful, and able to be. And it happens even in the “pure systems” – even a church.
Now my audience and the leadership of my own denomination will be looking into ways to find out what I am talking about. Because when someone talks about stuff that shouldn’t be talked about – they cast dispersion on all the rest.
I assure you that what I have described is way outside of my little corner of the denominational quadrant. They are not me.
I refer to the church in general and I am not alone. If you take a quick survey of all the people in the local Mall on Sunday Morning about why they are there and not in church… you will not want to complete it. Most people have had a really, really bad experience with a church … or know too many stories.
Thank goodness Rob Ford didn’t run for the Office of a Minister in a Church, or for the Office of Church Leadership. Whew. His Ego would have bruised many other Bigger Egos in that area.
NO No no… it is not my church… think POPE, think Bishop, think Cardinal… don’t think about me and mine. We are pure… very pure…
I ask the question that I use for my title of this post… “Have you ever wondered about the Expensive Cost of an Ego?”
Finally – Gary Webster will be okay. He was paid over $282,000 in 2010 and likely a little more in 2011. And with his demise as a TTC leader they will have to pay him a mere $500,000 as a buy-out. He will do okay… and Mayor Rob Ford will have slept better last night.
Oh Boy!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Nik Wallenda, the Niagara Gorge and Being watched by the Safety Police
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
Nik Wallenda, the Niagara Gorge and Being watched by the Safety Police
I am not sure that you caught report from Niagara Falls of Ontario and New York. Wow! Another guy is going to walk across the Niagara Gorge on a tight rope! Can you imagine???!
That was outlawed years ago, but now someone has allowed the application of
Nik Wallenda to the Niagara Parks Commission to be approved and it will now be allowed.
From reports that I read it will bring in mega millions of dollars for the Niagara area which has been hurting in recent years with the downturn in the tourist industry. At least that is what has been suggested in the media.
When my wife and I heard that news flash on the Radio last week we together said a BIG WOW!
Why WOW!?
In an article published in the Ottawa Citizen today, written by Elizabeth Payne, a concern I have is outlined for us to consider.
No I am not concerned about anyone walking across a tight rope over a huge, boiling water mass, in front of the entire world, where everyone thinks he might fall in and die… Nope that doesn’t bother me at all. People do stupid things all the time. YouTube Videos have far more dangerous things recorded than that!
What it has done is point to our overly cautious society and the tail spin that it will be in as this is allowed.
Elizabeth points to something we all know is happening now. We are very cautious about everything that we do now… and society in general does anything and everything to protect itself against danger. OR SOMEONE IN SOCIETY IS TRYING TO PROTECT ME from danger!
No I am not saying that doing dangerous stuff is good necessarily… it is fun – or at least used to be… now it is TOO DANGEROUS! TOO DARN DANGEROUS FOR ANYONE WITH A THINKING MIND TO DO SUCH SILLY THINGS!
Elizabeth pointed to the fact that drinking alcohol in Public Park is considered dangerous – so it is not allowed. Well I see it as Obnoxious – not Dangerous – but under the Danger sign it is ruled out.
She tells of a group in Ottawa that was kicked off the Rideau Canal because of possible danger. I am not sure what happened, but it kind of sounded like they were trying to drink and skate too – at the same time.
DUH! Why do we need more rules to keep people from doing something stupid like skating when you are drunk? Most people have enough common sense that they do not have to be told or given a new ruling on Danger. DOUBLE DUH! When you drink your sensory system is way out of whack… and trying to skate at the same time will make you go BOOM! Ouch! Umph!
You do not need a ruling or law for that.
But years ago someone ruled out letting people like Nik Wallenda walk on a tight ropes above the Niagara Gorge. Either it was too dangerous for the tight rope walker or for the thousands of people that pushed in close to the very edge of the Gorge to get a look at the idiot walking across. It is likely that some fell over the edge of the Gorge trying to see what was going on.
And after Nik does this stunt, others will apply and want their turn a little bit of fame as well. Where will it stop?
That doesn’t bother me – really.
What bothers me is that for years we did silly and even stupid things… and we lived to tell about it. Yes some people got hurt and maybe even worse. But that was called LIFE and no one needed to regulate it to death.
But we live in a huge dichotomy of everything. We see that it is still okay to let Hockey Players smash each other within a few inches of death – or more likely ruining their possibility to play again… We think it is okay for them to fight and pound on each other – just so the ratings will continue to fly high on TV.
That is okay.
But letting ordinary people skate on the ice without a helmet on is not good at all. No kidding in some arenas now ordinary people cannot glide around the ice without having a helmet on!
That is STUPID!
Last night I skated around a rink again. One more time. This is my 63rd year of doing so… without a helmet.
Last night I saw all the kids wearing their helmets and trying to skate. Some fell down but none every hit their heads… it was always their bottoms or legs…
I am suffering today from an Overly CAUTIOUS WORLD… and the Cautious guards that guard everything I do… but miss the important things.
I am betting now that the Overly Cautious World’s – “Caution Police” will not allow Nik Wallenda to cross the Niagara Gorge without a helmet on, a flotation jacket of some sort on, safety boots, and a very long rope attached to his safety harness strapped around his body.
When the Caution Police get done, Nik will be okay and we can all sleep well at night.
I think I will go shopping on Senior’s Day at the Mall. The parking lot will be full of old codgers that are downright dangerous. Oh NUTS! They will soon start making us old fellas wear those dumb helmets soon. We are a danger to ourselves and others – just walking around!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
Nik Wallenda, the Niagara Gorge and Being watched by the Safety Police
I am not sure that you caught report from Niagara Falls of Ontario and New York. Wow! Another guy is going to walk across the Niagara Gorge on a tight rope! Can you imagine???!
That was outlawed years ago, but now someone has allowed the application of
Nik Wallenda to the Niagara Parks Commission to be approved and it will now be allowed.
From reports that I read it will bring in mega millions of dollars for the Niagara area which has been hurting in recent years with the downturn in the tourist industry. At least that is what has been suggested in the media.
When my wife and I heard that news flash on the Radio last week we together said a BIG WOW!
Why WOW!?
In an article published in the Ottawa Citizen today, written by Elizabeth Payne, a concern I have is outlined for us to consider.
No I am not concerned about anyone walking across a tight rope over a huge, boiling water mass, in front of the entire world, where everyone thinks he might fall in and die… Nope that doesn’t bother me at all. People do stupid things all the time. YouTube Videos have far more dangerous things recorded than that!
What it has done is point to our overly cautious society and the tail spin that it will be in as this is allowed.
Elizabeth points to something we all know is happening now. We are very cautious about everything that we do now… and society in general does anything and everything to protect itself against danger. OR SOMEONE IN SOCIETY IS TRYING TO PROTECT ME from danger!
No I am not saying that doing dangerous stuff is good necessarily… it is fun – or at least used to be… now it is TOO DANGEROUS! TOO DARN DANGEROUS FOR ANYONE WITH A THINKING MIND TO DO SUCH SILLY THINGS!
Elizabeth pointed to the fact that drinking alcohol in Public Park is considered dangerous – so it is not allowed. Well I see it as Obnoxious – not Dangerous – but under the Danger sign it is ruled out.
She tells of a group in Ottawa that was kicked off the Rideau Canal because of possible danger. I am not sure what happened, but it kind of sounded like they were trying to drink and skate too – at the same time.
DUH! Why do we need more rules to keep people from doing something stupid like skating when you are drunk? Most people have enough common sense that they do not have to be told or given a new ruling on Danger. DOUBLE DUH! When you drink your sensory system is way out of whack… and trying to skate at the same time will make you go BOOM! Ouch! Umph!
You do not need a ruling or law for that.
But years ago someone ruled out letting people like Nik Wallenda walk on a tight ropes above the Niagara Gorge. Either it was too dangerous for the tight rope walker or for the thousands of people that pushed in close to the very edge of the Gorge to get a look at the idiot walking across. It is likely that some fell over the edge of the Gorge trying to see what was going on.
And after Nik does this stunt, others will apply and want their turn a little bit of fame as well. Where will it stop?
That doesn’t bother me – really.
What bothers me is that for years we did silly and even stupid things… and we lived to tell about it. Yes some people got hurt and maybe even worse. But that was called LIFE and no one needed to regulate it to death.
But we live in a huge dichotomy of everything. We see that it is still okay to let Hockey Players smash each other within a few inches of death – or more likely ruining their possibility to play again… We think it is okay for them to fight and pound on each other – just so the ratings will continue to fly high on TV.
That is okay.
But letting ordinary people skate on the ice without a helmet on is not good at all. No kidding in some arenas now ordinary people cannot glide around the ice without having a helmet on!
That is STUPID!
Last night I skated around a rink again. One more time. This is my 63rd year of doing so… without a helmet.
Last night I saw all the kids wearing their helmets and trying to skate. Some fell down but none every hit their heads… it was always their bottoms or legs…
I am suffering today from an Overly CAUTIOUS WORLD… and the Cautious guards that guard everything I do… but miss the important things.
I am betting now that the Overly Cautious World’s – “Caution Police” will not allow Nik Wallenda to cross the Niagara Gorge without a helmet on, a flotation jacket of some sort on, safety boots, and a very long rope attached to his safety harness strapped around his body.
When the Caution Police get done, Nik will be okay and we can all sleep well at night.
I think I will go shopping on Senior’s Day at the Mall. The parking lot will be full of old codgers that are downright dangerous. Oh NUTS! They will soon start making us old fellas wear those dumb helmets soon. We are a danger to ourselves and others – just walking around!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Monday, February 20, 2012
Ontario’s Family Day – working hard to do nothing at all
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
Ontario’s Family Day – working hard to do nothing at all
Can you remember when you did nothing on your day off? Most of us do something to catch up on our day off because we are so very busy on the other days of the week.
Can you remember way back when Sunday was considered to be a/the “Day of Rest”? You know people did nothing on that day but sit around and just be quiet. Believe it or not that happened in the last Century and its first 50 years. Its last 50 years were not so much like that.
On that day, among all the other days of the week, a majority of the folk simply did very little except go to church on Sunday. Of course the Minister had to work and so did the music people, like the organist.
Now as I write these words I am writing as a person that doesn’t work at a normal job any longer. We no longer have to get me ready for an office experience and public engagements that require meal and clothing to be ready for certain times and days of the week. That part is gone and life is a little more relaxed.
When we decide to have a “lay in” (as my British and Irish friends say), we simply do. We do not have to be anywhere 90% or the time.
However, a new regime has become part of my life where a primary amount of my time (and my wife’s time) revolves around caring for my Mother in her 91st year of life. As she lives with us there is a constant, ongoing need to help her in many ways. But the needs she represents are so minimal that it has just become part of our lives.
That is how some of our life is engaged and it is easy to cope with.
But going back to the Sunday as a Day of Rest… and having a Day Off… for the general population these two days do not exist any longer. Life has become very much faster than the one that my Grandparents once lived.
Joanne Laucius wrote an interesting reflection for the Ottawa Citizen on days off, and holidays that our families are suppose to get now. She writes specially about Ontario’s Family Day and the way that some people cannot get that day off – even though it is a holiday. Where certain jobs are considered essential and people that work at these tasks do not get that Family Day off. (see Link below)
Joanne points to an obvious fact as well. Families that have both parents working and also have small children, Day Cares are vital to their ability keep working. But when Day Cares shut down for their Staff to get their Family Day, some folk do have to work and are forced to take time from their annual vacation time to look after their own kids.
What I find odd about our present way of living is that we have to rearrange our life’s very busy schedules to get one simple day away. In fact the effort to get away takes more out of us and costs us more financially than ever before.
Life is so complicated that taking time away is a chore. It is easier to work all the time. Far better than shutting down the normal system and causing us grief.
But going back to my Grandpa Kirkpatrick who worked on his farm 24/7… how did he get days off and how did he rest?
I remember Grandpa sometimes laying down after his mid-day meal. It was just for a little while before heading back out to the shop. And it was the custom way back then to take a mid-day rest to allow the body to recoup.
Then on Sunday after the chores were complete and the animals were looked after, they did nothing at all. They simply slept and read and did nothing… absolutely nothing. It was their day of rest.
On that little farm that was situated west of Truax, Saskatchewan and east of the Blue Hills Sundays were quiet.
These deeply spiritual relatives of mine didn’t attend a church as there was none of their kind in the area. I think the closest one might have been 35 – 60 miles away. And that was simply too far to go when the animals needed looking after at least twice a day.
It is odd now looking back on that distant past and the family that we came from… in that all of the offspring and their offspring and now their offspring are likely the busiest people on the planet!
Three generations later we are insanely living at the speed of light.. until we crash and burn.
Mind you we have Blood Pressure pills to prop us up – or rather keep the BP down. We have other pills that clean our arteries of foul cholesterol that comes along from the stress and the poor diets. We have therapists that rub sore muscles and limbs that are simply uptight from not getting enough time to relax and rebuild.
Oh Boy!
Today is Family Day and we will do nothing in our house. Oh… no… that is not true… our church has planned something fun to do later in the afternoon. We are skating together I think.
Yesterday was a true day of rest. It was Sunday.
For 35 years I have had to be in church before everyone else, making sure that the doors are open, that it is warm enough in the winter and cool enough in the summer. I had to work each Sunday without fail… because that was my job.
Yesterday, after a very big Saturday(I wrote about it a few days ago), we simply slept in and did the Charlie and Emma Kirkpatrick thing on the farm at Truax. We did nothing at all. And it was good.
God gave us a hint and an example. In the early part of the Bible Book entitled Genesis, His creating the world is described. It is pretty amazing to read that part over again. Then in a spectacular way it states, “and on the seventh day He rested.”
If the all powerful God had to rest, maybe I, in my less powerful state of being need to rest too.
This is Family Day today. I will get breakfast ready for my Mom. We will eat together, and watch some TV. Maybe read a book after that. And my wife may sleep in until lunch because she doesn’t really have to get up for anything.
I have worked hard all my life to get to this point that I can do basically nothing… absolutely nothing… and I love it.
What will you do today?
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Ontario’s Family Day – working hard to do nothing at all
Can you remember when you did nothing on your day off? Most of us do something to catch up on our day off because we are so very busy on the other days of the week.
Can you remember way back when Sunday was considered to be a/the “Day of Rest”? You know people did nothing on that day but sit around and just be quiet. Believe it or not that happened in the last Century and its first 50 years. Its last 50 years were not so much like that.
On that day, among all the other days of the week, a majority of the folk simply did very little except go to church on Sunday. Of course the Minister had to work and so did the music people, like the organist.
Now as I write these words I am writing as a person that doesn’t work at a normal job any longer. We no longer have to get me ready for an office experience and public engagements that require meal and clothing to be ready for certain times and days of the week. That part is gone and life is a little more relaxed.
When we decide to have a “lay in” (as my British and Irish friends say), we simply do. We do not have to be anywhere 90% or the time.
However, a new regime has become part of my life where a primary amount of my time (and my wife’s time) revolves around caring for my Mother in her 91st year of life. As she lives with us there is a constant, ongoing need to help her in many ways. But the needs she represents are so minimal that it has just become part of our lives.
That is how some of our life is engaged and it is easy to cope with.
But going back to the Sunday as a Day of Rest… and having a Day Off… for the general population these two days do not exist any longer. Life has become very much faster than the one that my Grandparents once lived.
Joanne Laucius wrote an interesting reflection for the Ottawa Citizen on days off, and holidays that our families are suppose to get now. She writes specially about Ontario’s Family Day and the way that some people cannot get that day off – even though it is a holiday. Where certain jobs are considered essential and people that work at these tasks do not get that Family Day off. (see Link below)
Joanne points to an obvious fact as well. Families that have both parents working and also have small children, Day Cares are vital to their ability keep working. But when Day Cares shut down for their Staff to get their Family Day, some folk do have to work and are forced to take time from their annual vacation time to look after their own kids.
What I find odd about our present way of living is that we have to rearrange our life’s very busy schedules to get one simple day away. In fact the effort to get away takes more out of us and costs us more financially than ever before.
Life is so complicated that taking time away is a chore. It is easier to work all the time. Far better than shutting down the normal system and causing us grief.
But going back to my Grandpa Kirkpatrick who worked on his farm 24/7… how did he get days off and how did he rest?
I remember Grandpa sometimes laying down after his mid-day meal. It was just for a little while before heading back out to the shop. And it was the custom way back then to take a mid-day rest to allow the body to recoup.
Then on Sunday after the chores were complete and the animals were looked after, they did nothing at all. They simply slept and read and did nothing… absolutely nothing. It was their day of rest.
On that little farm that was situated west of Truax, Saskatchewan and east of the Blue Hills Sundays were quiet.
These deeply spiritual relatives of mine didn’t attend a church as there was none of their kind in the area. I think the closest one might have been 35 – 60 miles away. And that was simply too far to go when the animals needed looking after at least twice a day.
It is odd now looking back on that distant past and the family that we came from… in that all of the offspring and their offspring and now their offspring are likely the busiest people on the planet!
Three generations later we are insanely living at the speed of light.. until we crash and burn.
Mind you we have Blood Pressure pills to prop us up – or rather keep the BP down. We have other pills that clean our arteries of foul cholesterol that comes along from the stress and the poor diets. We have therapists that rub sore muscles and limbs that are simply uptight from not getting enough time to relax and rebuild.
Oh Boy!
Today is Family Day and we will do nothing in our house. Oh… no… that is not true… our church has planned something fun to do later in the afternoon. We are skating together I think.
Yesterday was a true day of rest. It was Sunday.
For 35 years I have had to be in church before everyone else, making sure that the doors are open, that it is warm enough in the winter and cool enough in the summer. I had to work each Sunday without fail… because that was my job.
Yesterday, after a very big Saturday(I wrote about it a few days ago), we simply slept in and did the Charlie and Emma Kirkpatrick thing on the farm at Truax. We did nothing at all. And it was good.
God gave us a hint and an example. In the early part of the Bible Book entitled Genesis, His creating the world is described. It is pretty amazing to read that part over again. Then in a spectacular way it states, “and on the seventh day He rested.”
If the all powerful God had to rest, maybe I, in my less powerful state of being need to rest too.
This is Family Day today. I will get breakfast ready for my Mom. We will eat together, and watch some TV. Maybe read a book after that. And my wife may sleep in until lunch because she doesn’t really have to get up for anything.
I have worked hard all my life to get to this point that I can do basically nothing… absolutely nothing… and I love it.
What will you do today?
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Pedophiles, the Conservative Party of Canada and Community Danger – Blah!
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Pedophiles, the Conservative Party of Canada and Community Danger – Blah!
The title of the article states, “Toews surprised by content of online surveillance bill” )The House – CBC’s TV program/internet article)
That is kind of funny in a way. The man in charge of shoving his ideas and the ideas and program of the Conservative Government through Canadian Parliament, is not aware of all the parts of the Bill C30. Not kind of funny – but sad.
This past week many clips have been shown on my TV (or at least I looked at them) that have shown a Second Party of NDP folk and a Third Party of one Liberal attempting to get the Ruling Party of Conservatives to listen.
My personal opinion is the Ruling Party of Conservatives do not listen to anything that is said or suggested. They did a better job by far when their political party was a struggling minority. And now it is starting to show in a clear fashion.
There is great concern over the sweeping powers that seem to be in this contentious Bill allowing the Police to look into the Internet accounts of Canadian People. But it also involves looking into the information of other people, perhaps not Canadian, that may be doing things that someone has objected to.
But we are told by the Ruling Party of Conservatives that it is all about the Children that are possibly subject to Pedophile’s attacks against them.
I think this is a CROCK in many ways. It points only to Pedophiles that work the Internet, leering at photos of children… and the Pedophiles that take photos of children.
It does absolutely nothing to protect the children from dirty old men(and some women) that plot, groom and attack inside of families, sports groups, or even churches.
As the Pedophile that has not been caught yet, looks on a Ruling Party of Conservatives’ Bill and the big flap over this, they are safe for a while. In fact I think that they might even love it. If the Pedophile doesn’t go on to the Internet and doesn’t do the photo thing… he is able to have attention diverted away from what he does.
The intent of the Bill in Parliament is to keep children safe. But it is such a small amount of safety offered.
What is far more important is the community awareness and response to the Pedophile – rather the hype of the Ruling Party of Conservatives – and its objectors.
Who is possibly standing up in Parliament to talk about Circles of Support and Accountability – COSA? Who is talking about prevention and awareness of the real issues of stopping “the source” and helping “the source” of the Pedophilia problem?
There have been Pedophiles working their evil since the start of time. The Internet and the photo file sharing is only a recent apparition or symptom/product.
Very poor family relationships, poorly controlled sports clubs and church structures – are more likely the bigger problem.
What major money is being poured into prevention? Rather than retaliation and banging heads to get it better – why not pour more funds into prevention?
I have yet to find a Conservative Politician that will listen to what is being done in the communities to protect the children and help the Pedophile – and doing so keep the community safe.
But by being the all-powerful Ruling Party of Conservatives, pushing whatever they think is the way – they think they have the answer. They rather have the floor and the power that do not allow other ideas and ways that are working to do any good at all.
But most other ideas are not Conservative Ideas – thus they are bad.
When the smoke settles and the Ruling Party of Conservative’s way prevail because they are all powerful… maybe we can work with what is left.
Maybe our community can get on with helping Pedophiles turn from their wicked ways and leave children alone with a solid COSA in place. But wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to get the money from the Government to do a better job? Instead of potentially harming ordinary people with new laws and regulations that scare these folk away from the truth of what could happen???!
Nope I do not think the Government of Canada at this point in time has it right. I think the Ruling Party of Conservatives are not listening at all. But you and they have already been following my idiots ideas – and wonder at my not agreeing with their wisdom.
Vote them out in four year’s time – you say? The problem is many communities like ours had last time – there was no reasonable alternative. And everyone knew it.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Pedophiles, the Conservative Party of Canada and Community Danger – Blah!
The title of the article states, “Toews surprised by content of online surveillance bill” )The House – CBC’s TV program/internet article)
That is kind of funny in a way. The man in charge of shoving his ideas and the ideas and program of the Conservative Government through Canadian Parliament, is not aware of all the parts of the Bill C30. Not kind of funny – but sad.
This past week many clips have been shown on my TV (or at least I looked at them) that have shown a Second Party of NDP folk and a Third Party of one Liberal attempting to get the Ruling Party of Conservatives to listen.
My personal opinion is the Ruling Party of Conservatives do not listen to anything that is said or suggested. They did a better job by far when their political party was a struggling minority. And now it is starting to show in a clear fashion.
There is great concern over the sweeping powers that seem to be in this contentious Bill allowing the Police to look into the Internet accounts of Canadian People. But it also involves looking into the information of other people, perhaps not Canadian, that may be doing things that someone has objected to.
But we are told by the Ruling Party of Conservatives that it is all about the Children that are possibly subject to Pedophile’s attacks against them.
I think this is a CROCK in many ways. It points only to Pedophiles that work the Internet, leering at photos of children… and the Pedophiles that take photos of children.
It does absolutely nothing to protect the children from dirty old men(and some women) that plot, groom and attack inside of families, sports groups, or even churches.
As the Pedophile that has not been caught yet, looks on a Ruling Party of Conservatives’ Bill and the big flap over this, they are safe for a while. In fact I think that they might even love it. If the Pedophile doesn’t go on to the Internet and doesn’t do the photo thing… he is able to have attention diverted away from what he does.
The intent of the Bill in Parliament is to keep children safe. But it is such a small amount of safety offered.
What is far more important is the community awareness and response to the Pedophile – rather the hype of the Ruling Party of Conservatives – and its objectors.
Who is possibly standing up in Parliament to talk about Circles of Support and Accountability – COSA? Who is talking about prevention and awareness of the real issues of stopping “the source” and helping “the source” of the Pedophilia problem?
There have been Pedophiles working their evil since the start of time. The Internet and the photo file sharing is only a recent apparition or symptom/product.
Very poor family relationships, poorly controlled sports clubs and church structures – are more likely the bigger problem.
What major money is being poured into prevention? Rather than retaliation and banging heads to get it better – why not pour more funds into prevention?
I have yet to find a Conservative Politician that will listen to what is being done in the communities to protect the children and help the Pedophile – and doing so keep the community safe.
But by being the all-powerful Ruling Party of Conservatives, pushing whatever they think is the way – they think they have the answer. They rather have the floor and the power that do not allow other ideas and ways that are working to do any good at all.
But most other ideas are not Conservative Ideas – thus they are bad.
When the smoke settles and the Ruling Party of Conservative’s way prevail because they are all powerful… maybe we can work with what is left.
Maybe our community can get on with helping Pedophiles turn from their wicked ways and leave children alone with a solid COSA in place. But wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to get the money from the Government to do a better job? Instead of potentially harming ordinary people with new laws and regulations that scare these folk away from the truth of what could happen???!
Nope I do not think the Government of Canada at this point in time has it right. I think the Ruling Party of Conservatives are not listening at all. But you and they have already been following my idiots ideas – and wonder at my not agreeing with their wisdom.
Vote them out in four year’s time – you say? The problem is many communities like ours had last time – there was no reasonable alternative. And everyone knew it.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Giggles and Smiles are worth a Million Bucks – the Buckhorn 2012 Heritage Days
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Giggles and Smiles are worth a Million Bucks – the Buckhorn 2012 Heritage Days
When I rolled out of bed at 5 AM this morning I was not sure what the day would hold for us. We were off to the Buckhorn Heritage Day 2012. At 5 AM it is not an adventure yet – it is punishment – specially for my wife! Oh Boy.
The adventure begins about 9 AM when the visitors start pouring through the doors.
If I had a dollar for every smile and giggle I heard today – I would be a Millionaire!
The kids come by the dozens. And the first thing I heard is, “Can I try?”.
Whether it was the “Dancing Dan”, the Wooden Spoons for playing along to the fiddle music or trying to operate the Spring Pole Lathe – they had a ball.
I love kids (and adults…). They make my day in every way.
Mind you after talking to so many today and teaching so many the things that we did… I am pooped out tonight. The Blog posting is short tonight as I am very close to dropping off – soon.
The photos below will tell a small part of the story that I was surrounded by/
I want to thank the Buckhorn 2012 Heritage Day planners and organizers… as well at the army of volunteers that put this day together. You folk are amazing. Thank you for all that you have done!
You made the giggles and the smiles possible. And you certainly deserve a Million Dollar BONUS this year – each of you!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Giggles and Smiles are worth a Million Bucks – the Buckhorn 2012 Heritage Days
When I rolled out of bed at 5 AM this morning I was not sure what the day would hold for us. We were off to the Buckhorn Heritage Day 2012. At 5 AM it is not an adventure yet – it is punishment – specially for my wife! Oh Boy.
The adventure begins about 9 AM when the visitors start pouring through the doors.
If I had a dollar for every smile and giggle I heard today – I would be a Millionaire!
The kids come by the dozens. And the first thing I heard is, “Can I try?”.
Whether it was the “Dancing Dan”, the Wooden Spoons for playing along to the fiddle music or trying to operate the Spring Pole Lathe – they had a ball.
I love kids (and adults…). They make my day in every way.
Mind you after talking to so many today and teaching so many the things that we did… I am pooped out tonight. The Blog posting is short tonight as I am very close to dropping off – soon.
The photos below will tell a small part of the story that I was surrounded by/
I want to thank the Buckhorn 2012 Heritage Day planners and organizers… as well at the army of volunteers that put this day together. You folk are amazing. Thank you for all that you have done!
You made the giggles and the smiles possible. And you certainly deserve a Million Dollar BONUS this year – each of you!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Friday, February 17, 2012
Top 10 points of Cell Phone Addictions
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
Top 10 points of Cell Phone Addictions
There was an early morning news release that a study was done in the UK – and the percentages were shared as to the Mobile Phone Addictions and how it relates to certain age groups.
Recently in the mall I have been watching the number of people that use the phone – continually. Four adults yesterday, likely ranging from 50 to 60 years of age were sitting at a table in the food court. All four were staring intently at the screen of the cell phones. Each was checking for messages. None were talking to each other.
Just a few months ago it would have been only teenagers checking messages. Now it is almost everyone.
Today at the mall I will be conducting my new survey again to see how many phones I can count in a 15 minuet period of time. Then I will place some guestimates on the age of the users. Should be fun. They will never see me looking and counting. Cell phone users do not see and are not aware – of anything.
Here is the a list of the Top 10 points of Cell Phone Addictions given by Digital Trends… great stuff guys and gals – (reference below)
10. You’ve spent more on accessories than on your phone.
9. You have 30 different apps installed. And use them all.
8. You have alarms telling you when to do everything in your life.
7. You read about your phone on your phone.
6. You’ve cut back on necessities to afford your $100 a month cell phone bill.
5. A full battery charge barely lasts the day.
4. You broke it, and it feels like you lost a friend.
3. When you meet people with the same phone, you can only talk about the phone.
2. You feel a brief moment of panic when you touch your pocket (or grope to the bottom of your purse) and it’s gone.
1. You use it in the bathroom.
NOTE: If you do not know what most of the words I used above are about - you do not own a cell phone and/or you definitely are not addicted and you are likely OLD!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
Top 10 points of Cell Phone Addictions
There was an early morning news release that a study was done in the UK – and the percentages were shared as to the Mobile Phone Addictions and how it relates to certain age groups.
Recently in the mall I have been watching the number of people that use the phone – continually. Four adults yesterday, likely ranging from 50 to 60 years of age were sitting at a table in the food court. All four were staring intently at the screen of the cell phones. Each was checking for messages. None were talking to each other.
Just a few months ago it would have been only teenagers checking messages. Now it is almost everyone.
Today at the mall I will be conducting my new survey again to see how many phones I can count in a 15 minuet period of time. Then I will place some guestimates on the age of the users. Should be fun. They will never see me looking and counting. Cell phone users do not see and are not aware – of anything.
Here is the a list of the Top 10 points of Cell Phone Addictions given by Digital Trends… great stuff guys and gals – (reference below)
10. You’ve spent more on accessories than on your phone.
9. You have 30 different apps installed. And use them all.
8. You have alarms telling you when to do everything in your life.
7. You read about your phone on your phone.
6. You’ve cut back on necessities to afford your $100 a month cell phone bill.
5. A full battery charge barely lasts the day.
4. You broke it, and it feels like you lost a friend.
3. When you meet people with the same phone, you can only talk about the phone.
2. You feel a brief moment of panic when you touch your pocket (or grope to the bottom of your purse) and it’s gone.
1. You use it in the bathroom.
NOTE: If you do not know what most of the words I used above are about - you do not own a cell phone and/or you definitely are not addicted and you are likely OLD!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Thursday, February 16, 2012
A warm day in February, Snow Balls and Dumb Decisions
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
A warm day in February, Snow Balls and Dumb Decisions
As I sat in the van the kids jumped out to run into the house. Emma was to unlock the door for her brother Clifford and Clifford was to fetch a schedule with the vital information for his afternoon program. Grandpa was the designated driver.
Just as Emma rounded the front of the vehicle a snow ball whizzed past my driver’s side window and hit the top of Emma’s school backpack. It glanced off her pack and hit the front bay-window right where the dog was sitting looking out.
Emma whirled around and glared at her stupid brother. She had no time for this nonsense and headed for the door.
As I opened the vehicle’s door to give Clifford a mild rebuke, Emma said, “I’ll just lock the door and not let him in!” But she wasn’t quite fast enough to get her vengeance… he made it up the steps on time.
That mini war happened in seconds. Then it was over with Clifford back in the vehicle and Emma out walking her dog.
All was forgiven… well kind of… until the next moment one of them could get the other one for what they last did. And only a brother and sister know what they feud about. It is just in their genetic makeup I think. It is family.
Oh the Flash Back…
As I watched this little spat go on I was suddenly back on a warm day way back in 55 years ago. Whoa! I gotta slow down these Flash Backs.
The snow was melting in the warm sunshine of the mid-winter thaw. I was in a pack of boys that had to walk from one school to the other one for a “Shop Class”. This was right after lunch and we had about 15 minutes to make the trip before the bell rang.
As we passed the red brick church it seemed only right that the church wall was a good place to throw a snow ball. The wet snow ball would hit and stick leaving the evidence that you could throw. And if you through enough snow balls you could write something, like printing your name – or your friend’s name…. or something stupid, like, “Girls are idiots”
The girls from our class were not far behind as they were heading to a “Home-Ec Class” while we did “Shop”.
With some of the words done quickly the evidence was there for the girls to see.
And as we moved further along the street, the next best thing to hit was each other. And ducking into a yard to hide here and there was the safest thing one could do.
None of us planned to harm anyone. I am sure of that. But the homeowner that lived near the church didn’t see it that way.
I think the dear old person probably attended the church that we had just pelted. And they couldn’t see the humour in writing stuff on the wall of their church – especially with the stained glass windows so close to red brick wall.
Then when I ducked into their yard to take cover behind the bush in their yard, I placed myself just near the large window of that senior citizen’s front room.
The guy that was about to nail me to the wall with his snow ball dropped his arm and moved away. I couldn’t figure out my luck. I was a dead man with his deadly snow ball.
As I looked slowly and looked around I caught the image of a person in the window… and realized that we had been seen throwing snow balls.
I ran to catch up to the other guys. Whew that was close!
Well it was too close.
When we arrived at the school and took our wet clothes off, the teacher told us to go directly to the Principal’s Office. All of us boys from the other school were to drop what we were doing and move now! The teacher wasn’t happy and his tone of telling us said it all.
I had a sinking feeling that we were in big trouble.
The senior that had been the witness and that owned the yard that I was crouched in, had called the school principal and told him of our sin. He had described what we wrote on the wall of his church, almost hitting the stained glass windows and the other boy that came into his yard. Then he had told the principal about the one boy that was about to break his big glass window with that snow ball.
The senior was very unhappy with these “thugs” that had paraded by his house. He had been watching us every time we walked to the other school and knew exactly who we were and what school we had come from.
Oh boy. The second school principal with the “Shop Class” was angry… and we just knew that our own school Principal would hear about this and we would be in bigger trouble!! Then our parents would hear about it too.
That Flash Back produced a cold shiver of regret that flooded my soul. I remember the look on that Principal’s face just before we dropped our heads in shame. The Principal explained that he had called the Principal of our school and told her what we did. He also said that if that ever happened again the “Shop Class” privilege would be withdrawn and we couldn’t come again.
We loved the Shop Class and the walk to the second school. And now we had blown it.
I can remember that afternoon we were all quiet… much quieter than normal.
Yikes what a memory. What a flash back.
Back to the Present…
I had a mind to tell Clifford that he can’t be an idiot like this… that Emma had done nothing to him… that he could have broken the front window of his house… that snow balls hurt… that he is going to have to get another ride from another Grandpa if he continues to act this way…
But I had this stupid grin on my face. I had just witnessed my grandson simply being me. He knew that he wouldn’t hit the window on purpose. His throw was perfect. It was intended for the top of Emma’s backpack… not her head, or her eyes… just her pack. And the throw had been good. Hitting the window was simply the splash over the backpack.
I really am “not the best example in the world”! I think that is what the Principal of that school had said about us that day in the principal’s office.
Some of the guys I went to school with went on to be lawyers. Some were in very big businesses. One was a politician. Others were faithful fathers that taught school many years before retiring.
And go figure I became a Minister… and for many years working with rascal kids and stupid teenagers that just wouldn’t listen.
I grinned again as I drove on, not mentioning the snow ball thing – until now. And when his dad and mom read this… this grandson of mine could be in big trouble. Sheesh! Sorry Clifford I just had to tell someone!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
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Today’s Blog Post
A warm day in February, Snow Balls and Dumb Decisions
As I sat in the van the kids jumped out to run into the house. Emma was to unlock the door for her brother Clifford and Clifford was to fetch a schedule with the vital information for his afternoon program. Grandpa was the designated driver.
Just as Emma rounded the front of the vehicle a snow ball whizzed past my driver’s side window and hit the top of Emma’s school backpack. It glanced off her pack and hit the front bay-window right where the dog was sitting looking out.
Emma whirled around and glared at her stupid brother. She had no time for this nonsense and headed for the door.
As I opened the vehicle’s door to give Clifford a mild rebuke, Emma said, “I’ll just lock the door and not let him in!” But she wasn’t quite fast enough to get her vengeance… he made it up the steps on time.
That mini war happened in seconds. Then it was over with Clifford back in the vehicle and Emma out walking her dog.
All was forgiven… well kind of… until the next moment one of them could get the other one for what they last did. And only a brother and sister know what they feud about. It is just in their genetic makeup I think. It is family.
Oh the Flash Back…
As I watched this little spat go on I was suddenly back on a warm day way back in 55 years ago. Whoa! I gotta slow down these Flash Backs.
The snow was melting in the warm sunshine of the mid-winter thaw. I was in a pack of boys that had to walk from one school to the other one for a “Shop Class”. This was right after lunch and we had about 15 minutes to make the trip before the bell rang.
As we passed the red brick church it seemed only right that the church wall was a good place to throw a snow ball. The wet snow ball would hit and stick leaving the evidence that you could throw. And if you through enough snow balls you could write something, like printing your name – or your friend’s name…. or something stupid, like, “Girls are idiots”
The girls from our class were not far behind as they were heading to a “Home-Ec Class” while we did “Shop”.
With some of the words done quickly the evidence was there for the girls to see.
And as we moved further along the street, the next best thing to hit was each other. And ducking into a yard to hide here and there was the safest thing one could do.
None of us planned to harm anyone. I am sure of that. But the homeowner that lived near the church didn’t see it that way.
I think the dear old person probably attended the church that we had just pelted. And they couldn’t see the humour in writing stuff on the wall of their church – especially with the stained glass windows so close to red brick wall.
Then when I ducked into their yard to take cover behind the bush in their yard, I placed myself just near the large window of that senior citizen’s front room.
The guy that was about to nail me to the wall with his snow ball dropped his arm and moved away. I couldn’t figure out my luck. I was a dead man with his deadly snow ball.
As I looked slowly and looked around I caught the image of a person in the window… and realized that we had been seen throwing snow balls.
I ran to catch up to the other guys. Whew that was close!
Well it was too close.
When we arrived at the school and took our wet clothes off, the teacher told us to go directly to the Principal’s Office. All of us boys from the other school were to drop what we were doing and move now! The teacher wasn’t happy and his tone of telling us said it all.
I had a sinking feeling that we were in big trouble.
The senior that had been the witness and that owned the yard that I was crouched in, had called the school principal and told him of our sin. He had described what we wrote on the wall of his church, almost hitting the stained glass windows and the other boy that came into his yard. Then he had told the principal about the one boy that was about to break his big glass window with that snow ball.
The senior was very unhappy with these “thugs” that had paraded by his house. He had been watching us every time we walked to the other school and knew exactly who we were and what school we had come from.
Oh boy. The second school principal with the “Shop Class” was angry… and we just knew that our own school Principal would hear about this and we would be in bigger trouble!! Then our parents would hear about it too.
That Flash Back produced a cold shiver of regret that flooded my soul. I remember the look on that Principal’s face just before we dropped our heads in shame. The Principal explained that he had called the Principal of our school and told her what we did. He also said that if that ever happened again the “Shop Class” privilege would be withdrawn and we couldn’t come again.
We loved the Shop Class and the walk to the second school. And now we had blown it.
I can remember that afternoon we were all quiet… much quieter than normal.
Yikes what a memory. What a flash back.
Back to the Present…
I had a mind to tell Clifford that he can’t be an idiot like this… that Emma had done nothing to him… that he could have broken the front window of his house… that snow balls hurt… that he is going to have to get another ride from another Grandpa if he continues to act this way…
But I had this stupid grin on my face. I had just witnessed my grandson simply being me. He knew that he wouldn’t hit the window on purpose. His throw was perfect. It was intended for the top of Emma’s backpack… not her head, or her eyes… just her pack. And the throw had been good. Hitting the window was simply the splash over the backpack.
I really am “not the best example in the world”! I think that is what the Principal of that school had said about us that day in the principal’s office.
Some of the guys I went to school with went on to be lawyers. Some were in very big businesses. One was a politician. Others were faithful fathers that taught school many years before retiring.
And go figure I became a Minister… and for many years working with rascal kids and stupid teenagers that just wouldn’t listen.
I grinned again as I drove on, not mentioning the snow ball thing – until now. And when his dad and mom read this… this grandson of mine could be in big trouble. Sheesh! Sorry Clifford I just had to tell someone!
~ Murray Lincoln ~