Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Coming back to “Youer than You” in the midst of Stupid

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Today’s Blog Post
Coming back to “Youer than You” in the midst of Stupid

Today my mind is filled with all the really important things of today along with not so important things. Did you ever have that problem?

Listening to the News Media can do that to you. The problem is how do you unload the stuff you do not want to keep?

Here is my list… Stuff…

Bones found in New Zealand a few years ago indicate that the one kind of penguin could be over 9 feet tall. I think the one that they have was 4 feet tall.

In Canada something called “Vikileaks” was uncovered and a low lifer in the Liberal Party has resigned. He told secrets about Minister Vic Toews that the Minister didn’t think anyone should know about – nasty secrets about his divorce proceedings. But who cares if Vick slept with someone outside his marriage , other than his first wife?

The Conservative Party has been trying to move on from an employee that they hired during the last election in Canada. The employee’s name was “Robocalls”. Can you believe anything about this. Some do and some say it didn’t happen – and someone is telling a lie. I think.

And the Oscars are over for another year. Wow – what a show I didn’t see! They say the viewing was up 4% - but – like who cares!? It seems to be about a review of something that most people don’t really care about. If they liked the show when it was showing they went to it. If they went to it and didn’t like it – so what? Then at the end of the year of movies, they tell me why they liked it better than I did – or didn’t. That feels like a complete waste of time frankly.

Quick erase these thought strains and replace it with something super important today…

Are you ready for this?

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seus

Sorry – that is really too simple a thought. But the midst of what is happening now… it is the best one that I can come up with. I Tweeted it today – which offered relief to all my friends that read Twitter. Then Twitter shared it with my Facebook friends all 1000+ of them today. Now a possible 170 people today will possibly read this and about 1100 this week will get it also.

Now remember when the mind gets too full… push Pause, then highlight the Stupid Stuff, finally hit Delete… and that today You are You.

That certainly feels better for me. How about you?

~ Murray Lincoln ~

Here are the sources to help clutter your mind further…

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