Friday, February 24, 2012

One Change in Routine and Rhythm – equals a New Creativity

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
One Change in Routine and Rhythm – equals a New Creativity

There is probably no greater loss that happens throughout the year than the one that takes place in the Canadian Winter.

The loss that I refer to is the one of Creativity. That unction to do something special or new or that urge to get a job done – is also part of the Creative process. And it can stop dead this time of the year.

Whether it is creating a drawing, painting, sculpting, wood carving or whatever it is that you do, Winter and routine is deadly.

It can also be the fact of cleaning a room of your house. The regular routine to just keep alive and keep going is established. Breaking it would be very hard to do. Snow would build up, the house would grow cold and the life that we establish to keep going must be the same. And the cleaning that you need to get done – is stopped!

Isn’t it odd? Spring cleaning follows a long winter or the sameness. Everything is coming alive and nothing is the same anymore.

I am suggesting that a change of the routine and the regular rhythm of your life can spark creativity. I have found it so.

It happens when I am in control of the change as well.

If something unexpected takes place the new rhythm is not welcome… and can be disastrous.

You may have noticed when there is a death in the family everything stops, schedules change and routine is blown away. The closer the death of someone is to you, the more likely your entire life will be disrupted.

Now add to that a major move because of a new home, a new move, a new job… and I can tell you that it will take sometimes months to get going again.

Personal experience speaking here. After a move from one job to the next, I cannot draw or create anything at all – for at least four months. I must have a settled-ness in order to create again.

But – the problem is the normal life, the ordinary everyday life; where nothing changes. It is in that state that you can slip into a nothingness, a dryness, a lack of ideas that takes over your life. It is during that time that nothing can come from the Creative. You just don’t feel doing anything. You could not draw for any money. Nothing is there to help you either… at least it seems like this is true.

I have found an answer that changes all that. Just make a simple change the process that you are living by.

A Walk before breakfast can make a world of difference. Eating the toasts before the cereal, or not eating at the same time each morning can make a huge difference. By shocking the system just a little and still being in charge of what is happening, a great internal change takes place. Something magic happens and WOW! Things change!

I know that this makes a great deal of difference when I need to lose weight. By changing what I eat, not the amount of food but the kind will suddenly be enough to make the body shed the weight.

As I thought of that and was also suffering from a writing and drawing Block, a Creative Blockage that had me going nowhere real quick… I decided to change my routine.

WOW! What a difference a little change made for me. My Block was moved out of the way and away went the process. Immediately I needed pen and paper, nothing would stop me. It was almost magic.

So what did I do?

I took my drawing supplies to the Mall and sat with a cup of coffee, in the middle of all the people sitting around me. I started drawing. WOW! Again it was flowing regularly.

I then tried McDonald’s McCafe and an early morning coffee time before others were moving and getting up. DOUBLE WOW! I drew like crazy this morning… and had eight illustrations done before 8 AM.

The worst problem is the retirement mode(RM). In this RM everything is pretty much the same each day. Work and its variety is gone. The table is the same. The chores around the house are the same… your wife or husband are the same… and the conversation is the same. Nothing is new after the first two weeks of retiring. The vacation period is over and “sameness” takes over everything.

Some of my friends are now dead – even though they are alive. This sameness is lethal. RM killed them!!

Go ahead try it… change something… even if it is small… you will feel it and start doing things that are just plain fun. The urge to be and do will come alive in you.

I have done just that and am loving the new life that I now have.

Do the Nike thing… “Just do it!”

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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