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Today’s Blog Post
“Oh my God I am flying!”
“I’ve never flown before!” said the small voice behind us.
Then the second smaller voice said, “Neither have I. I have never flown before either.”
We had sat down in our seats on the Westjet Flight 424 from Winnipeg to Toronto. A young lady with two small boys had just sat down behind us and the talk was more than cute as they readied themselves for the big moment that was ahead… their very first flight.
Sean was the 7 year old. He had short hair and new clothes on. His brother David was 4 and he was almost identical to his brother. Two peas in a pod for sure.
Alida and I listened and grinned at each other. What a special moment for us to share with them. No, no… we weren’t with them – but being that close to them you could hear it all.
After a short while of preflight preparations the mighty engine just outside my window kicked in and began to whine. The ground crew was waving their orange sticks and we were being backed up with the help of the pusher vehicle.
I grinned and thought I am a boy also… just like the two behind us in the next seat. This was so much fun… going somewhere. In this case we were on our way home. In Sean and David’s case I think there were some grandparents that were going to meet them in Toronto at the completion of our flight.
As the aircraft backed up and then started to move forward… one of the small voices said, “We’re moving!” I could feel his glee as we started toward our take off runway. For the small voice he was sure that we were flying. The excitement was building… by the second. You could feel the fun emanating from row 13, seats 13A and 13B.
It was then that the mighty thrust began and continued with everything the pilot could find available to him. The aircraft rumbled faster and faster forward on the runway… picking speed up every half second.
Seat 13A and 13B were quiet as they took it all in… then an excited young voice stated the pure pleasure that all of us knew but would never ever say out loud, “Oh my God we are flying!”
I think it was Sean in 13A that had made the declaration.
I grinned again. I am a boy and I love the feeling that stirs deep inside of me as the new adventure rushes at me. I love the feeling of the unknown. I am rushing ahead into life and loving it. This is way better than playing with toy airplanes. This is way better than the nights that mom kissed me goodnight and told me there was only six more sleeps, five more sleeps, two more sleeps… before I would take my first airplane ride. I had never flown before and I could hardly wait. But now… “Oh my God we are flying!” and my boy spirit is soaring along with the mighty aircraft below me.
For the next two hours I sat thinking what it was like to be a boy again. To remember that absolute joy of doing something for the first time… rolled around in me. That feeling of wonder and “Wow!” as my dad and mom took us somewhere for the very first time… was great… all over again.
I think that the day that I become so hardened to what is around me… the day that I lose my, “Oh my God we are flying!” wonder… I will be old. I will be too old to remember that I am really a boy that is about to venture out of where I have been doing my boyhood stuff… and I am about to start something new, better, brilliant and unbelievable! I will be old.
I don’t want to every feel old.. or be old.. or lose the “Oh my God we are flying!” feeling!
In fact that would be the epitaph that I want on my tombstone… yes… that is it… “Oh my God I am flying!”
Gotta run… the motors of today was beginning to rumbled to life. I am ready to take off again. Today is another adventure that is just waiting for me.
Sean and David are having fun at Grandpa’s and Grandma’s place today… and I intend that I will have just as much fun as they are and WOW! - “Oh my God I am flying!”
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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