Thursday, June 23, 2011

Imagine… you don’t want their liver to get tight!

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Today’s Blog Post

Imagine… you don’t want their liver to get tight!

The young mom stood frozen as the baby’s Grandma gathered together the long nightgown the baby wore and lifted him up, upside-down. The Grandma began shaken the baby back and forth, upside down while the baby’s head shook back and forth to what was happening on the other end. Something like shaking a bag of flour to get it to settle.

The young mom shrieked for her mother-in-law to stop! This was her first baby and though she wasn’t a perfect mother yet, and sometimes didn’t know what to do with her new baby boy, instinct told her that this can’t be good for her baby.

She yelled at the mother-in-law to stop… who by this time was letting the baby down again into his crib.

She asked the mother-in-law why she had done that as she picked up the baby and held him close.

The young mom stood in disbelief as her mother-in-law told her that, “I was shaking him to keep his liver loose, it shouldn’t get tight. It is good for him!”

The baby didn’t cry but his head was bouncing from side to side violently.

Wow! What a story!

That story was shared with me out of the blue last night by my 90 year old mother. That baby was me.

My wife looked at me with disbelief and said, “Now we know what is wrong with you…”

I have had all night to think about the violent shaking that I had as a baby. I think I had the dreams because of what I was told.

Now physiologically it made no sense at all, knowing what I know today. But I guess my Grandma Lincoln didn’t know these things.

The liver is located in the abdomen and needs considerable shaking to the get the job done… which means the head is snapping back and forth on the lower end like a whip.

Good Lord… it does explain why I am a little different. My brain was shaken so it wouldn’t get tight! The liver has never given me problems for that matter either.

Most of the time I have many scattered thoughts that kind of float out there in La La Land. It was so good in school.. others would be sitting there struggling with their school work and I was a million miles away in another country – having a great time. Concentrating on what the teacher was saying was sometimes hard to do… if it was boring I simply looked out the window and I was gone… for an afternoon of pleasure… in the field beside the school… without ever leaving my school desk.

I had two sisters and one brother… that I seriously doubt my mother allowed to be anywhere near the old lady that shook her son.

But I also have many cousins from my dad’s brother and two sisters that were all subject to this old lady’s ministrations. I don’t doubt that the old girl likely kept the gizzard as well as the liver from being tight in all her Grandkids. Hokey Mokey!

Can you imagine how many kids might have died from silly old Grandmas that were just keeping their liver from getting tight!?

After my mom told me about preventing the tight liver incident… she explained further her fear of that horrible moment.

I apparently had a bigger head, small neck and my body was not all that big. With the gathered nightie around my feet I kind of puddled into the nightie around the collar… and mom was fearful that I would slip through the nightie neck and bounce on the floor with my head first.

Good Lord… it is amazing that I survived all of that.

So what do I do with this new bit of important information today? I am off to the Doctor’s Office shortly. Do I tell him or not? He was a little shocked when the he found out my abdomen has buckshot in it from an old shot gun we played with… long ago.

I think I will become a hypochondriac through all of this…

Imagine… you don’t want their liver to get tight! Good Lord – what else don’t I know?!!!!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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