Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Modesty… and Modestly Dressed – way too Old fashioned for my World

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Today’s Blog Post
Modesty… and Modestly Dressed – way too Old fashioned for my World
Yesterday my wife and I looked on as some new friends of ours showed us their ancestor’s personal affects. We were there to go through the antique articles of clothing and some personal items that will be considered for the Museum portion of Lang Pioneer Village… and maybe other Museums in our area.

What an amazing collection of items and treasures it was as box after box was opened and described by the owners. There was treasure after treasure of old things that date back to 1870 and earlier.

The old photos of famous and notable people of the community were among the great things in the boxes. There in the one photo were the women dressed in their “Sunday Best” along with the men uncomfortably wearing the stuffy old suits of the day. Many suits looked like the black or grey flannel that was popular during the time of the late 1800s and on through into the 1900s.

There in one box was a rather slinky kind of dress that had form and fashion. Wearing something like it certainly would show off a woman’s beautiful body that was below the layers of material. Even in 1870 it was fashionable to show off what you have… for women that is…

The old photo in one frame showed a tightly pulled in waist and a puffed out or up bust. Many small buttons held in the person that was snugly made into the shape that they wanted. By today’s standards these ladies of the Black were definitely someone that would turn a man’s head and make his eyes follow.

Now he would be considered a nasty man if he did look at her. He wouldn’t dare let others actually know he was looking. And there is no way that the honourable old Presbyterian Elder would ever let anyone know that he was dreaming about what the shape below that hour glass form was like.

Some of those old gals were quite a catch to say the least. To say more… that they were down right sexy is way too much. It would be crossing a line that by today’s standards that are being hatched or developed.

Today men can’t look at the form the same way they did in 1870. If a man sees something of someone that is dressed way over the edge as far as appropriateness is concerned he best not be in that place. And above all he better not say anything that would challenge the female with that form showing… or being openly demonstratuve… of openly flaunted… or made to look like a Slut.

If he does he is the target of some of the worst possible derision that can happen.

In a number of articles I read the follow words that were quoted over and over again…
“Police Constable Michael Sanguinetti had been giving a talk on health and safety to a group of students at Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto when he made the now infamous remarks.

"You know, I think we're beating around the bush here," he reportedly told them. "I've been told I'm not supposed to say this - however, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised.”

He has since apologised for his remarks and has been disciplined by the Toronto police, but remains on duty.” End quote.

The place that Officer Michael Sanguinetti made his statement was a small gathering of students from what I gleaned. One or more of the students took great offence to what he said and reacted by reporting it loud and long. Today that report has grown into a world wide movement that is now classified as “Slutwalks”.

Michael Sanguinetti is credited as the origin of these “fashionable” displays of women’s rights to look any old way that they would like to.

Worse yet it has now spread to the office and the workplace… women are dressing in ways that they should not (see below the “true sisters dress for success).

And even worse yet the new Slutwalkers are trying to push their effort toward the Women’s Rights of the 1900s… either to get the vote… or to get equal pay.

I will join Michael Sanguinetti and say that if you dress like this people will think you are a Slut. I do not think you should be made a Victim. I have worked with Victims of Rape… and they were not to blame – at all. These people that try to make Michael Sanguinetti the culprit are not seeing all the possible angles of this foray.

If you as a woman dress in ways that excite a man, and you know that it will excite him or raise attention towards yourself… you HAVE NOT THOUGHT ABOUT THE OTHER WOMAN that might be attacked by your initial LURING!

Most Rapists that I have met were enticed by images and real people before they struck out at an innocent victim – and raped her. The victim wasn’t the problem – or wasn’t the one that initiated it all. Other people were… and they were totally responsible.

Men will react the way that Michael Sanguinetti said they would. That is real. It is not right – no. But it is true.

And it is not new.

Men were raping women way back… even when the dear Presbyterians in that Black and White Photo were sitting for that memorable day. The women in that photo were “knock outs” and looked quite becoming. To say that they looked a whole lot like the dancehall girls of their time… would bring the ire of the community down on the “sayer”. But if the colour of the clothing had been red or a dazzling blue… oh boy! Those dear sisters in that photo would have had men of there day snapping their heads around and hurting their necks.

On the beach last Sunday there were guys and gals laying in the sunshine. The guys bathing suits haven’t changed much. BUT the gals bathing suits… well… they paid way too much for what they got!

I do not have to read or look at another Pornographic Magazine again. I simply have to go to the beach and look long and hard (behind sunglasses of course)… there is all kinds of Porn displayed for all to see. God help us all.

On Sunday there were lots of guys watching… seeing way more than the Porn they could buy would ever offer.

Don’t try to tell me that the guys weren’t turned on by what they saw. They were.

Now put just one of those guys in a very poor socially maladjusted situation… and you have a rapist ready to go… not right away mind you… he will leer at the women walking to work… or even attending church… and then later he will react and treat the poor Victim as a Slut… killing her spirit.

Yes your dress and the way that you show off your body does make a huge difference.

In the really old days it was called “modesty”. I know that will never be talked about today… but it still works for me.

I don’t like beaches. They are not good for me. There is nothing more to imagine. But when I leave the beach area… I still remember what I saw… and wonder about the people that I meet…

I am a man. And if you don’t like that… deal with it… dress up… don’t dress down.

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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