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Today’s Blog Post
I Hate Fighting – and Hockey Players that Fight
Tonight in many parts of Canada and some parts of the USA, people will watch the NHL game as the Vancouver Canucks again play the Boston Bruins. It is the fourth game of the final series toward one of the Teams becoming the Stanley Cup winners.
I watched the last game as everything broke down on the ice. Fight after fight, hit after hit, gesture after gesture left the fans cheering loudly, the crowd was in a frenzy and a number of players ejected from the game.
I watched grown men, that had been selected as the best in the NHL league represent everyone else as the best at their trade, play the game of hockey on ice. At least that is what I thought I was watching. Then it all fell apart.
At the end of the game I shook my head like many others did and asked why it went the way that it did. I could not figure out why it went into a downward spiral the way that it did. I thought we all knew better than to mess with that kind of thing.
Back in public school we didn’t know so much about treating each other with respect. We all knew that there were bullies. The bullies liked to fight. And the rest of us cowered in our desks, hoping that we wouldn’t be picked on that night on the way home from school. Many of us stayed late to help the teacher rather than get pounded out.
The bully usually started earlier in the day as he selected his prey. He would start by coming over and taunting the little guy that he thought deserved the smashing after school. That initial taunt would test the prey to see if he could be goaded into a reason for the bully to stalk him after school… and punch his lights out.
The time I remember the best was in Grade 10 – not primary school. Richard was a loud mouthed and taunting guy. He loved to pick on some people in the class. But by Grade 10 we were wise enough to have the sense to avoid the idiot.
Richard had greased back hair, a black leather jacket and wore long silver chains from his belt loops. He also had some silly looking girls tagging along with him.
Wayne on the other hand was a little shorter than Richard… built a bit lighter… and wore regular clothing. He was good looking and every one liked the guy. When you asked him a question he smiled and always tried to help.
Wayne was growing more important in the class than Richard. The “fright ability” of Richard was waning… he was starting to look more and more weird with his entourage of silly girls.
Richard never ever entered the room without some stupid and taunting thing he would do or say. As his chain hit my desk on the way by he would often slap the back of my head. I would try to pick up a pencil or something as he came by so he would miss me.
Now remember this is not primary school – I am almost 16 years old… so are all the rest of the kids in class.
One day Richard entered the room… chains hit my desk… he missed his taunt on me and smacked Wayne on the shoulder. There was no teacher in the room as usual… then suddenly it happened.
Wayne exploded… he shot up in the air from his desk… it flew off to the side hitting other desks… he grabbed Richard by his leather jacket lapels and jammed his unsuspecting body up against the lockers at the back of the room with a horrendous smash. Richard’s chains jangled hard against the metal locker doors… and the whole locker range rocked. That all happened right beside me… BANG!
“If you ever touch me again – or anyone in this room… you are dead man!” Wayne screamed at him… “I mean it…!”
Richard was shaken to say the least. His little and silly girls were crying… the rest of us closed our mouths that had dropped open… and we quickly rearranged the desks to the way they should have been… before the teacher came in.
The fight was over in a heart beat. Wayne had won. Richard had been defeated and sat down… with… an “Okay Man… don’t get so bent out of shape okay?!?”
I hated that place in class… the desk… the room and the rest of the guys that took Richard as their hero.
I still hate fights… and will try my best to not be in places where people fight.
Can you see why I will not be watching Hockey tonight? Oh – I will check the score… but they can keep the rest of it. I will be watching another channel… or listening to my Rock and Roll… loudly!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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