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Today’s Blog Post
Friday of Wrath – something you should be concerned about
Even as I write this at this time of day, people are suffering ways that are not imaginable. Many will have set out on a course this day that may cost them their lives. In fact many may be dieing as I write – and as you read this on January 28, 2011.
Yesterday as I returned from the Gym, the CBC reported was speaking with one of the Government Opposition Leaders in Egypt. He was describing the crack down that was already in place and was about to get even worse. The Government of that great country was reacted to the wave of protestors and protests that have sprung up within it very fibre.
Most Christians and even non-Christians in our country will not think of Egypt or have considered what is happening now.
On New Years Eve, 21 Coptic Christians were killed in Egypt with a targeted Bombing. On January 7th another six Coptic Christians were killed in a drive by shooting at their church.
But what is happening now is more than an attack on churches and Christians that live in Egypt. It is an internal upheaval that has happened all across parts of Africa.
In the last while Tunisia’s dictator was toppled and his family fled to various parts of the world. His brother-in-law and family fled to Montreal. Our Prime Minister has spoken out against them and stated that they are not welcome here.
From the reports that I have followed the Tunisian rebellion and toppling was orchestrated by way of the use of Facebook and the other Cell Phone usage – i.e. Text Messaging etc.
People would mass to one site or respond to another via the electronic communication devices. The ebb and flow of rioters was coordinated by a cell phone or communicator.
Today in Egypt the majority of people have responded to the call from their spiritual leaders to come and pray at the Mosque. All across this great county people have come for their Holy Day.
The speaker yesterday on the CBC stated clearly that his fear was for what happens when they leave the Mosque. As in other places and other times the fired up Islamic people will be prayed up and ready for what comes next.
His great fear was that on this day, the “Friday of Wrath”, they will be locked into the final ongoing struggle with the authorities and police in particular.
Egypt however was not as slow as Tunisia, It has clamped down on everything in the country.
The Montreal Gazette reports(By Yasmine Saleh and Sherine El Madany, Reuters)
– quote –
“CAIRO - Egypt mounted a security clampdown in Cairo and blocked Internet sites and the mobile phone system in a face-off with thousands of protesters who promised a "Friday of Wrath" aimed at ending Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule.
Emboldened by this month's revolt that toppled the leader of Tunisia, Egyptians have staged mass protests since Tuesday and web activists have called for Muslims and Christians to demonstrate after Friday prayers. Hundreds have been arrested.” End quote
We as Westerners could not be more aloof and remote from this country’s events. We are too busy going to Florida or Arizona. Egypt is not our winter holiday destination.
But Israel is next door to Egypt. The things happening right now will affect everyone.
I am fearful that many people will die today. I feel that they are ready to die for their cause. But not everyone is sure what their cause is all about.
The unique thing is that “web activists have called for Muslims and Christians to demonstrate after Friday prayers”
That certainly is a new turn of events for our world.
Two things could possibly take place – the uprising is put down(in which case they will escalate and grow more bitter) – or the uprising will be successful and the 30 year dictator will be ousted.
But in the present climate of Jewish, Christian and Islamic Worlds – all converging at one point and time… suddenly the End Times Prophecies that I remembered were preached when I was boy… are unfolding rapidly before my eyes. As I read the balance is changing quickly.
For years Egypt has been kind of a Moderate Islamic country and even kind of balanced out what happened to their neighbour Israel. Tip that moderate attitude over and there will be a huge change of relationships.
Canadians need to be aware and understanding. We will be affected by the relationships that come from all of this. So will Israel.
Today I am listening closely to what is taking place. Though it may be days until we hear the results of this Friday of Wrath, it is still happening.
I am concerned as a Christian and as a World Leader – in my own little World.
ON THE SIDE… there have been a number of readers of my Blog from this region of the world and from Egypt in particular.
If and when they read it again – I am concerned – deeply concerned and praying for God to help you!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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