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Today’s Blog Post
Egyptian Wrath continues
The images kept flooding into the Western World by way of TV reports. I was almost overwhelmed by 9 AM. I had been watching the TV reports stream steadily into the Gym from many different sources. Almost every media outlet available is shown on the banks of receivers hanging from the ceiling.
At some point one of the events suddenly burned deeply within my being. It is one that will now never leave. It is the one that points to a horror beyond belief.
The small video camera was pointing toward three men running toward the camera man. Behind them was an open road that was blocked at its other end with many people. These people seemed to be dressed in black – but they were more than two blocks away from the look of it.
As the scene unfolded with this clip the man on the left of the TV screen cleared the line of the camera vision… now two men were running closer. It was at that moment that a loud rifle “POP” could be heard and the man on the right of the screen twisted and fell in a human lump on the road… the other man continued to clear the TV screen… while the victim lay still… presumably dead or soon to die.
For the rest of the day, the evening, the night and all through the night my brain tried to process this image. It was terrible.
It was not Hollywood. It was not a movie where the stunt man gets up after the Director yells, “Cut… that’s a wrap!”
And with the hoard of people standing at the other end of the road and perhaps advancing toward the amateur camera person, no one went to pick up their friend. The two other men that were running toward the camera seconds earlier were likely still running. The body did not move.
This particular image showed the men to be a little older. It would appear that they could have been of marrying age, or past that – maybe even with a family at home. And likely there would still be parents alive some somewhere near his home – or in his home. Maybe he was the prime bread winner?
All of these thoughts stayed with me and are with me now.
The Friday of Wrath has come and gone… but is now followed by perhaps days of more and continued turmoil.
The people of the large Egyptian cities will awake up this morning and will make a decision to continue on or quit. But they have come too far to stop now. With or without food to eat they will start another day and the battle will rage again. This has been declared a revolution – and from what history tells us it does not end until the human drive that started it is satisfied with the amount of blood that has been shed.
The dictator of Egypt has been supported by the USA as he has displayed some semblance of good relationship with Israel. Most of the bullets and tear gas that was dispersed were USA made or bought.
No one knows what will come out of this as to the political climate.
At the end of yesterday the price of oil sky rocketed again. This next week we will all face that change at our gas pumps.
Yes World events such as the Wrath of Egypt will affect us all.
My thoughts went back yesterday to another time in Egypt when the Israelites that had lived there for 400 plus years, were about to leave. The Dictator at that time used them as slaves to better his own wealth. He treated them terribly in every way possible.
Just before the Israelites at that time were to leave, a final test took place – between God and the Dictator. Let my people go or suffer the consequences of a Death Angel passing over your cities and country.
The Israelites protected themselves with Lamb’s Blood sprinkled over their doorways and down the sides.
That night all of First Born Egyptians died in their sleep. The mourning the next day ways beyond any possible imagination with Millions dead.
Egypt has gone through the Wrath before.
One TV Person stated a horrible fact. 40% of the Egyptian people are below the poverty level and make perhaps less than $2.00 a day.
There were so many thoughts that raged through my mind and raging still.
I cannot help but think… Israel and its relative success, and its perceived weakness, added to that its being targeted by the hatred of almost every Islamic nation… is now fair game. Egypt’s poorness alongside Israel’s richness – and the pack attitude of the Revolution is going to mean a huge imbalance.
The war in Afghanistan is slowing and we are withdrawing… could Egypt be next with needed American Power to still the horrors of what might happen?
Why does a retired Minister like me give a care? Shouldn’t I be doing religious stuff here at home, go to church, sing nice songs, live a quiet and nice Christian Life here?
Nope I can’t do that. I care for my World. I will pray for the people of Egypt… and in particular the Christians that live there… if they are still alive.
My prayer life is being strengthened in ways that I did not know about.
Will you join me?
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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