Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wonderful Miracles – When the Children Touch Your heart

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Today’s Blog Post

Wonderful Miracles – When the Children Touch Your heart
On October 16 and 17, 2009 my wife and I were in Gravenhurst, Ontario for a series of meetings in the Prison. We were there to offer support and plan with a special group of folk that help people in prison. It was our prime reason to be in the area.

We stayed at a beautiful hotel that was at the water’s edge of Lake Muskoka.

I said that it was our primary purpose to be there… but not the only purpose.

In October 2009 I was one year into my “retirement” that had suddenly come after all those years of waiting for it. I wasn’t ready at all… and perhaps even today feel that way more than ever. The events that happened to us were complicated and a sense of loss was very much there. I was personally dealing with many issues inside – even though I was helping other people.

The words are difficult to get out even now.

While staying at that beautiful resort hotel we walked out on the huge rocks that jut out into the Lake. There at the end of the huge rock protrusion was a Gazebo built overlooking a breath taking view. But the view wasn’t as breath taking as the Gazebo and the affect that the place had on me at that time… and ever since.

Again the words are very difficult to tell the whole story that was happening and is still happening.

I wrote about this Gazebo and what I saw in one of my posting to this Blog just as it happened. It was entitled “Discovering the Children’s Memorial in Gravenhurst, Ontario”

Since writing this piece and also since being there my thoughts have wondered back often to that spot. I have walked down the Path of Memories and sat again in that peaceful spot created for the memory of the Children that have passed away in years before. It was also created for Moms and Dads (and family) that are left behind.

The thoughtfulness and wonderful care that started this place was something that always puzzled me. As I thought about the day that we sat there and spent the time in the Gazebo… I wondered how it all had come about. What person or persons had brought this absolutely amazing place into being? How? Why? I didn’t know but needed to.

In my own life at 66 years old and as a minister I cannot tell you the number of times that I witnessed the deep grief of someone losing a loved one. And during the 35 years that I have stood with my friends and even folk that I don’t know… there had been no more difficult times than when a Baby or a Child died.

My words would fail me. The deep sorrow was always there as I stood with them. I was simply quiet with a deep quietness that I didn’t know how or what to do with.

The Children’s Memorial was the answer for me as I unburdened the years of loss that I had witnessed. It seemed like a place that I could simply let the burden go… let the heaviness slip away.. that I could smile in… that I could feel good about everything.

This is where the words really can’t tell you what I was feeling – or feel each time I go back to that place in my memory.

For some this will seem crazy and definitely won’t make a whole lot of sense. It was like standing at the edge of Heaven and looking in…

It was also part of the continued process that I had been going through as I left the Pastorate and the Church Work behind. As I left the people that had lost loved ones and their kids at those graveyards… and left the active support for each one. When I left all the children that I had loved and cared for as their pastor.

Since that time I have realized that I have been still grieving the huge losses in my own life.

But my losses were nowhere near what these parents had gone through. And maybe that was the time halting/altering part on my journey as I stood in and then sat in and then didn’t want to leave the Children’s Memorial that was perched on the rock over looking the lake.

Always when I need a lift God gives me kids to lift my spirit. That has happened a million times over and over again.

At that time and many times since I was again lifted by the spirits of Little Ones that were remembered. I cannot explain it but somehow the kids just have to be there, giggling and doing all the things that little ones still do. They continue to do their part to brighten sad hearts… and people that suffer loses so deep that they cannot speak of them.

Why write about this today?

Last night an answer came by way of Angels… that work on the Internet. I am sure that Angels were involved… and maybe they were all the Children from the Children’s Memorial that caused it to happen… I don’t know.

When I opened my email, Evelyn Matson had written to me…the following words… quote…
"Hello Murray: This is Evelyn Matson. I've just read your piece "from the desk of..." on line, where you mention the Children's Memorial in Gravenhurst. Never have I read such beautiful words to describe the place and the gazebo! My husband and I built the gazebo (along with my husband's boss) and it was so moving, to read your words about our gazebo. We have lost both our son and our daughter, and came across this concept in Niceville, Florida, accidentally, about two days after our son's funeral, when we arrived back in Florida. We thought it was such a sychronicity. We knew the peninsula has trails already, and I just thought how wonderful it would be to have this same memorial up there...overlooking the lake that our children loved, and amidst all those beautiful trees and rocks. Your words echoed all my thoughts. I didn't know your words were written there, and I also found another piece called Emersyn's Paige, which was also very touching, and it just makes me so happy that the feelings I had when I saw the memorial in Nicevilled, have been duplicated for us in Gravenhurst. Thank you for your thoughts and kind words about our Children's Memorial. I can't remember the names of all our plaques, offhand, so maybe you even have a plaque up there, or know someone who does? If so, you will know that it is so important to have this spot to go to and remember our children, and also to know that OTHERS know that our children were HERE, and made a difference. Again...I loved your writing, and your thoughts and words. Thank you so much. Evelyn Matson"
End quote

No Evenlyn… THANK YOU! You will never know the amazing things that have come about because of your personal loss. I honour for what you have accomplished along with your husband and his boss.

You will likely never know how many have been blessed, encouraged and even healed as they found that special place of refuge.

I can only testify from my own life… and what has happened to me. That story is still being written today. Each week this Blog is read by about 1000 people… and as crazy as it gets some days… it helps some. Just under 60,000 have dropped in over the two years I have been writing… and many more have come since my trip to Gravenhurst.. a turning point for me.

In your note Evelyn you referred to “Emersyn's Paige” which I found on-line. What a moving story of Emersyn’s Mom and Dad and what happened to them with their discovery in Gravenhust!

You wondered if I had a plaque there along with the others mounted to help remember… No I don’t… but if I did it would be “Murray Lincoln, the Pastor that Loved all his kids and misses everyone of them today… and never forgets..”

My plaque would include young “Bradley” … that beautiful little boy that came from that broken home… that looked at me with his big brown eyes and asked, “Are you Jesus…?” But then only a short six months later Bradley died in that terrible bicycle accident when the car hit him on his way to school…

My plaque would include Baby Liam, and Rachel and way too many to put names to…

I ended the last posting about the Children’s Memorial with these words…
“If you have the time some day, are blessed with the opportunity and simply tell yourself – “I want to go there…!” Just do it! You will not be disappointed.”

Thank you Evenlyn… thank you so very much!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

1 comment:

  1. Dear Murray,

    Thank-you so much for your post wow what a small world! It is Christmas Eve and Jason and I are spending a quiet evening of reflection home together missing our Emersyn so much. We have not checked the blog in a little while and when we saw your post tonight we were so blown away. What amazing work that you do supporting bereaved parents, what a gift that you are giving to us. I would love to send you and Evelyn an email and we would really like to have a plaque made for Emersyn at the beautiful and magical Children's Memorial in Gravenhurst. You can contact us via email at We would really like to express our deepest thanks to Evelyn and her husband for creating this sanctuary for bereaved parents it really made us certain that Emersyn is with us and had certainly led us there. Many thanks for your post,
    Melanie, Jason and Emersyn Klomp
