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Today’s Blog Post
Dear Mayor Daryl, I am a little confused today
I need to clear things up.
Yesterday I wrote a piece about Mayor Daryl and his stepping into the position at the City Hall. With a little tongue in cheek I described one of his first actions when he stepped into the new position Dec 1st. That action was to fire – let go – dismiss Lynn Clark.
I suggested that she would now step into line with the rest of the unemployed.
That is one mistake on my part. With a severance package that won’t happen until it is all gone. That is the way it works. The severance package is considered income and E.I. won’t happen until the money is gone.
Of course she can get another position in the mean time and never go to the Government Line Up for her E.I. registration and activation.
Listening to another report yesterday the story is beginning to get around and become clearer now.
Lynn Clark has served very well in the position that she has had since 2007. She came from a solid background at the County Office and knew many good contacts for the Mayor’s Office.
In a silly way I suggested that Lynn might have some major problem and that is why the Mayor Daryl let her go. But with the action taken and the Mayor suggesting that he wouldn’t say anything unless she did… it left doubt and questions in my mind about the person of Lynn Clark.
I apologize to Lynn Clark for even suggesting that. No she didn’t write to me either.
Instead of problems that may be dreamed up by the statements made, now more has come to the surface about Lynn Clark. Lynn is the mother of three kids that she supports. The kids are all in school now according to what I was told.
Since 2007 Lynn has been the go to person at the City Hall to pass a message on to the Mayor. If you wished a meeting with the Mayor, Lynn would be the one that you speak to.
I truly believe that she was doing a good job and was deeply committed to the work in the Mayor’s Office. BUT she was likely committed to Mayor Paul Ayotte, the Mayor up to the end of November 2010. And I am guessing here… she might have canvassed for Paul during the election… and guess what – in that position you are the enemy… on the wrong side… when Mayor Daryl comes into his active position.
There is a small streak of compassion running somewhere inside of me that simply cringes when I hear this story unravelling. For the life of me I cannot and will never understand the reasoning behind a new Mayor – firing someone at Christmas Time! Plain and simple – that is real dumb! Maybe the dumbest thing I have witnessed for 2010.
Why not work with her through this season. Speak with her about the changes that will be coming. Help her to understand that in the New Year she will be repositioned in the City Hall. Her present job will no longer be needed. We deeply appreciate all that she has done in these past years… but with the new changes her position will be coming to an end. Why not have a send off party for her?
That just makes so much more sense to treat someone with kindness and respect.
It also makes so much more sense in the light of the Public Opinion that is out there.
Yesterday, at a coffee time I had with some former community leaders now retired, Mayor Daryl’s actions were much discussed. It is the informed opinion that Mayor Daryl Bennett is a “hatchet man” and that many people need to be afraid of what he is intending to do next.
“I think they have him in there to get rid of a whole lot of people!” was one guess that I heard.
The fellows that I sit with have had some experience over the years with Big Shots coming in to let people go in one heart beat. In BIG BUSINESS that is the way that you do it. Chop and slash… smash and move ‘em on out… bang and wham… get the operation on track again. Whamo!
But City Hall is not about that kind of production and whipping people into action. In all that I have seen so far and over the years appreciated – it is about service to the public that elects the officials that make huge decisions. It is about respect for the people that you lead. It is about human kindness and care for everyone – young or old, poor or rich – simply everyone.
How would I know that? Because the best examples that you can see is that Pastoral approach in the Mayor’s Office. You love them while you guide them.
The word “Pastor” has its roots that mean “Shepherd”. In that role you care for the whole flock… and every sheep.
That approach means that all sheep can feel safe and protected. They can feel that this is the best place in the world to live. You can trust the Shepherd.
The Mayor is a Super Shepherd… who cares for the whole flock.. the whole city.
Mayor Daryl cares for a few of the flock from what it looks like… but the other parts of the flock better get their act together – or it is off to Market. This man is all about “taking care of business, in every way,” (great song but…)
How dare I criticize the Mayor? Don’t you realize that he is known as “His Worship Mayor Daryl Bennett” ?
Yes I am familiar with the proper title. But until I see something that makes me understand the word “Worship” in this context, he will be Mayor Daryl, the number one man at City Hall.
Yesterday Mayor Daryl was on TV dressed in his Mayoral suit. He was shot by the TV Camera’s standing behind the serving trays at a school function where the students had prepared the meal for others. He was trying to show his mayoral ways.
The one thought that gripped me was… “I wonder if Lynn Clark’s kids are standing nearby looking at the dude that axed their mom? What are her kids thinking right now?”
I have no idea if that was the case. But what I do know so far is that Mayor Daryl kind of squashed one Family Christmas and then tires to act like he is all for Family Christmases… Sure some will believe that. Uh Huh!
Paul Ayotte kind of stated the obvious when asked how he felt about Lynn Clark’s removal from her position. “The jury is out on that one…” He couldn’t really say On Camera what he knew or thought. That man is gracious enough to say that he wouldn’t comment any further.
Paul Ayotte is a Shepherd. Paul cares for people. I guess it was time to move Paul out because stuff is going to happen that is more like Market Time than care for the flock time.
Paul could never have watched this or allowed it to happen. He stated he is looking forward to some travel… and time with his family.
I am a little confused today to say the least.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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