Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Watch out for the Weasels!

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Today’s Blog Post
Watch out for the Weasels!
“He is a Weasel!” my grandpa said in kind of a muttering way. He was referring to a certain car salesman that must have had a bad reputation in the community.

In my young mind at the time – he looked like a man, not a rodent that frequented the farm that Grandpa lived on.

Yet I guess the man had a weasel way about him. He did things to better himself and not other. He was an opportunist to say the least that knew how to get into the right places and take advantage of others that were not suspecting what he was really there for.

One common fear in southern Saskatchewan was that a weasel would get into the Chicken Coup and steal a Chicken. A “Weasel in the Chicken Coup” was not a good thing. It usually meant that the owner of the farm and the coup would lose out because of the wile of the weasel. And worse yet a laying hen would die… meaning no eggs and no more future Sunday Dinners.

The fear of the weasel was real.

In life the fear of and hatred of a weasel like person is real as well. These kinds wiggle their way through the small cracks in the wood work, under doors and around areas that were meant to keep out vermin. The weasel will not be stopped easily. Worse yet it is super intelligent and will figure out most of man’s traps.

A man’s gun and the bullet coming from it is a match for the weasel. If the shooter is a good one, then the weasel will be dead in a few seconds after appearing.

One weasel story that is closer to home for me is the one where one of my great uncles shot his wife dead. Apparently, so the story goes, my Great Uncle was so angry with the weasel and what it had done, he waited with his gun to pop it when it came out. Instead of hitting the weasel he killed my great aunt. One shot was all that was needed. Intended for the weasel but clearly entering the old girl instead. Yep dead in one shot! Suspicious? Maybe… But a good one to blame on a wicked weasel!

So you can see when my Grandpa made the statement about the car salesman, he was pretty serious. Weasels caused great damage in organizations and car dealerships.

Grandpa also called some of the Provincial and Federal Politicians weasels. He figured that most of them really hadn’t done an ounce of work in their lives and had weaseled their way into the important offices to weasel something out of someone else’s pocket.

I wonder what my Grandpa would have thought of the expenditure of Billions on about a two week period of time in Canada for the G8 and G20 meetings.

When they announced the last few days that the Government had spent $57,000 on a Fake Lake that only Media people would be using… in the middle of one the most densely populated Lake areas in Canada… I heard him role over in his GRAVE! “What a bunch of Weasels!” knowing that we are not dealing with just one weasel in the chicken coup – but they have also brought their whole family!!!

Sorry Grandpa. I can’t do much about it right now. Maybe the next election – not right now. But then all of them seem so interested in their own lives – not others… they all seem to be weasels of different sorts.

I think my Grandpa and his friends had it right. They had the ability to see through the scams and the twisted logic of certain community people. They spotted a weasel and what it was worth – long before they got into the chicken house.

So…. Today I am watching for weasels.. the kind that were clothing like I do, walk upright and are trying to get into areas that they shouldn’t be… or that I don’t need them in.

Watch out for the Weasels!
~ Murray Lincoln ~


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