Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Stumbling Across Stupidity and Mr. DUMB

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Today’s Blog Post

Stumbling Across Stupidity and Mr. DUMB
Now this short thumbnail sketch will not likely cover all that has happened – but it will give you a peak into “Mr. DUMB”.

If you have seen Mr. DUMB around you, you will recognize this as Mr. DUMB as well. I am sure of it. I certainly did when this Mr. DUMB came my way.

A friend of mine was fired from her Scouting/Cubbing leadership that she has done so well in for so many years. She is without a doubt the most caring person that I have met for years. She certainly is caring when it came to her hours upon hours of work she poured into her local Cub Pack as part of the local Scouting Canada movement.

But even though she is the best and could likely have received a community award for her excellent involvement – she was fired! Let go! Ex-communicated from her work with the kids. And it is Mr. DUMB in action again.

My friend as the leader made a decision that she stands with. It was the right thing to do. It was all she could do in light of the situation that she faced that day.

The Cub pack were ready and climbed aboard their bus for their long awaited weekend outing. They needed volunteers to go along. As the weekend approached the volunteers dropped off with personal life changes happening. My friend couldn’t go it alone. One of the mom’s stepped forward and gladly stated that she would go along. My friend accepted the offer and away they went. The bus was bouncing with typical Cub Scout enthusiasm.

This mom is a Medical Doctor – in fact a specialist from what I know so far. She is an outstanding example of care and a respected person in her world. Most groups would stumble over each other to get this kind of quality leader volunteer for even one weekend. She was also a parent that cared enough for her child to get them into one of the best Cub Scout programs in the area and enough to come along!!!! WOW!

Hold on tight now… this is where Mr. DUMB enters the story.

When the Cub Pack returned my Friend was grilled because of the decision she made to allow the presence of this volunteer mom get on the bus, be close to the children, or have anything to do with the Cub Organization locally.

Good God in heaven, didn’t my friend understand the implication of her allowing this Doctor, this specialist, this MOM, this COMMUNITY PERSON on their CUB PACK’s BUS for this weekend trip!!!!? Because my friend made this decision SHE WAS FIRED and kicked out of her long serving role as one of the best Cub Pack Leaders in our area.

Mr. DUMB acted and reacted in HIS very best form – proving without a doubt that Mr. DUMB has all his best DUMBNESS in place and operating at full steam ahead. YEH for Mr. DUMB! Mr. DUMB has proven himself DUMBER than a bag full of BRICKS!

Who is Mr. DUMB? Mr. DUMB is a newly appointed super hero, lord over all of the local Scouting Group. He is an expert in all things Cubbing and Scouting. And he knows best. He knows that the RULES are the RULES – no matter what or how or when it appears to be just plain DUMB!

Why is Mr. DUMB so DUMB? And why did Mr. DUMB act this way?

Are you ready for this one? Can you handle really DUMB decisions? Are you sure? I mean this is extremely DUMB! And it is also where Mr. DUMB hurts community!

This Doctor, specialist, mom, volunteer, last minute stand in, the one that took time out of her busy schedule to go along with her own son on a loud and fun and bust bus full of Cubs…. (ARE YOU REALY READY?)… many years ago, when she was just early in her medical practice, while facing a personal family crisis, after serving a long night of medical service… changed lanes without signaling – four of them – while driving to the next situation that she was facing. A cop stopped her and gave her a very serious ticket. She paid the ticket and also received her points on her license… because THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS OFFENCE!

It is so serious that Mr. DUMB considers it enough to NEVER ALLOW YOU ON TO THEIR BUS WITH THEIR CUB SCOUTS – even if you are a parent raising one of the Cubs!

I told you that it was DUMB… and that Mr. DUMB made that decision to maintain that he was right! Very DUMB but absolutely RIGHT in his own very DUMB way!

So help me God – this has to be the DUMBEST thing I have ever heard. I know that David Letterman would feature this one right up there with his best Top 10 DUMB LIST!

Because my friend allowed this mom that once changed four lanes without signaling, getting a ticket in the committing of this foul crime… and her greatest problem was that she got caught… MY FRIEND WAS FIRED!

Since that time parents have rallied around my friend. DUMB won’t listen. The parents have all pulled their kids out of the program. Other leaders have quit. And the best group ever will likely be dead this year – the deadest that it has ever been.

But Mr. DUMB is alive and well! And he is in control of all things Perfect!

Now I understand better than anybody that there are rules and regulation that are set up to maintain a perfect world. The regulations are in place to make sure that Pedophiles and really rotten people don’t gain access to the precious kids that we work with.

But when Mr. DUMB is allowed to be the local, Policeman, Local Crown Attorney, Local Judge and Jury, Local dictator.. the group has a major problem! And DUMB will do well all by himself.

Hey Mr. DUMB… I have a message for you… I work with Pedophiles in this community. I know them. I know their crimes and their history. Lane changing without signaling was not their crime. In fact there has never been one scientific study conducted, and evidence ever offered in court that has shown any connection with illegal lane changes and ABUSE OF A CHILD.

Listen Mr. DUMB – heads up… you are a perfect example of some one that is a target for a Pedophile to slip into your life and groom you in every way. Pedophiles love rules and regulations that they can manipulate. In fact, most of the ones that I know, the really smart ones work around rules and get off on it!

The guys that were bank managers and important people were the guys that made and kept the rules in their community. They were coaches and they were even ministers! They knew rules… and made rules and made people keep rule and regulations. They were so good in fact that they were given access to other people’s lives… and then while no one was looking they molested our children – right under our DUMB noses…!

Listen up Mr. Dumb. The most dangerous Pedophiles are not the ones that were charged and convicted and jailed. We know who they are. The ones that are the most dangerous are the ones that are right there now, grooming you, setting you up, gaining access to your family and showing their best rules.

Mr. DUMB – changing lanes illegally has nothing to do with Child Abuse. Making a decision to allow a convicted lane changer on a bus is not like Pedophilia… and making it clear for even you… your firing her will not keep a Pedophile out of your life!

My guess is the Pedophile is already laughing that you have got rid of one of the people that knows more about his actions than anyone else.

But Mr. DUMB – you won. My friend is broken by your decision. It is over. And well… you are just so DUMB. Congratulations on your DUMBNESS.

I just shake my head and walk away. I have changed lanes and never been caught. But then I will never ever volunteer to sit on your Bus either!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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