Wednesday, December 30, 2009

SO Have you seen AVATAR?

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
SO Have you seen AVATAR?

There we were in the theatre yesterday afternoon… three Old People sitting in the second bank – first row… reserved for Old People that have walkers and wheel chairs. It is dark and we are waiting for show to begin. Two of us fell asleep during the movie trailers… one woke up before the start of the Feature Movie and the other still was dropped off…

You don’t want to sleep during this movie! That is the First important thing to say… and the Second one is… don’t scream if you wake up in the middle of it… it is not a bad dream!

Now getting that warning out of the way right off the start of this post I can continue.

How can you possibly describe the most visually stimulating experience that a person will ever have had in his or her lifetime – up to this point? And that lasts for a solid 2 Hours and 42 Minutes…! That is 162 minutes without moving the only thing but your eyes… which don’t really need to move much… and forget the Bathroom Trip. “Tiny Bladder” people would miss most of what was happening to connect the dots if they need to go in 162 minutes time!!!

There is no way to lean over and ask your partner what happened a minute ago…!

I think it was like a religious experience… that had praying… committing to someone or something… love… and deep, heart rending feelings peppered throughout the 162 minutes. It was also WAR and Blood and Guts… to satisfy all of us that love that stuff… making dumb marines look even dumber than a bag of bolts. It is about environment and all stuff green… it is about travel… it is about just about every major thing happening now in the world. With almost 3 hours to deal with the story the producers didn’t need to leave much out.

Did I enjoy it? You betcha…! It was the best one I have ever seen – EVER… and was worth the $5.00 ticket that Oldies have to pay on the Cheap Day at the Movie… actually I would have paid $10 and not skipped a beat on this one. So good in fact that I will go back to see it again – and I NEVER DO THAT!

During the movie I looked to my left… and one of our Oldies had fallen asleep… mouth wide open… and completely relaxed. I do not know when the Oldie woke up… and I didn’t hear a SNORT… the movie was loud enough to cover that.

As we walked from the theatre… my eyes felt like I had played a Video Game most of the night. My head was buzzing a little bit… to say the least. 65 year old brains need some space between stimulation particles!

This morning when I woke up… I forgot three things before getting out the door to go to the gym. Then when I got to the gym – I found out I had forgotten my gym shoes…. What a start for the day.

I closed my eyes a minute ago to test the brain recall… whoah! The big eyes of the AVATAR came to me in a hearty beat… the Pandora World came alive again with the magnificent scenery… it was all still there.

I think my Oldies Brain is tired… and I should go back to bed.

SO Have you seen Avatar?

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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