Tuesday, December 29, 2009

AIKo – the Robot Wife – Hokey Mokey – No Way

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Today’s Blog Post
AIKo – the Robot Wife – Hokey Mokey – No Way

The Wisdom Club discussed some of this yesterday – at least the members that attended.

“No way – I don’t carry a Cell Phone… they can get me at home if they want to talk to me… leave a message!” This was a strong comment from a happily retired man. He has freedom now and doesn’t want to give it up.

Another commented on the Augmented Reality bit that I shared about yesterday(Dec 28, 2009 Post).

Well today a new slant that may well change the world entirely… a ROBOT WIFE! You need to read about this one – see Link Below.

If you can read the language of the Link – you will clearly see that it is shown on the “Geeky Gadgets” web site.

Go figure!

Mr. Le Trung, an inventor, has created the almost perfect wife. His new wife is named Aiko. She is beautiful, soft, and speaks both Japanese and English… and is capable of 13,000 different sentences. She will slap your face if you touch her the wrong way…

13,000 sentences! Did you get that? That is way more than most Baby Boomers talk to each other. It is more like when you first get married… later on you know what each other is thinking so you don’t need to talk.

I can see problems for old retired guys who just want to go out to their on Wisdom Club at the nearby coffee shop… and I can hear the conversation… and comments…
“She won’t shut up! She talks all the time. I am so sick of her talking, talking, talking – I could scream!”

Now Aiko looks like a beautiful gal… and is maybe the ideal wife for Le Trung. But I couldn’t handle living with her. It would be a little too freaky.

One other thing is that Aiko can’t walk yet. She is kind of an invalid at this stage… she sits all day and talks a lot. Now I stop for a minute and say carefully…I know some Baby Boomer’s that have wives like that too… so…

As I reflect on this I look back at what my wife does in our household. When she went away for the weekend with my daughter for a shopping trip recently… did I ever get an eye opener again – as to what she does all the time.

I appreciated my wife. No Robot will ever be able to replace her.

Now on the side…
When Alida and I were married 42 years ago… both of us were young…vibrant and in our full prime. Now today we have aged together – one year at a time.

Poor Le Trung will age – but Aiko will not. Within a short few years he will be her father… then he will be her grandfather… yet she will still be his wife. Something weird about that picture – don’t you think?

But then I know another Baby Boomer that has left his wife… and got a younger more fresh model…that talks all the time… and looks very young… and slaps him when he doesn’t do it the right way…

Oh Boy… am I every glad Alida loves me… and that she married me so long ago!

Now… our church is not full… maybe we could start creating new people to sit there… they could shout Amen… Praise the Lord… Now that is an IDEA worth looking into! Hokey Mokey!

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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