Friday, July 17, 2009

Yes – I AM NUTS! Why couldn’t – or why shouldn’t something be done?

Over the last years I have learned that there are Victims of Crime. I met them. And after thinking it through – I have found out that I was likely a Victim of Crime as well. After a break-in at our home – we all felt the affect of that horrible time.

Just two days ago our kid’s neighbor had their Honda Civic stolen from their driveway. It was parked second car from the street. The car thieves put one of the cars in neutral and rolled it on to the street. Next they hot wired the Honda and drove away between the hours of 2 AM and 4 AM.

The grandmother that owned the Honda Civic was the “Victim of Crime”. Every one on the street is a “Victim because of Crime”. They didn’t lose a thing – except their security and personal sense of safety.

As many of you know I deal with men that are coming from Prison. Because of their crimes they were sent away to do their time and pay a debt to society. In actual fact society pays a huge amount of money each year they’re in prison – with no payment made back to society by the offender.

Worse yet when they are released from prison – they have a great difficulty finding employment which will make it possible for them to make the money to survive. And if they had employment they would pay taxes which would help pay back society in a small way… and a very wild idea from way out in left field – they could pay restitution for their crime. But that will never happen in our society.

Many will apply for public assistance and then society will continue to pay – forever. In Ontario that is called “Ontario Works” – a classy name for Welfare. And in Ontario if he is sick, disabled, or simply broken and unable to work – he will soon be on ODSP – Ontario’s disability payment for disabled people. It is a great fund that relieves people in dyer circumstances.

Well… be that what it may… the last three paragraphs are simple political footballs that will never be dealt with – rather will simply always be there. The extreme on both sides of the topic will argue their ‘rightness’ forever.

Through all of this the “Victim of Crime” and the “Victim because of Crime” will seldom be helped.

In Correctional Service Canada – the Canadian Government’s department that takes care of Federal Prisoners and their sentences – there is a division that is very interested in the Care of Victims of Crime. Provision is made to help them where they can be helped – by controlling the movement and whereabouts of the Offenders when they are released from Prison.

BUT – in all of Canada there is no provision to help “Victims because of Crime”. And I do not mean the people next door to the person that had their car stolen two days ago. It is way more complicated than that.

If you have read what I wrote two days ago(just before this posting)… you will have read of my trip to Kincardine to help a man meet up with his children again.

It was a good day. Long but good.

As my friend visited with his three sons I was given the opportunity to talk at length with the mom of the three boys. I was given the opportunity to listen to this mom describe what happened to the family after the crime was committed. And believe me – I LISTENED CAREFULLY.

I have been dealing with and watching carefully what the ex-offender has been dealing with for the past 13 months after his release from prison. I have helped where I can to make the community safe and also to provide a better humanitarian relief for the ex-offender.

This particular ex-offender is sick with a very serious, life threatening disease now. If there is no cure or possible intervention he will die early.

His situation does not allow him to work. His is legitimately disabled and will never work again. He is on ODSP from the Ontario Government.

His crime broke his relationship with his family.

The family has a struggle to keep going. A now single mom cares for her growing son’s needs, food, housing, clothing and everything that is needed to survive… ON HER OWN… completely on her own! She has not yielded to the pressure to go on any form of Welfare at all.

As I listened to her part of the story a clear picture came into view – of the “Victim because of Crime” – hidden people that hurt and continue to hurt – forever.

She said some powerful things to me that stirred my heart deeply. She told me how she has moved from being “that poor woman that had the husband that did such and such… who now is in prison…” – to “that mom of three boys that is doing okay…”

Unemployed at one stage she re-entered the work force by being retrained in the SEB Program. From there she made herself ready to build a small book keeping business and ability.

She did tell me about the tough times even now. “There are times that I can’t even buy Milk for the boys. I simply don’t have enough. I don’t expect “***” to help me. I want nothing from him ever again. I need to move on….”

For one hour and a half I listened closely to the very difficult story of a woman that lost it all because of a Crime that her husband committed. I listened to the story of the “Victim because of Crime” and it stirred me deeply inside… very deeply.

In court – almost all the time – before the sentencing takes place the “Victim of Crime” or the family will be allowed an opportunity to state their situation for the judge to consider how the final sentence is rendered.

But never once in court does the “Victim because or Crime” get an opportunity to speak. If they do attend court and they do stay long enough to hear the verdict… they will slip out back to their own nightmare and start building again… or trying to…

But who cares? Who gives a ding dong what that small family is facing… if they can buy milk or not? Who cares?

I do not know the answer yet. All I can see so far is a system that is void of knowing the whole story… and God (the one I talk to often) … I don’t know what You or I can do about it….

Maybe there should be a new fund set up in Ontario? It could be called OFFFTHNBTAVBOC… that is “Ontario Fund For Families That Have Nothing Because They Are Victims Because Of Crime”.

It could be funded by Society giving ex-offenders a job – which instead of him paying taxes – he would be required to pay the equivalent amount into the OFFFTHNBTAVBOC.

Lincoln you are nuts! It would never work. These guys don’t deserve any opportunity – they need to pay for their Crimes!

But why does the 10 and 11 year old have to pay so much for something that they don’t even know about?

Yes – I AM NUTS! Why couldn’t – or why shouldn’t something be done? Tell me WHY !!!!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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