So the tree was big – very big… and at 6:30 AM as my wife stepped out to look at the backyard it began to move. She was sure that there must be a big animal in the tree.
At 6:30 AM that is the affect it can have on you as you stare at the perfectly quiet, windless morning, large tree. It was shaking – but not from a Bear or even monkeys. It was shaking as it died a slow and painful death… one of it gigantic limbs slowly lowered itself to the ground.
For those that have never visited our backyard – the tree has a branch span of over 60 feet. And at 6:30 AM it could no longer hold up its one 30 foot long arm.
As I approached the tree I could see the problem that was so well hidden. There is the heart was the deathly rot that had destroyed the huge limb’s core. The branch had only been supported by less than a ten inch piece of wood that had any health left.
The next 8 hours of surgery required us to amputate 50% of the tree branches. This morning it is very different in our yard with less than one third of the covering left for the yard. And after looking closer we will be likely amputating the other major branches that are standing at a 45 Degree angle to the north. The rot is in the base of this huge branch as well.
As I look at it – it is old. It was vibrant for so many years. But then a sickness closed in to the wood that held the monstrous branches… and nothing could be done… nothing at all. Such a tragedy.
It is like life I guess. You can never tell what is lurking just below the surface. It looks good but we are not always sure of what is coming.
My reflection is simple. I am committed to live the nest possible while I have the strength to keep going. Time may change things – but for today – I am going to live strong and happy.
And part of that living today is to clean up the massive amount of wood that is laying in our backyard.
There are no words that will tell you of the pain my body has today… Oh boy….
Ironic that a wood carver be given this limb today...