Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our Gentle Giants and Wee Pests

The gentle giants have come back again. They have stepped gently into the back yard of our home without even a sound. Their presence cannot be overlooked. And there is no sound.

The giants that live here now were really dead just a few months ago. There was no apparent life at all – as you can see above.

Our giants are the beautiful Clematis that have now taken root and begun their upward climb. It took a while but after the roots were established deeply – the top side has a unbelievable presentation.

There is a powerful illustration for me in this display of our Clematis giants.

It took nearly a full two seasons for the plant to prepare the roots and support system that reaches well into the ground. The root system – though I have never seen it – is massive and digs deep from what I read. It has to in order to support the plant can reach up to 15 feet into the air and beyond.

How much this is like life. You will not see much happen in any area of your life or work unless there is a rich and deep foundation prepared ahead of time. And before this can take place a lot of hard work and waiting had to take place before much happen up top.

Schooling does that that for sure. A good hard job will help as well. Problems that come and go in our lives definitely help. But after the long winter and the heavy winds – warm sunshine of encouragement comes along preparing our lives for the next stage of beauty.

A rabbit I have named “Bre Bunny” has made his home on our yard and the neighbour’s next door. He lives with us under the vegetation and slips next door to the garden for a bite to eat… not making our neighbour too happy.

He is cute but he is also a problem to the small flowers that are there one day and gone the next. We planted a few that are like a dessert buffet for this fuzzy creature.

A rotten bug or some sort is eating small flowers one leaf at a time. The rabbit cannot be blamed for this one… he takes big bites… this little creature nibbles each leaf a bit at a time… until it moves on to the next – stripping the plant completely. Some one suggested “earwigs”.

I thought about these little monsters that mess me up… a whole lot like life. Without knowing it – small but miserable little habits can cling to my main purpose in life… and mess me up big time.

I am responsible for letting them into my life. It is my problem… not my spouse or a friend. They are my “rabbits and earwigs” of real living nibbling away at my main purpose for that day.

If nothing else today… enjoy our gentle giant photos… and even the wee rabbit.

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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