Tuesday, July 7, 2009

From Deir Mar Mar to Mt Ararat – Swish

I started on this small search today by looking on Google Earth for Deir Mar Musa in Syria . And Bingo I was there. Sweeping down into the desert and the rocky areas of Syria you will find Deir Mar Musa…(seen above) it is almost straight east of Beirut, Lebanon and across the border into Syria. It is just north and then east of Dimashq – which is Damascus, Syria (in English) – a major centre for the Christian Biblical World… in that it was the place that Paul was heading for to arrest and kill the Christians living there – when he was intercepted by God and made to go blind…

Deir Mar Musa is a place in the interior of Syria where the Christians fled and then established themselves – living on the bare rocks and in the gullies of the area. They have outlived conflicts and disasters with the clash of the Islamic religion. When the Crusaders came in 1095 – 1291 they killed the Islamic people as well as these Arab Christians… that originated right back to the start of the congregations that had helped Paul (then called Saul of Tarsus).

It all started this month as I read over the article in National Geographic Magazine. Lots to think about!

So in my dreaming stages of travel – why not look for Noah’s Ark. They said that it should be on Mt. Ararat. So after typing it in I leave Syria and swish to the north and further east. There is is – Mt. Ararat – located in Turkey and very difficult to get to now. Protected some say – and guarded by people not happy with the Jews or with the Christians. Perhaps that was because of the way that they have been treated by these religious folks.

So much history to read about and get to know!

Here is the famous photo of the supposed Ark of Noah – at least it is the possible fossil of his famous boat.
The quote below the photograph reads as follows…
“Photo showing sedimentary layers and alleged fossils on Mount Ararat. Photo taken from the west rim of the Ahora Gorge at the top near the edge of the Cehennem Dere looking almost directly south. If you were to raise the camera you would be looking right at the peak. You may see the top of the Ahora Gorge from Ark Rock but only the portion above the Cehennem Dere and up to the east peak (therefore – not much). You cannot see the Cehennem Dere from Ark Rock – there is a “ridge” of glacier between the two above the north canyon.”

I cannot help wonder what it was like to get out of his boat that day and see the mountain he was on and the plains below. His boat was not much good for anything that far up a mountain and that far from any water body.

If I have my story straight and the study that I have done – Noah didn’t float that far from home base where he started from… not far from the Garden of Eden… which is a bit south and further east of where he landed.

But the story for some is as magical as floating above the earth with Google Earth. Was it real? If they could prove it and find some record of the Ark – then people would have to believe that the records are true.

I simply believe without having to see a record. For me it is called Faith. And for a lot of years I have lived that way. It works for me.

But yet… I would love to see the spot for myself – being the dreamer that I am… I would love to go there… really love to go there!!!

In my retirement now… where will I go today? China looks interesting. Swish… click and I am there… WOW – look at all the houses down there! You can even see people walking around on the streets!

And the other amazing thing is… there is no Night or darkness on Google Earth!

Today is a rainy day… need to work inside some more… and dream. This is just like being a boy… curled up on a couch and dreaming about far away places. WOW!

~ Murray Lincoln ~



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