Saturday, June 13, 2009

Welcome to the really weird world of Politics

Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper and my MP Dean Del Mastro:

I submit these simple comments from one slightly frustrated Canadian for your consideration. And I Blog these comments here for my also slightly frustrated friends to read as well.

“Welcome to the really weird world of Politics – Canadian Politics at least. If you reading this from any other place on the planet, you are likely able to find the word “weird” into your own country’s politics as well.

I for one pray for our politicians – you know those elected officials that “serve” our communities. They certainly have the weight of the world on their shoulders most of the time. More than that, they have the weight of the “Media” all over their lives. It may be the most gruelling job any one has ever taken.

For a long time I have contended that there is always one more political party in any country – than the officially recognized ones in government. That one is the Media! They actually control more of what goes on in the public forum of opinion than any other group.

In Canada in these early weeks of June we have been faced with a number of really weird political community things.

Our really weird New Democratic Party – NDP leader doesn’t like a report about the economy of Canada… so he has decided to vote against the report… and joining him is the other really weird party in Canada that represents only one province in Canada – the BLOQ.

First you must see that it is a report about the financial state of the things in Canada. IT IS A REPORT YOU IDIOTS! It is not policy. And it is not rocket science to see what it is all about.

Again two political parties in Canada are showing their stuff. Dumb Stuff – really DUMB STUFF!

This weekend another of our Political Party – the Liberals – are deciding if they will join the other two parties and also vote against the report.

I want to scream… “If your leader is as smart as he is said to be… why does it take a whole weekend to figure out what you should do?” IT IS A REPORT. And like any report it is telling every one that we are in poor shape right now.

Do you think that we as Canadians don’t know that? Sure – all Canadians could stand up and vote against the REPORT if we didn’t like it… in fact none of us like it at all. But we have to live in it and live through it and try to make the most of it.

If we were truly given the opportunity – I am sure that the entire Canadian Population would throw out the whole lot of the politicians for acting like NINNIES most of the time.

But something should be said about the Conservative Party as well. Their own dealing with the Lisa Raitt’s affair where she has been caught saying stuff that she shouldn’t – according to the press… Where she tries to resign but doesn’t or isn’t allowed to by something called the PMO – who are some people somewhere that do some things some how that the rest of the Canadians do not understand.

And the Raitt’s Affair all happened when a lowly assistant to Ms. Raitt forget some papers… quoting a media clip “former aide Jasmine MacDonnell left a sensitive resource ministry file in CTV's Ottawa offices.”

It was left in a Mega Media outfit’s office for a week…!

What was left? – It was a document from the “Natural Resource Ministry” for Pete’s Sake with some words on it that indicated it was “Secret”.

The Media and the Opposition Parties made a huge deal about this. A poor girl was fired… and the politicians rant about having her Boss fired as well… now the rant and rage of ADULT POLITICIANS now turn to a REPORT THEY DON’T LIKE.

What is SECRET about our natural resources? If it was in a News Media Office for a whole week – on top of someone’s desk – so what? Have you seen the top of a News Media person’s desk – most of the time THEY CANNOT FIND documents that they have placed on top of that desk!!!!

Was the Document something secretive about the number of trees we have in Canada? We have lots of trees. Was the document about something as amazing as the amount of water that we have? We have lots of water. Maybe it was about our minerals below the surface? Nope… that wouldn’t be their department would it?

Why didn’t some one explain that the Document wasn't really SECRET after all and explain that maybe the poor secretary had picked up a container to put her shopping list in on her way to the Major Media Office meeting?

I mean – we as Canadians – would – could – might possibly understand. Instead this dumb – super dumb fiasco has lead to the firing of one “Jasmine MacDonnell”.

Today’s story in the Toronto Star was possible only because Lisa Raitt looked like she had forgotten her speech on the podium and she had to return to retrieve it... and “she grimaced” as she picked it up.

Man does our country ever have problems!

I am retired now from full time work. My issues are the problems with the amount of Tax that I have to pay on my property this next year. The system that makes the Property Tax evaluations is really wrong. I could lose my home and ability to look after myself in a short few years – like many of my fellow Peterborough-ites will.

And the Government of Canada… NDP, BLOQ, LIBERALS and CONSERVATIVES mess around with a Report… and Secret Documents about trees and water and stuff.

Then – to top it off… a Mr. Irving R. Gerstein, Chair, Conservative Fund Canada wrote to me asking for a donation to the War Chest.

Some of his e-letter to me is as follows…

June 9, 2009

Dear Mr. Lincoln,

I'd like your help.

I've just heard from our National Campaign Director Doug Finley, that as of right now, there's 75% chance of an election call. Over the next 9 days there will be no fewer than three "Opposition days" (June 11, 15 and 19), when it's possible for the opposition parties to bring down the government and force an election. While there are plenty of reasons not to go to the polls, the opposition is ramping up their rhetoric and operating on a tide of emotion in their recent threats to force an election.

It would be a mistake to consider these as "idle threats". It's unlikely that Jack Layton will soften his rhetoric since he's never actually been in a position of responsibility over the country's finances , and probably never will. Nor is it likely that Michael Ignatieff will ease up on his bluster. Backing down at this point, he would be seen to lose face, just as Stephane Dion did so many times before.

And let's face it, Michael Ignatieff can't wait. He's back in Canada after being away for 34 years for one reason and one reason only: power. He wants an election before Canadians can get to know who he really is: an arrogant tax and spend Liberal with no long term commitment to the country he seeks to lead.

Yadda, Yadda, Yadda…

Then Mr. Irving R. Gerstein asked me if I would consider giving $25 or $50….

I am just off E.I to top it all off… where the dickens would I find $25 or $50 for the Party?

I haven’t replied to Mr. Irving R. Gerstein yet. Can you or he figure out why?

Yes – as a former Pastor/Minister that served my congregations for 35 years – I pray for you all. I pray especially for wisdom today… not craftiness… not manipulation… not a better War Room or War Chest.”

You have my word on it!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

PS – I likely won’t get much reaction or response from you on this post… but have a great day anyway!

Lisa Raitt’s Riot

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