Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Chicken Size Hole In Our Family

Today I think I want to die! Eeeh Gads I feel awful! If I had run over some one yesterday I don’t think I could feel worse.

Thunder is gone.

Now I know where she is… but I am reporting that I had to make that final decision to send Thunder on a long Farm Vacation. And in doing that I have discovered a Chicken Sized Hole in our family.

Shortly after Thunder arrived at our home on the Easter Weekend, April 11, 2009 our lives changed. Thunder was named by my granddaughter Emma who took great interest in this little, black fuzzy chickling. That was 62 days ago. Here is a photo of Emma holding her Thunder one more time in our backyard. Her friend Haley had arrived from Korea and one of the places that she wanted to show Haley was her grandpa’s backyard – and Thunder. Emma loves Thunder and I am sure that because of this crazy bird she will become an animal person of some kind – some day.
Oh Boy. I called my daughter on Thursday to tell her of my decision to send Thunder on her Farm Vacation. I thought it best to prepare Emma for the “loss” ahead of time.

When Emma arrived with her friend, Thunder did her thing for every one. She followed Emma everywhere she went in the yard… if Emma ran Thunder ran. If Emma stopped – Thunder stopped. Now it may sound like a bounding has taken place. Well maybe a little… but it was more likely the “Crocks” that Emma wore with the little doodads on the top. The crazy chicken is still a chickling that can be fooled by shiny objects.

When I told my mother that the Thunder was going on her long Farm Vacation she was quiet. We were eating breakfast together. Mom then said, “I am going to miss that bird. I think we should have called it Peeper.”

Gulp. I had not thought of the huge dynamics of sending Thunder on her Farm Vacation – an extended Vacation at that… for the rest of her natural life.

So… yesterday. around 12 noon, I prepared to take Thunder out of her fancy night pen in my garage. Mom asked me if she could hold it before it went. I could hear the sadness in my mom’s voice. Double gulp. My 88 year old mother had bounded with this silly chickling who was so quickly becoming a full grown hen – right in front of our eyes.

The next steps to the door was like the Green Mile movie. Like walking to the death chamber. Triple Gulps here.

Mom got a towel from her room to lie on her lap. She sat on the chair on side deck and we placed Thunder on her lap… then I shot some photos of Mom and Thunder to help us remember.How far should I string out this chicken story? Maybe I should stop soon – I may cry. Gulp again. This is nuts. How can a silly chicken make a Chicken Sized Hole in a Family? I don’t know – but in a short 62 days it happens easily.

We arrived at the market and to the stall of the “Rhea-lly Enu-zing Ranch” at our Peterborough Farmer’s Market. I had spoken to the owners by telephone a few days before and made arrangement for the first leg of Thunder’s Farm Vacation.

I should explain here for those had not read the earlier accounts of Thunder over 60 days ago – Thunder came from the “Rhea-lly Enu-zing Ranch” – she was hatched a few days earlier when we picked her up… on the very place she was retuning to. She would soon be with some of her sisters and brothers that had arrived around the same time of hatching.

Whew what a relief! They were ready. Thunder will join others of her flock as a Free Range chicken on the greatest little chicken ranch in the area! Wahoo! “You go get em Thunder – show em your stuff old girl.”

I want to thank Ralph and Russet Preston and family for letting us take part in your great adoption program for 2009.

Having had a strong farming heritage I know more than any of my friends what the farm life is like. Promoting Farm life and all its aspects is a huge task in 2009 – trying to get city people understand the heart and soul of the business you are in.

Well Preston Family of the “Rhea-lly Enu-zing Ranch” – you have done Farm People proud! You are the greatest. Thanks for letting us be a part of the effort to make people aware.

Through a silly little, black, chickling that quickly grew to be a hen that will likely lay brown eggs – our family has a chicken sized hole in it filled with some great memories.

* * * * * * * *
BUT – I have been asked some serious questions. And here are some of the answers.

"Why did you decide to send it on this Farm Vacation now?" Answer… every day for the past two weeks as we let her out for the 6 to 12 hours – it has been increasingly difficult to catch her and pen her up at night time. She had reign of the yard. And while having reign she has also devoured a number of good flowers that we had planted.

The second answer – is that Thunder is now beginning to show signs that she needs a bigger chicken coup than the one that I built for her. The next level had to be outside in the backyard… kind of like a little barn to protect her from foul weather and a place to lay her eggs. She was roosting all night and also doing the “chicken sitting on a nest” thing.

It was time to fulfil all her dreams of becoming the best little layer of brown eggs and I couldn’t provide for that to happen.

A friend asked at his first hearing of my adoption of the chick… “Did you name it?” My answer was “Yes”. He had replied, “Oh Oh – now you are in trouble!”

Another friend had given me some bold advice, “Never look a chicken in the eye.” I thought that was an odd tidbit for a grown man to say. But it is true. After you send them on their Farm Vacation or to Kentucky Fried chicken places… you may not eat chicken today.

I have to run now. I am meeting some friends for breakfast. I am going to have two eggs, sunny side up, brown toast and coffee.

And this morning early… with the thoughts about the chicken sized hole – I thought of the movie “Chicken Run” and smiled… the Prestons had better watch Thunder closely… she is not quite like all the rest…

~ Murray Lincoln ~

“Rhea-lly Enu-zing Ranch”
Baby Huey
Chicken Run script
Chicken Run Info

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