Sunday, May 3, 2009

We have ignition and blast off… WOW!

Sunshine, cool air, cold air, a breeze, more cool air, a wind, then a big wind and finally RAIN… pack up and run! Yikes what a day to hold my first Wood Carving Show and Sale… May 2, 2009. It was scheduled for 9 AM through to 4 PM – but ended at 2:45 running from the rain.

As some of you know I am self employed now with my new wood carving business – and the business is relatively new. For that reason May 2 was my introduction of “Misty Hollow Carving” to Western Avenue and some parts of Peterborough.

Though the first paragraph indicates that we encountered almost everything but snow – the day was a tremendous success. We have ignition and blast off… WOW!
Sales totaled about $150, and potential orders came to approximately $700. Am I doing cart wheels or what!?? No entrepreneur could ever be more happy than I am.

Most of my neighbors came to greet us, take a look, order and buy my stuff. They were very interested and very supportive. That was a first hurdle crossed.

Then people started coming from far away in our city. Someone had passed on a pamphlet, or called them about the “Misty Hollow Carving Show and Sale”. And to top it off the fellow wood carvers came out on this start up day to bless me! What an honor!

Do I sound almost giddy with the results? That would be putting it mildly.

Oh but there were lessons learned… not enough of that… too little of this… that one needs to be different… and there is not nearly enough product ready to actually sell on the spot. I missed the “impulse purchase”. My sales could have been more than doubled…if only. But it was a good lesson learned.

The newest product that I have designed, my new line of Teddy Bears where the Teddy Bear receives a new face and brand new attitude – moving from a discard to a piece of art – has taken off!!!! I carved and prepared 13 Bears for my Show and Sale. By the time the Show and Sale opened I had only 4 for sale – I almost ran out before I began. Yikes.
Behind the Scenes…
The basic reason for my doing this is to support ourselves and a growing ministry that I have been pioneering in Ontario. That ministry of the “Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy” – a quiet ministry to the leadership of the Ontario Government MPPs. ( )

Each day I pray for each MPP, making contacts with them and supporting them individually.

At first I had apprehension as to the support that would be needed to do this ministry. Who and how would it be paid for? How could you ever do this without some heavy organization supporting your efforts? Who will accept what you are saying? There were lots of questions last summer… and fall… and winter… and this spring.

I was on a “Moses trip”.

Originally I had been elated to have been connected with another similar group – hired by them – promoted by them – raised money for them – never realized a cent of that money – then was fired. I was very discouraged in October – I had this zeal, was fired up, building on the base that I had created – and poof it was over. Imagine – I was fired! That isn’t cool at 64 years old… and on Employment Insurance for the first time in my life.

At the same time I was “let go” – my business was being launched…

My Doubt Doubled. But every time I doubted God whispered deep inside me, “I will take care of it… trust me.”

I doubted lots.

I doubted that the Chaplaincy ministry would go. After all who would even know about it or even care?

I doubted that I would have enough money to live on let alone do something that needed to be done with the MPPs.

I doubted that anyone would buy anything from my carvings. After all who would ever want something that YOU make? You are a reject and “has been”. You are old now and out of it. You are useless and no one will want what you have or do.

Younger is good… old like you is not so good.

And when my program director with the Self Employed Benefits – SEB program told me that Artists and Crafts people traditionally fail very early in the program… my doubt doubled even though I told her that I didn’t think it would happen to me…

I doubted lots.

This week the replies again came back from MPPs, the leaders in the Ontario Government. They have been more than appreciative. They are responding to prayer and encouraged with heart felt thanks.

This week my business hit pay dirt… or maybe a little pay dust… I saw a dream come true.

This next week I am able to attend a special function where my fellow ministers will all be there in a super classy place. I have been given provision to attend a conference where my new ministry will be highlighted as will our new business. The costs of attending have been completely covered by “Misty Hollow Carving”!!!!!

Yesterday I was given a new community opportunity that is potentially very big. I will be increasing my borders even more. The opportunity is BIG. The person that confirmed the opportunity explained that after careful consideration – “You are the right person for this Opportunity…” I was humbled and ready… This is BIG… and another dream come true… and fits perfectly into the present life… with Misty Hollow Carving, Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy and Opportunity.

Remember when I said that God whispered deep inside me, “I will take care of it… trust me.” - ? Well that is very real…

But – I doubted… and so did Moses. And well… Moses started to do the biggest thing he ever would do – at 80 Years of age… and he doubted too.

Move over Moses… I am about to write a new “Exodus in 2009 and beyond”! We have ignition and blast off… WOW!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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