Monday, May 4, 2009

Man Things

“Man Things”… and the will to keep going no matter what. That is my story today.

My friend Winston is indomitable. Nothing stops him from going on – absolutely nothing. That is why I like him so much. When others quit early because of a little obstacle – Winston keeps going and going.

I am convinced that he is the “Energizer Bunny” – the battery company saw him in action one day and they then created a Bunny that acts like Winston.

A few years before the Auto Industry started a down-turn Winston lost his job of many years. He was fired one day – in a cut back of his company. It seems that there were younger men that could do the job at less money.

Winston was a technical whiz with a large paint company that supplied paint for the automobile companies. If anything was in question regarding paint Winston would fix it – or could advise the customer what to do to correct the problem that they were having.

But they fired him. Old men are a pain to new ideas.

After the firing period in his life Winston retrained and did well with his new business. But more opposition came his way… it was personal this time with health issues. The main one being with his balance – an inner ear problem I think.

But that does not stop the Energizer Stuff in him. And it also does not make it easy to get some jobs done.

I am setting this up to allow his wife to explain what happened to the Energizer Winston.

Brenda writes…
"I am submitting to you that I am married to a Crazy Person!! To day while I napped, Winston decided to get his long pole & try to move a board that was half-way down our steep back hill.

He had already complained to me that it was windy---

To make a long story short, he could feel himself going forward & so dropped to his knees--but kept on going, rolling all the way down the hill!! He lost his glasses as they flew off him.

Thank the Good Lord, he did not break anything--but has many abrasions & will be Very sore tomorrow. The "fixed" shoulder has a big bump on it so we're observing that closely--he can move it OK.

It took two trips down the hill & some prayer to find his glasses--ironically he has an Optometrist appt tomorrow & needs his glasses!

He said "I guess I'm not as stable as I thought I was"----Duh!!"
End of quote…

No Brenda his is not crazy! The board needed to be moved and he knew how to do it. The Energizer Stuff took over and the indomitable spirit kicked in… and the man is not going to be stopped!

I UNDERSTAND and shout it out – WINSTON – YOU ARE AMAZING! Don’t ever stop.

And if we can laugh about it… the role down the hill over and over and over and over… was pure fun. Winston used to do that as a boy. He has likely made up the story about a pole and a board… he is too embarrassed now to say that the roll down the hill was planned as an older boyhood prank.

Winston you ROCK! And ROLL… and like you always do to me with your quick quips… “YOU ARE THE ORIGINAL ROCK AND ROLLER!”

When I read the account – I told you that it was blogable from the minute that I read it. Thanks Bro…

Oh and for the other folks that really don’t know this dude Winston… he is able to load tons of fire wood one log at a time through the basement window. As he picks up the logs one at a time he is a stable as a rock.

Winston – from one man to another – I understand completely… and in my books you are amazing. Don’t ever stop being you. You give me hope!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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