Today a family needs prayer. There is a big transition coming for them and dealing with the transition is major. It will be as earth shaking as it was a few years back. But today it is the final moments when the decision will be made.
The key word is transition. It can be seen as a Horrible Transition or otherwise. Every one of us are presented with transitions all the time. In fact it would be a pretty boring life to not have transitions of any kind.
I heard some one moan, “If only things would stay the same… I hate change!”
I don’t agree. The day is filled with changes… everyday is different from the last… every month is unlike any others.
I agree that we do not find some the changes pleasant. But some one else may find the same change around them an answer to prayer and the greatest thing that ever happened.
For an example… I hate snow. I hate shoveling snow. I hate driving in snow. I hate months of snow. I hate snow! My neighbor down the way however loves the stuff. He is a skier that needs snow.
I am loving what retirement is becoming. I spoke with another friend that hates it. He cannot stand getting up and having little purpose of any kind. He has no routine or rhythm in his new life of the Big R.
Changes happen – whether we like them or not. What matters is not the change – but how we deal with it. Our attitude is every thing… our circumstances are not the controlling factor.
A doctor gave me some advice one day that helped me refocus. I had been struggling with some miserable things at work and in my life. I had a major problem with ulcers and was burning up inside.
He said, “I can give you medication to take the pain away and deal with the discomfort… but you can help more by thinking about things differently… you can change the way that you look at it all. It is up to you.”
I accepted his medication to stoop the burning. Then I embarked on a new path and decided that I would look at everything in a new way. Where is the advantage? What was the opportunity? How could I turn this mess before me into something that would be better – not bitter?
In two months time there were no more ulcers. My stomach was clear and has been for 40 years now.
Attitude was everything. Transition will always be there – I could not control these things. But I was the owner of attitude. I could not make a difference around me – but I could make a difference in me.
I have to run now. I am going into a transition from the old me of yesterday to the new me of today. And today will be a good one.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Excellent post...It really is about how you frame your thinking isn't it?!