For the past few mornings I have been greeted by one powerful little bird as he sits on my neighbor’s roof – singing his heart out. At 5:15 AM he has already started his melodies. And it is at 5:15 AM that he greets me every day.
Now that is commitment to say the least. The commitment is to his family, his mate or his children – letting them know that the world is still turning and everything is okay.
The bird is half the size of a sparrow. But it has a voice of much bigger bird.
Over the mornings in this past week the weather has been different each day. One day it is going to be bright and warm. The next day it may be overcast and rain is about to come… and the one day it was pouring rain. Still he was in the same spot on the roof singing his heart out. Each time it is just before day break…just before the world wakes up…before cars rush by to the next place they are to be.
I have been thinking of this little guy with the big voice. What a power house of purpose. Made small and almost insignificant – but with purpose.
As I have watched him and listened closely he has come back to my thoughts over and over again.
He is not a peacock… with brightly trimmed feathers. He is not an eagle with the ability to fly high and long. He is not a hawk that will search out prey. He is not a noisy crow. He is just a little bird with a powerful voice and a cheerful song that brightens each morning.
He is committed to do his part for each morning.
As I think on this tiny creature that is working so hard, I remembered a person at a large hotel that we stayed at. He was a young man with sweat running down his face. His hotel uniform was dirty for a recent maintenance job he had done in the men’s washroom.
As he walked by me I said to him, “Has anyone told you that you are doing a good job? I appreciated how you have kept these toilets working with this large audience.”
He hesitated as he stepped forward past me… then turned and said… “Thank you, I appreciate that.” Then he grinned as he walked away.
He had just faced a mess that was nasty. He had cleaned up something that others had run from… and few knew what he did. The well dressed manager wouldn’t be caught dead in that washroom. But this young fellow had kept his word and completed the job.
My words were like my small bird friend that sings long and hard each morning. It isn’t much but it can make a difference.
Proverbs 25:11 states “Like apples of gold in settings of silver.. is a word spoken in right circumstances.”
Today I am looking for more places where a “simple song” and “simple words” might make a difference.
My years are limited. There are not a lot of hours left to deliver what I need to deliver. So today I am going to “mount a roof top” – fluff up my feathers and sing for all I am worth.
I feel a song coming on… oh boy…watch out world! Here I come!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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