Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Violated – the Horrors of a Home Invasion

When the kids came home they couldn’t find their new Wii Game. It was no where to be found and blame was laid on the last guy to use the game. “Where did you put it!?”

“I put it right where it should be!” But it wasn’t there.

Another time a question was given to the oldest son… “Jonathan – did you take the money laying beside dad’s computer?” Nope – he had not taken it but all fingers seemed to point to him.

The story unfolds in my daughter’s home in Whitby, Ontario – just an hour’s drive from our place.

Tension has risen in their home over the last months. My son-in-law’s wedding ring was gone. When my daughter went to take a photo of something that was happening with the new digital camera… it was gone… or misplaced. Then my son-in-law noticed that a collector’s edition of a favorite movie was not where it should be. He knew his sons were unlikely to even taken it from its storage place. A $1000 dollar drill from the garage, gas from the company vehicle, and a number of other things were simply gone.

They had called us to see if they had left certain videos or objects at our home when they were here last. But no luck.

Slowly it dawned on my daughter and son-in-law – someone had been into their house when they were away. In fact the likelihood that it had happened more than once was a reality. The person breaking in had been in often taken things slowly – one by one. A busy family would never know.

Our kids live on a tight little court where ever one knows everyone else. There are about a dozen houses all tightly packed on this court. Most of the people living there are younger – with children. The kids all play together on the round road that services all the houses.

Our kids also live in a duplex – they have the left side as you approach the house. It is easy to see that it is a “boy’s house” with Hockey Nets, and boy stuff in the driveway.

On the other side of the duplex is a family that has young boys as well. The boys next door to my grandkids play with the youngest one – Christopher.

The story is longer than I can write here…

Through a unique series of happenings it was discovered that the “husband” of the couple next door has been entering our kid’s home and taking whatever he wanted… taking? – no… stealing is a better word.

There are many other issues that this fellow is facing. But the main one that is before him now is the fact that he has regularly conducted “home invasions” using a key that he was able to make/get from our daughter’s key set – and enter a side door.

Other people on the court also have lost things. The fellow is a regular cat burglar.

There is no way to explain the feeling of violation that comes after you have been robbed. There is no way to tell anyone the way that you feel about the individual that has done this to you. Death, incarceration, destruction of some kind may be high on the list of wishes for the dude that has done this. A “Restraining Order” could be sought but how does the young dad come home – and be with his sons? Most “Restraining Orders” encourage 300 Meters(1000 Feet) of space between the offender and the victim. How would that be acted on with the front yard being shared?

Flash Backs…
When our youngest daughter was in High School in Scarborough and I was serving as an Assistant Pastor at Scarboro Gospel Temple – our home was robbed. The thief broke into the side of the house using the Milk delivery chute. He kicked our little dog who was cowering in the basement when I came in later. Our jewelry was gone and the front screen window was torn open as the burglar exited the house quickly.

The feelings that I described above are real. As a pastor I wished the man that had done this to our family a slow and painful stop.

That evening I was to conduct a special session at a city prison. I had been conducting art classes for the men that were at the jail.

When I walked in – the day’s events showed on my face. One of the leaders of the class looked at me and asked, “Okay Rev… what’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing” was my reply. “Don’t give me that %$#@%! Something is wrong with you!” was his next comment. “What happened?”

I hesitated but then it spilled out. “Some one broke into our house, kicked my dog around and stole things from us. I am mad and upset.”

There was dead silence for a few minutes then the leader of the group spoke on behalf of the group… “What do you want done, knees, elbows, body….? You name it – it is yours.”

I was silent and could give no response… and luckily I didn’t…even though it was very tempting. Not every minister is offered a free “hit team”

My comment was more beneficial I am sure, “God is really going to take care of this guy… he touched the stuff that God provided for my family – and He will take care of it.

The class was quiet from the next hour as hard as I tried to talk with them.

I ask for prayer today for my daughter Anda and husband Bill and four great boys. Christopher’s friend’s daddy has done some very bad things.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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