Thursday, March 19, 2009


What has 12 legs, 12 arms, moves very quickly and eats huge amounts of food at each meal – in one instance consuming four pounds of ground beef, four gallons of soup and four pounds of bread – which is actually two large loaves of home made bread?

No clue yet…?

Well I describe it as a “Grandkidasaurus”. It is more than one being – actually six – together they make up one huge eating machine. They have been eating at our home each lunch time and dinner time.

How could that happen to old people like us? Well – it is simple really. 42 years ago Alida and I said “I do” and “I will” – or is that “We do” and “We will”? From that commitment came two amazing Daughters. From their “I do-s” and “I wills” – came six of the most active, alert, inspiring, fun loving, brilliant and all round amazing grandkids one couple could ever have!

The six of them make up a huge “Grandkidasaurus” that is growing at the speed of light – because they love to eat.

They are Clifford, Emma, Jonathan, Thomas, Michael, and Christopher all unique parts of the “Grandkidasaurus”.

Most of our friends could not grasp what is needed to coordinate the feeding of ravishing teenagers and pre-teen personages unless they do it every day. The “Grandkidasaurus” requires two Mom’s and a logistical planning that makes most airports in Canada look weak and inept. Alida and Dana are amazing. Together they produce huge meals on time and hot and… simply the best ever!

Thomas loves to eat.

Thomas’ mom asked why he didn’t sleep in a little and his reply was simple and to the point. “If you sleep in all the good food is gone – just like it is for Uncle Bruce.”

Thomas is not worried about Uncle Bruce – but about getting his share of what he loves.

This week is school break in Ontario. This week is better than Christmas when we get to see all the grandkids together for one day. This week is amazing – five full days of action. Action in gaming with the Wii and other computer games, action in playing table games, action in going to a great show together, action in a local swimming pool, action in playing in the woods with home made guns and being able to count “the kills” for a whole afternoon as you race from tree to tree. Just plain action… action… action!

That is why the “Grandkidasaurus” eat so much I am sure.

Why does a Grandma like Alida do it and keep doing it? Well after a wonderful meal the tall and almost full grown grandsons wrap their arms around her, kiss her neck…whispering in her ear “I love you grandma, thank you… that was good!”

Funny times…
Sitting around the table waiting for the food to be served is Grandpa’s time to talk with the boys and girl. And we talk about almost anything. I tell stories about almost everything (with dire warnings to not tell certain of my boyhood stories that my daughters feel that their sons cannot fully appreciate yet…).

There are riddles and questions and stories and you name it – it comes out around the table.

One of the grandsons looked at me and asked, “When do you think you will die Grandpa? Will it really be in 20-- ?”

That question launched a whole series of questions and responses from me and them.

Are you Shocked with that question to a grandparent? Not me.

In my garage I have a wooden memorial plaque – made in the shape of a tombstone. I created it for a men’s meeting that I spoke at and have used it a number of times in speaking engagements. Everything about me is on the tombstone – except one thing… the date of my death… which should include the Month, Day and Year. I have just about completed it with a blank space for the above and with 20- - inscribed on the wood.

Two of our grandkids have a funeral director as their father. The other four have attended their Great Grandma’s funeral not long ago when she died at 101 years old. So death talk is not taboo around our table.

After about 10 minutes of their talking about my potential death date – and their speculations on the possible year being about 20 to 30 years from now… or maybe even 40 years – (making me older than Great Grandma Barns by 4 years…) they moved on to the next topic – the movie that they saw and what they liked about it the most.

Transitions that fast are only possible in the mind of the “Grandkidasaurus”.

Yet I was slowed a little on that one. My mom is sitting and listening to all of it – quietly. She is 88 years old and the “Grandkidasaurus” is rather noisy and moves very fast for her. No speculations for her by the great grandson that asked the first question… he has given her about 20 more years generously and there is no need to talk about it.

I was slowed further as I pondered the depth of the question regarding the approaching death of myself… and the rough estimates of my demise with solid conclusions drawn that it will be from 20 to 40 years from now.

I decided at that moment that I don’t want to die.

If I die I will miss the life time of active “Grandkidasaurus” chasing and watching. So I decided that I will not die. Instead I will live on in these amazing kids!

Some of them look like I did when I was their age. Almost all of them act like me – insane and almost irreverent – but respectful. Every single one of them love to draw and create.

Thomas, the tender hearted one, walked over to Great Grandma Lincoln and hugged her asking, “How are you grandma?” Thomas is eleven.

Yep – at that moment I decided that I do not want to and definitely will not die – for at least 40 years.

That way Clifford will be 53 with three kids of his own.
Emma will be 49 and with at least three kids – possibly a set of twins.
Jonathan with be 52 with only two kids (so he can buy his Hummer that seats four comfortably), Thomas will be 51 and likely have four kids.
Michael will be 50 and will have opened his own Law Practice or maybe his own Medical Clinic – with two young children because he was too busy in school all these years (the last report card had 7 “A”s on it… but one was an “A Minus”…
Christopher who will then be 47 – owning his own airline and flying all over with his new wife and two sons.

On my 105th birthday there should be about 16 great grandkids, 36 great, great grandkids that will be a whole new assembly of the “Grandkidasaurus”.

I have to stop this now… I have a huge lump in my throat and some tears in my eyes. How could one man be so blessed?

~ Murray Lincoln ~

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dad - You forgot that Clifford plans on living in a Camper Trailer parked in the Wal-Mart Parking lots - He figures that will turn the girls off and they won't want to marry him - maybe no grandkids from that branch of the tree!!!!!

    Dana :)
