Monday, November 17, 2008

Just Being Aware

At times I am absolutely stunned with the happenings around me. This weekend was one of those times. The swirl of humanity and the needs that I encountered left me quiet and almost over whelmed. The long drive back from Windsor left me much time to think of what had happened.

In the four settings that we found ourselves in I met hundreds upon hundreds of people. The vast array of people and the many different needs almost staggers my mind. Some were very well off and some had nothing. Some gave me their money and orders freely – others asked for a hand out, “Murray could you give me $5.00 until the end of the month.” The couple that asked that question had nothing… and I didn’t know what to say I won’t be there at the end of the month.

There was Natalie – in the telephone kiosk – that “sold” us our new “free” cell phone. With crystal clear eyes and a voice that could go 100 miles be hour when describing the features – she was a neat kid! She is a University Student and told is a little about her own dreams. A whole life before her and from all that you could see she will do very well. She wants to go into marketing and sales – go FIGURE – she was good. We don’t buy Cell Phone plans easily – but that was the day.

There was Eddie and his fiancĂ©e that had just become his wife. His teeth were missing and so were hers. They live on ODSP (a disability pension in Ontario). They are so happy. Their pastor has believed in them and their relationship – so he married them.

There was “John” and his beautiful wife. They had money and were able to meet any economic down turn. They parked next to us at that one place we pulled into – and in the short conversation we had, the warmth and openness was given freely. When we were parting she said, “John I want to go over to that store…” – that was when I caught his name.

Then there was the man that acted as a security guard at the Huge “Caesars Casino” just down from our Hotel. He smiled and greeted us as we walked in to the absolutely, amazing building. Friendly but watching us carefully. For some reason I felt like a crook…

Then there was the lady that continually pushed the large button on the right side of the Slot… then kissed her hand and rubbed the screen where the electronic pictures of numbers and symbols run by in a spinning action. I will call her “Kate”.

The screen had been kissed many, many times… and she pushed the button about every 6 seconds – 12 times every minute. Each “spin” produced a reaction on the large digital screen letting her know that she had won a few dollars or lost a few – or more! I think my standing there watching her from a distance perhaps made her uncomfortable. She stretched in her chair, looking back at me. She saw me. There was a very faint smile. The stretching elastic around her neck with a credit card on the other end allowed her some movements and kept the credit card in the machine. She rubbed the screen with her right hand and pushed the large button again. Each time the machine gave a soft bing bong… signaling that it was time for her to kiss, rub and push – over and over again. With a “Hope” the next push would produce a BONG BONG BONG…WINNER WINNER.

My heart went out to her as she sat all alone. Only a silly machine and a credit card kind of link…
The men and women sitting at another table with a dealer giving out the cards, waiting for their response, then reaching out to give another card… waiting, then a soft groan came from one man as she laid her own next card down and flipped the hidden one over. This absolutely quiet game required no one to say anything… One man did say “YES!” and the dealer pushed a pile of colored disks toward him. Then as I stood nearby watching he gave all the colored disks back to her plus another pile that he placed in front of him… then he groaned again.

Jennie, the Asian dealer, took four $50 bills from that man and with a kind of cake slicer shoved them into a slot on the table. She did that six times from the same man as he pushed the crisp bills her way. Mind you… she gave him many more colored disks and he kept quiet.

Jennie had watched them lose over and over and over and over again. I wonder what Jennie thinks at night when she goes to bed… when that same man slowly pushes away from the table and tells her that he is going to kill himself – because he has lost everything… (I didn’t hear that…but stats tell me that 300 people a day take their life because of gambling and losing it all…

Then there was the prim grandmotherly type with the name plate, Sara, on her chest. She was dressed in the sharp Black and White uniform. She pushed a cart filled with cookies and juice of all kinds. She stopped like a stewardess on a long flight to pour orange juice for each “patron”. It was kind of the same thing they do for the seniors in the mid afternoon snack time… this keeps you going until you are able to roll in for super.

Within 5 minutes of Caesars a man with a bright colored sombrero on walked up to me indicating that it would be a good idea for me to give him a hand out. Across the street another man sat still against the cold cement wall. The rain swirled around in the cold wind and he never moved.

Back at the church on Sunday morning we worshiped God with some wonderful songs. As I watched the screen for new words to describe my feelings to God… my mind kept going back to the swirl of people that we had met on this weekend…

Then I looked over and saw Christopher dancing again… I had just spoken with his dad. He had shared the whole story how Christopher’s mommy had died. I gulped again.

As I drove in the van with Alida, the six hours back to Peterborough, I couldn’t help but wonder what God sees. He knows their names and where each one comes from. Man oh man he must be busy.

I glanced over at the shinning SUV in the next lane on the Highway 401, there was a middle aged grandma talking on her cell phone. She glanced our way and smiled… probably at what her grandkids were saying on the phone…

My quiet garage today with my wood carving is looking very good. But I am taking Christopher into the garage with me as I think and pray for him some more… and John as you read this… I am praying for you Buddy… I really am.

Just being aware is what really matters… just being aware.

Oh boy…

~ Murray Lincoln ~

CAESARS Windsor…Take a look… it is amazing!
Lure Brochure

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