Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Dancing Boy

The music was amazing! There is no place like this in Canada! It is a Saturday Night Live at New Song Church in Windsor where men, women and children gather for great music, a message(story or maybe a sermon) and then eat together. It is a coffee house setting but then something like a night club… but then something like a big youth group with adults being the youth that never left their youth. It is hard to describe. People have joined from all over the area for this happening.

I am committed to take ALL my friends to this church some weekend. I would love for them to be moved as deeply as I am every time I attend.

The focus I draw you to on this Saturday Night Live event is a young boy about 5 years old. Then… you need to look toward the front stage area and the large open carpeted section under the spot lights.

The music began and the rhythm penetrated all that we were. The sound was amazing from the live band performing with Pastor Kevin Rogers. Mixed in with the band members are Kevin’s two sons who are amazing musicians – just like their dad.

The five year old boy was the first uninhibited participant. He could not sit still. He came to the carpeted area and began to dance for all that he was worth. With foot steps and body motions he was interpreting what he felt… complete and utter abandonment. His arm punched the air to tell everyone that this was real. It was amazing to see this little gaffer work out his feelings. After he was in full motion some other kids joined in and they were off. You could see the older ones had done this before. A young lady about 10 years old swayed to the beat and expressed what she felt. It was pure love expressed by people that knew real joy.

The young 5 year old was in the middle beaming from ear to ear. What a kid!!!

Later…in the story time…
I had been sharing about my art work and wood carving. I had also been sharing how some people in the community were all messed up because of what has happened to them. I had told a composite story about a couple that had been in trouble. In the story an actual young couple had joined me at the front and allowed me to tie them up with masking tape as I told their story.

In the middle of the story I told how the young dad was so angry because of the life that he had lived… and what had happened to him. I explained that the young dad was sexually assaulted by his uncle when he was young. The room was very quiet as I came to that part of the story… and paused. Then a child’s voice asked loudly, “Why did his uncle to do that to him?”

I kept taping the young man tightly… and said loudly for all to hear… “Because the uncle had been sexually molested when he was a boy.”

There was stillness in the room. I looked up and there was the 5 year old boy looking closely at my every move. He has asked the question for all to hear.

As we came to the end of the meeting and I wrapped up my story and time of sharing with this audience, the young boy popped up near my table and grinned at me. He said, “I like you…” with a twinkle in his eyes.

I pause here… and gulp a little with a tear in my eye. I have a feeling that I will cry if I sit and think about this too long. I have preached in front of thousands of people, in wonderful and beautiful churches all over Canada and the world. I have received comments and been applauded for what I have said… but never have I received so much as I did from that beautiful 5 year old.

The rest of the story…
As I was speaking with the many people at the end of that part of Saturday Night Live at New Song Church, my wife listened to the father of the 5 year old. His wife, the 5 year old’s mommy, had died 6 months ago.

As I close my eyes right now… then listen to the song that was playing last evening… throbbing, pulsating, and with rhythm that blows you away…. There is the 5 year old dancing for all he was worth with joy that was best describe as complete, and absolute abandonment.

And the song… well it simply states that Jesus is the Life of the Party…

Today we head back to the biggest party in Canada… at New Song Church – where Jesus is the Life of the Party… Hallelujah… and I will likely meet my new 5 year old friend again.

~ Murray Lincoln ~
PS: A new video of the dancing boy will be on YouTube soon… I will let you know...
OH and BY The WAY... The boy's name is Christopher and his Daddy is John. Thanks for praying for them...

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